Wei Wei Had Arrived

The Honored Sir opened his eyes in displeasure.

However, the color in his cheeks faded away instantly when he saw the person standing in the middle of the Hall of Great Strength!

He sprung up abruptly from the Golden Lotus!

His eyes were trembling vigorously, obviously stricken with guilt and horror.

He knew that as an Honored Buddha, he should not have shown such an expression.

Even so, he could not control his emotions.

Throughout all these years, the man before him was the only person in Six Paths, who had wounded him before.

The experience of having his Buddha's body taken away was unimaginably painful, and he had to spend almost 1,000 years to recover his strength. He certainly did not want to experience it again.

I can only gain the upper hand by striking first!

In a swift movement, the Honored Sir narrowed his eyes dangerously and tossed the prayer beads on his wrist up in the air!