Break Time

Chapter 38

After several hours, the bell finally rang all across the academy to signify break time. All the sleepy and tired students immediately thanked the heavens for their kind mercy. They owed that bell their lives! Students from the other classes immediately went out, except for one classroom.

'They're not staring at me, but why do I feel like they still are?' Scarlet questioned herself and still got no answer. She was sure that she had not done anything wrong at all, for she never sensed any ill-intent coming from them.

Only something odd.

However, that was the least of her priorities. She had to care about her health first.

Hence, Scarlet abruptly stood up from her seat due to her anxiety. But, once she had stood up, she immediately felt the excruciating pain in between her legs.

"Ah!" Scarlet used all of her efforts to not cry out the pain, but she sadly did. Fortunately, she cried out so softly that only Kyle had heard her.

Being unable to control her fawn-like legs, Scarlet immediately closed her eyes and prepared herself to feel the hard floor from falling down her seat. However, she never felt anything hard. Instead, she felt like she was flying.

Wait, huh? Was she being lifted onto the air?

"Kyaaa!" Girls in the classroom screamed while the boys' mouths were left open, inviting all the flies to come in.

Out of curiosity and confusion, Scarlet opened her eyes and directly saw Kyle's face above her, except that he was not looking at her but towards the direction they were going. He seemed so serious that it made her wonder if something bad had really happened.

After several seconds, Scarlet finally became aware of her embarrassing position. She was being princess carried by her classmate! She immediately became disappointed with herself.

She was not that weak to need help!

"Um, I can walk on my own. Please, put me down…" Scarlet pleaded as she grabbed Kyle's blazer in order to catch his attention.

However, Kyle payed no heed to her adorable request. He never once looked back at her, for he was more concerned about his beloved's wellbeing.

Meanwhile, Kevin was strolling up the stairs towards his beloved's classroom, excited and happy enough that hearts were flying all around him. He never cared about the girls who were dying or fainting because of his dazzling aura, because his mind was full of endless:

'Li, Li, Li, Li…'

However, before he could even enter the classroom, his brother came out while carrying his beloved sweetheart in his arms.


As they went out of the classroom, Kevin, who was just about to greet his beloved, immediately changed his course and followed after them with a worried gaze.

"What's wrong, Li? Did something happen to you? Who dares to hurt my beloved sweetheart?" Kevin was genuinely concerned about her. He stayed beside her as he easily followed his brother's fast pace.

But, before Scarlet could answer or protest and before Kyle could glare at his brother, an adorable and petite girl ran into them and greeted her excitedly.

"Good morning, Scarlet! It's finally snacks time! How's my new friend doing? Want to go to the canteen together?" Amanda shouted while smiling widely, showing off all her gorgeous assets and her pearly-white teeth.

Scarlet began to wonder when she had last told this girl her name. Had she forgotten something again? Why did she keep imagining and forgetting things? From those questions, her head began to ache, her brows furrowed, and she tightly clutched onto Kyle's blazer.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry I never noticed! What happened to you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" When she saw her friend's state, Amanda immediately stopped smiling and feigned worry and concern, while taking note that she still looked beautiful as always.

Even though Amanda was blocking their way, Kyle swiftly dodged her and hastily continued brisk-walking towards the clinic.

Meanwhile, Kevin dodged her through the opposite direction and was about to follow his brother, but unfortunately, Amanda immediately blocked his way and looked up to him with an adorable display of worry and concern.

"Good morning, Kevin! I'm Amanda, Scarlet's best friend! What happened –" Amanda excitedly greeted Kevin with a lovely and seductive smile, her cheeks reddening and flowers blooming all around her. But, before she could even continue, she noticed a dark and menacing aura emanating around her, pausing her from saying what she had wanted to say.

Amanda slowly stared up towards Kevin and saw the same handsome and dazzling smile. Except, her sharp instinct informed her that it felt different. The way he looked at her made her feel like a nuisance, to the point that she felt like trash.

Not only that, Amanda could spot a very subtle hint of impatience, anger, and annoyance brewing within him.

Amanda slightly trembled and her back was now drenched with sweat, but she never once let go of her seductive charm and smile.

"Excuse me." Kevin hastily replied and left, not bothering with Amanda who was frozen in her place.

All this while, Kevin had never bothered to look at the annoying girl in front of him. He only stared at the direction where his beloved sweetheart had gone. Now that his beloved sweetheart was out of his sights, his anger had almost been unleashed, if not for the self-image that had been keeping him in check for all these years.

Once Kevin had escaped from her clutches, the adorable and lovely Amanda immediately turned sour. Her face became twisted and her fists were tightly clenched until a small drop of blood had flowed down her palms.

Amanda stared back to where Scarlet had gone, displaying an adorable smile on her lips.

Despite how lovely her smile was, her eyes were definitely not smiling

When the baby cupid had seen that, Alfred's face had also twisted 180 degrees downward and back again upward. His whole body felt like it had goosebumps and his forehead slightly dripped with sweat. He finally realized a horrifying fact that he did not like.

'That woman is scary...'