Her Checkup

Chapter 39

As Kyle zoomed past the corners and hallways like a highly skilled ninja, Scarlet felt her head aching so badly. The excruciating pain made her forget to protest to Kyle about being carried like a baby. All the strange events that had happened until now were at the back of her mind.

The first word that she thought of right now was the, 'clinic!'

At the same time, they had arrived in front of the clinic with Kevin following right behind. Kevin hastily opened the door for them to pass through and Kyle anxiously brought the poor girl inside.

When the old nurse heard the door opening, Mathilda felt like she had been struck by déjà vu. Everything was right at the tip of her brain, at the tip! But, no matter how hard she had tried, she just could not remember. It was so frustrating!

Moreover, what was on the tip felt really important!

Because of her motherly instincts, Mathilda disregarded her chaotic thoughts and followed Kyle to the bed with Kevin following right behind.

Again, the old nurse felt déjà vu.

What did she forget this time?

"Oh dear, what happened to you? Do you feel pain anywhere? Or any bruise, perhaps?" Mathilda asked out of worry, concern, and curiosity.

Mathilda did not forget to mentally apologize to the sickly girl before her. This odd feeling of déjà vu trying to split her mind open just got the best of her, no matter how much of a motherly person she was.

Once she had heard that, Scarlet immediately disregarded her head ache and began to strip off her polo shirt.

However, as soon as Scarlet started with the first button, Mathilda immediately became flustered and embarrassed even though she was a woman. Seeing a very beautiful girl about to take her clothes off would certainly make one feel embarrassed, no matter the age or gender. She unconsciously averted her eyes, but once she did so, she finally realized that both men beside her were still watching the girl.

Moreover, even though the old nurse did not have her youth's sharp eyesight anymore, Mathilda could tell that they were obviously blushing!

Although it was not that obvious from far off, it did not change the fact that they were blushing!

"Dear, wait!" Mathilda immediately grab the girls hands that were about to undo the first button. Scarlet also immediately stopped and tilted her head as she looked at the old nurse. The old nurse's actions made her confused for another nth time ever since she had woken up this morning.

What did she need to wait for?

Not noticing the girl's confused gaze, Mathilda let go of her hold on the girl and forcefully pushed those twins outside before shutting the curtain close.

Even though she had dejavu, Mathilda still valued the girl's privacy and chastity.

Except, the old nurse felt like something was wrong with what she had done. Was dragging those two men outside wrong?

Seeing the girl's look of curiosity and confusion, Mathilda immediately disregarded that thought and anxiously asked the girl, "So, what problem do we have here?"

Scarlet unbuttoned her polo shirt again. She took it off, including her bra, and revealed all those odd red marks that she never even had before.

When the old nurse saw that, thousands of memories zoomed towards her brain, electrocuting each vein, rushing the blood in, and splitting open her brain until every thought was in place. That immediate electrifying feeling that had occurred out of the blue had stunned Mathilda's whole body into place as she stared at the girl's red marks.

No wonder she had felt déjà vu! No wonder she had felt her actions were wrong!

Why did she have to drag those two men out when they had a relationship with her? Furthermore, they had already seen every part of her! What she had done was just utterly useless and plain wrong!

Not only that, these three youngsters were her ship that had just set sail amidst the storm, but she had actually forgotten all about it!

'This old brain!' Mathilda cursed begrudgingly. Unfortunately, she now realized that she had to deal with this depressing and irritating fact over and over.

From her point of view, Scarlet could see the old nurse widening her eyes, trembling and furrowing her brows a couple of times, making the girl even more confused than before.

"Um, ma'am?" Scarlet asked while not forgetting to be polite.

The old nurse was immediately brought out of her thoughts and stopped trembling. She smiled back at the girl and said tenderly, "Please dear, you don't need to be so polite. Just call me by my name, 'Mathilda.'"

"Yes, ma'am." Scarlet promptly replied, the old nurse's words went from one ear to the other.

"Mathilda." The old nurse smiled as she shone brightly like the sun. Indeed, she had now remembered that vow she had made. She must absolutely befriend this girl!

"Ah, Mathilda.." Scarlet stuttered as she spoke.

Once the girl had said that, the old nurse became very satisfied and joyful. Getting those juicy details from this girl was not a far off! A few more steps and she would accomplish her goal. However, a thought struck upon her.

She did not know this girl's name at all!

"How about you, dear? What's your name? Now that we are trying to get to know each other, I just can't keep calling you 'dear,' right?" Mathilda promptly replied, as if she was stating the most obvious fact. Right after she had said that, she lightly laughed at her own joke and the girl's embarrassment.

"Um.. Please, excuse me… My name is Scarlet." Scarlet blushed when she had realized her mistake.

"Very good, Scarlet-chan. It's nice to meet you!" The old nurse shook the girl's hand excitedly. Yes, she could now foresee the future and that future was something she absolutely looked forward to.

Not realizing the old nurse's ulterior motives, Scarlet smiled back and responded by shaking her hand also. However, several seconds passed by, then a minute, then two minutes, then three…


Why was the old nurse taking forever in shaking her hand?

"Ma'a- um, Mathilda, how about these red marks? Is something wrong going on with my body?" Scarlet asked while displaying the obvious anxiety and worry written all over her face.

When the old nurse had heard her question, Mathilda immediately stopped shaking the girl's hand, let go of them, and was now stunned into her place.

From her perspective, Scarlet could see the old nurse trembling and reddening until her entire head had gradually become as red as an apple.

Was my bruise that serious? Would it lead to some sort of serious disease?

"Ma - Mathilda?" Scarlet's face was now painted with extreme anxiety for two obvious reasons. First, she did not have the budget to go to the hospital for a checkup. Second, she was not sure if this may hinder her activities, studies and work in the future. In this case, she really hoped not, because it would be too much of a burden in her part.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry! Ohohoho, I got lost in my thoughts again, dear me! Don't worry, Scarlet. Hm.. Actually, it's not that serious… Just leave them alone and those red marks will certainly just go away after several days to one week." Mathilda did a closer inspection of those love bites while her face became extremely red, more red than an apple.

'These youngsters! How can they have so much energy? Oh dear, they are just too many to count!' Mathilda excitedly thought as she pretended to inspect for the girl's health. At this moment, the old nurse admired the girl for being able to tame two beasts at the same time. How did such a delicate girl like her survive from all those attacks? Moreover, the pain was literally doubled!

This girl was definitely not ordinary.

This made the old nurse wonder, 'Just what was so special about this girl?'

Being oblivious to the old nurse's thoughts, Scarlet immediately became relieved. It turned out that she had just been over thinking things. If those red marks would just go away in a few days, then she must have been simply bitten by unknown insects.

However, Scarlet was sure that there were never any insects at her house. Was there a place that she had missed cleaning? Well, with her hectic schedule, that was quite possible. Hence, she had taken note to buy insect repellant after school.

"Um.. I have one more pain…" Scarlet immediately proceeded taking off her mini-skirt.

Right when the old nurse saw what the girl was doing, Mathilda anxiously shouted out of embarrassment and grabbed the girl's hands, "Scarlet dear, don't take that off! In fact, keep it on! Just tell me what's wrong."

This girl was not planning to literally take her whole uniform off, was she?

Even though the she was also a woman, seeing someone beautiful stripping in front of her made Mathilda's heart beat rapidly. The more fast it beat, the more doubtful she was if she could even breathe or survive at the next second.

The old nurse realized again, 'Even old people like me are not exempted from this, huh?'

Meanwhile, Scarlet thought of how professional the old nurse was. As expected of the head nurse, she was so knowledgeable that she did not even need to inspect her.

"Um.. there's pain in between my legs.. Do you know why? And can this be cured?" Scarlet immediately answered, perfectly oblivious to Mathilda's own problems.

Right at that moment, Mathilda extremely blushed and trembled. Her face that was already as red as an apple became so red that like blood. In fact, a lot of blood was rushing up towards her head.

Was this girl really that clueless as to why she's experiencing pain in that area? Dear lord, how in the world should she explain this?!

Seeing the old nurse's odd reaction, Scarlet immediately became worried again. Her once relieved heart was now beating furiously.

Was this pain that serious? Was she relieved too soon? Did she have no hope to be cured?

Seeing how troubled the girl was, the old nurse reprimanded herself, 'How unprofessional of me to be embarrassed in front of my own patient.'

Just when Scarlet thought there was no hope left, Mathilda immediately stopped reddening, pretended to be serious, and answered back to calm the girl down, "Scarlet dear, the pain your experiencing um.. there… is not that much of a big deal… For the cure, *ahem* just don't let others *cough* touch that place in between your legs. Actually Scarlet, just clean and *cough* leave that place alone. Don't worry, you'll be able to walk in less than a week. And as for why you have that… *cough cough*"

At that last sentence, the old nurse coughed a lot for quite some time, making Scarlet more worried about the old nurse than herself. Scarlet patted Mathilda's back, helping the old nurse to calm her nerves down.

Mathilda stared at the girl beside her and could not help but wonder why the girl did not know the cause for her pain. It was only natural since she had made love with both men. Oh dear, did this girl really not know?

Being oblivious to the odd stare of Mathilda, Scarlet became relieved from the old nurse's answer, but she still kept her mouth shut and waited for the old nurse to finish, because the last part was definitely the most important part.

"Ohohohoh, it does not matter, Scarlet dear. *ahem* If you *cough* exercise *cough* too much, of course you would feel pain in between your legs. Let me call the two men outside now to come in." Mathilda answered while her face was dyed with red. She immediately escaped from answering the girl's embarrassing question and just left it to those twins to take care of her.

It was their fault in the first place, so Mathilda never felt guilty.

Meanwhile, Scarlet wondered about Mathilda's statement. What did the old nurse mean by, 'exercise?'

While she sat on the bed contemplating about the old nurse's words, Mathilda immediately used that opportunity to escape. But before that, the old nurse did not forget to dress up the girl with her bra and polo shirt before leaving, because she did not want to be guilty of letting the girl experience anymore pain in her *ahem.*

Afterwards, the twins also went in at the same time.

Seeing that their beloved was not that anxious anymore, both men became relieved, but their change was so subtle that the girl had never once noticed. The twins immediately sat on either side of the bed while Scarlet was still seriously pondering over the old nurse's words.

Scarlet just concluded that she had to take care of her health more and stop going past her limits for now. Once she had decided on what to do, that was when she had noticed that Kyle and Kevin were both beside her, gazing at her with both concern and affection.

Wait, concern and affection?

Was she seeing things?