Big News!!

Although the formal procedure has not been completed, the cancellation of the engagement between Feng Ao Xiu and Yang Xue Yi was already spread. Despite the Yang Clan effort to suppress them, eventually, it will come out by itself.

Most of the commoners believed that Feng Ao Xiu and Yang Xue Yi were still engaged. However, for the clans, especially the Clan Lords, they actively acquire information about Feng Ao Xiu. The news has reached their ears earlier than everybody else. Including the news regarding the Fanged Wolf Temple.

Suddenly, the truth came unexpectedly. The one who cancels was Yang Xue Yi, she did it one-sidedly. Meanwhile, Feng Ao Xiu just confirmed he has no intention to broke it off.

While none of the Clan Lords wants nothing to do anymore with Feng Ao Xiu because of the problem with the Zhao Clan, they were still angry. They have come up with all kinds of way to take this supreme expert as their son-in-law. But, the one who got it, Yang Xue Yi rejects it.

Of course, none of them dared to say anything, it was the Yang Clan main daughter after all.

[F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!] Feng Ao Xiu wished these other people were not here so he could curse loudly. But he knew it was impossible, so he could only do it inside his heart.

Yang Wen Jia and the rest of the Yang Clan were also surprised, they looked intensely at Yang Xue Yi.

Yang Xue Yi knew she has messed up. Receiving such stares from so many people, she finally gave in. She revealed everything, this whole event was caused by her, and how she broke the engagement to protect Feng Ao Xiu.

While she told the story, tears came flowing down her eyes. Anyone could clearly see how pure-hearted Yang Xue Yi was. This girl only did it to protect Feng Ao Xiu, which was quite ironic considering she's weaker than the man she wants to protect.

Except, the panicked Feng Ao Xiu, there was also the panicked Feng Zhong Tian. The sudden situation made them flustered, but Feng Zhong Tian was able to calm himself down.

The Clan Lord also felt that it was such bad luck that they were talking about this whole engagement with Yang Xue Yi again. However, what must be done was to be done. He directs his Qi towards his son, then whispered him a single word, "Deny!"

Deny! Only by denying the current situation could be handled.

Feng Ao Xiu clearly understood, he nodded and managed to calm himself down too.

[Come! I'm ready!]

On the other hand, Yang Wen Jia gritted his teeth. He knew his daughter has caused a big problem that was worthy of severe punishment. She chose to a route where the Yang Clan was annihilated and leave one man alive.

On one side, his heart aches for her, on another, he felt extreme anger. However, no matter what Yang Xue Yi was the key to Yang Clan's survival, besides Feng Ao Xiu would not like it if he punished her.

Yang Wen Jia's face finally brightened. He knew that it was only a misunderstanding. But, before that, he only needs confirmation one last time.

"Son-in-law, I'm sorry for Xue Yi's misconduct. Please do forgive her."

[Here it is! Deny!]

Feng Ao Xiu did as his father told, "I won't forgive her!"

All of them were shocked, his answer from earlier and right now was contradictory. Why the sudden change? Looks like, the Yang Clan messed up big time, and they will be destroyed by the Fanged Wolf Temple within weeks.

Yang Wen Jia became flustered, "Young Master Feng... Pl... Please tell me this is just... a joke..."

Yang Wen Jia even changed Son-in-law into Young Master Feng. This was the one thing he could do to make up with him.

"No!" Feng Ao Xiu shooked his head.

Yang Wen Jia's face turned from pale into white ghost pale. He kneeled, "Young Master Feng. Please tell me what it takes to get your forgiveness. The Yang Clan will do anything!"

Feng Zhong Tian was satisfied with his son's performance. This was the limit for the Yang Clan, only one denial left and they would be free from this matter. Feng Zhong Tian nodded his son as a signal.

[Just one more time. Just say "There is nothing you could do!" and everything will be over.]

Feng Ao Xiu received it, and he also understood.

However, before Feng Ao Xiu said those words, he heard a cry.


The source of the cry comes from Yang Xue Yi. She was crying...

Yang Xue Yi did not know why Feng Ao Xiu has a sudden change of heart. But according to her, Feng Ao Xiu was angry and disgusted at her. She felt like her life was over, and there was no more meaning for her existence.

Feng Ao Xiu flinched. His perfect act was replaced by overflowing emotions he could not contain. This was the same exact feeling he felt when Yang Xue Yi broke off the engagement. After some time, those feeling died down. And, now it has once again resurfaced.

However, he steeled himself up to say the last few words that needed to be said.

"What does it takes? There is no..."

Feng Ao Xiu suddenly remembered the past. That day on the engagement party, in a small garden on a romantic night. The smile and sadness expressed on that girl's face was something he could never forget.

["I love you! I love you from the bottom of my heart!"]

["Please give up on me!"]


"I want to marry Yang Xue Yi!!!"

Feng Zhong Tian nodded, "That's right! He has to marry... Wait! What!?"

[What the hell are you doing!? Have you gone insane!?]

Yang Wen Jia's face brightened up. "Yes! Yes! Definitely!"

Looks like Feng Ao Xiu was not satisfied with just engagement and wants to marry right away. Yang Wen Jia will definitely set it up as fast as he could.

Xie Jing was cool-headed and definitely understood all the choices his master made, "Master Feng, are you sure? You will have lots of powerful enemies, the Zhao Clan, Chang Jian, and now even Ma Zhong!"

"To hell with Zhao Clan, F*ck Chang Jian!" Feng Ao Xiu shouted like a crazy person. Nobody knows what have gotten into him.

"I'll also kill that bastard, Ma Zhong!"

All the others also grew louder.

"To tell Zhao Clan to go to hell!"

"To curse the Number One Assassin!"

"To call Ma Zhong a bastard, and swore to kill him!"

"Wow! To declare war with all those powerhouses like that. As expected from Feng Ao Xiu."

Yang Xue Yi was still crying. However, the cry of broken-heart has turned to cry of joy and happiness.

"Wuuuwuuu... Thank You. Thank You, Young Master Ao Xiu..."

"So Slow!"

[Hmmm... What was that!?] In the end, Feng Ao Xiu did not pay any mind to it.


The Zhao Clan residence.

"Young Master, the Feng Clan lead by Feng Ao Xiu have declared war with us!"

"This fast..." Young Master Zhao know it will happen, but this was just too soon.

"Close the gate, and fasten up the production. Other than that, no other plan will change."

Young Master Zhao gritted his teeth, "Feng Ao Xiu... Just you wait!"


On an unknown residence in Great You Empire.

* Crash *

A flower vase was smashed to Chang Jian's head.

It does not have any effect on Chang Jian, but it was still a humiliation. However, Chang Jian just stood there without retaliation.

The man who smashed the vase angrily scolded, "Do you even dare to call yourself the Number One Assassin?"

The man picked up a newspaper from the table, and read the title for Chang Jian. "Feng Ao Xiu's analysis of Chang Jian!"

He began to read the key point of the content.

"Feng Ao Xiu claimed that Chang Jian was an Ancient Earth Realm Cultivator."

"Chang Jian did not especially work for Zhao Clan, but an even higher power."

"Chang Jian's hideout was from the Great You Empire."

The more he read, the angrier he gets.

Chang Jian also wants to cry. He has been very careful and meticulous in his work. Who knows that in less than 5 minutes, Feng Ao Xiu would acquire so much information from him.

The scary thing was, all of them were correct.

No wonder, he felt it was weird that Feng Ao Xiu did not come after him. It was Feng Ao Xiu's plan to track him from the very start.

"Feng Ao Xiu!" There was anger with a tinge of fear when he said that name.


On a busy street.

"Big News! Big News!!"

A man was running in the middle of the street while shouting. Then, he stops in front of the busiest store.

"The Second Young Master of Feng Clan, Feng Ao Xiu declares to kill the Grandmaster of Fanged Wolf Temple, Ma Zhong! There will be a clash between two Ancient Earth Realm Expert!"

Soon another man comes running, "Another Big News!! Feng Ao Xiu called Ma Zhong a bastard!"

Then another man comes, "Big News!! Feng Ao Xiu said that he will beat Ma Zhong with one hand tied up on his back!"

"Big News!! Feng Ao Xiu promise to make Ma Zhong squeal like a pig!"

"Big News!!"

"Big News!!"

Soon all the big news arrive at the Fanged Wolf Temple.

A burly old man said in sarcasm, "So, Feng Ao Xiu called me a bastard, a son of a b*tch, and pieces of sh*t. Feng Ao Xiu will fight me with one hand tied up on his back and his eyes will be blindfolded. Furthermore, he will defeat me in less than ten moves. Then, before he kills me, he will make me crawl like a dog and squeal like a pig. Is that what you're saying!?"

A servant panicked, "No! No! It's not me! It's the rumo..."

Ma Zhong threw a fierce punch.

* Smash... *

The servant's head explodes like a smashed watermelon.

"Feng Ao Xiu, I have no qualms with you. But you're the one seeking for death!"