It's a New Record! You Have Reached 200!

Early in the morning, In one of the Feng Clan Courtyard.

Qian Hui was counting, "One hundred ninety-seven."

Qian Lu was also counting, "One hundred ninety-eight."

"One hundred ninety-nine."

"Two hundred!!", shouted Qian Qian.

Right after two hundred, Feng Zhong Tian was satisfied. He dropped the ball, he's holding. Wait! It's not a ball! It's the Second Young Master, Feng Ao Xiu.

Qian Hui clapped loudly, "Congratulations to Clan Lord! It's a new record! You have reached 200!"

Qian Lu follows with an even louder clap, "Amazing! Clan Lord, you're a catch ball champion! No one is better than you than tossing someone for two hundred times!"

All this time, Feng Zhong Tian had been tossing Feng Ao Xiu like a ball. Obviously, it's because he's angry at his stupid son. "Still want more!?"

Feng Ao Xiu could not stand up, his whole body has become weak. The high speed and spinning in mid-air made him dizzy. "Urrrp... No! No! Don't throw anymore!"

Feng Zhong Tian vividly remembered the incident from yesterday. Every single time that event appeared in his mind, he couldn't help but be angry again.

"You angered an Ancient Earth Realm Expert for a girl! Then, there's this news of how you will beat Ma Zhong with one hand and no eyes! You can't even beat a kid! Tell me how are you going to beat a supreme expert!"

Feng Ao Xiu also wants to cry. The news is wrong! He indeed called Ma Zhong a bastard, he also declared to kill Ma Zhong, but the rest are hoaxes. How come it became so big!

Feng Ao Xiu regretted his decision, however, regret always come late. It's too late now, he has to accept the fact that he was engaged with two daughters of the two powerhouses that could turn the entire Xiang Lan Nation upside down.

Although this was a setback, it was not all disappointing result. As a result of yesterday, except for the Xie Clan, Yang Clan and the Royal Family, no one would want to bother him anymore. In the end, this imaginary enemy was not wasted after all.

Not a long after, a guard came inside to give his report. "According to our investigation, there were four suspicious people."

The guard was talking about the spy that worked with the Zhao Clan. In the current situation, Feng Ao Xiu and Feng Zhong Tian could not afford to have a spy snooping around because they have too many secrets to protect. Including Feng Ao Xiu's cultivation level and the Pure Qi.

"Who are they?" asked the Clan Lord.

"The most suspicious were these two people, Qian Hui and Qian Lu."

"...", Feng Ao Xiu and Feng Zhong Tian have a weird expression on their face, but they could only stay silent.

"These two ditched their work on that day. They have been missing since morning and only turn back in the middle of the night. There's also no eyewitness. Most probably, they have a secret meeting that day."

No one else knows. But, that day was the time when Qian Qian tried to blackmail Feng Ao Xiu and the Clan Lord. In the end, they both turned over a new beginning.

"There's also a high chance that they conspire together with someone in a notable position in the Feng Clan. Which would explain their stability as guards despite making a lot of mistakes."

The fact that they conspire with someone in high position was true. It was the Clan Lord himself that always protect them. Whenever a major mistake was made, Feng Zhong Tian would always personally go and handle the situation on their behalf.

However, there was no way they could tell them all of this. What would they tell the others? "They both were blackmailing us on that day!", or "The Clan Lord has been defending them." It would be the same as seeking death.

The guard continued, " I know they both are the Second Young Master's bodyguards. However, Clan Lord and Second Young Master better not get too close with them. Please let us, guards handle this until we finish the investigation."

Qian Hui and Qian Lu were listening in the side from the start. Of course, it makes them angry, they could not just stand there.

"Spouting nonsense!" Qian Hui said.

"Dare say that again and don't blame me for what happens next!" Qian Lu said.

Qian Hui, with his newfound strength as an Iron Mortal Realm Cultivator, leapt toward that guard in a flash. He attacks.

The guard was caught by surprise, however, he made it in time to defend against Qian Hui's kick. Still, that offence made him took a step back.

Qian Lu also would not stay calm. He dashed trying to tackle the guard. The guard easily dodged to the side.

"This confirmed everything!" said the guard.

Without hesitation, the guard whistled. In a few seconds, the entire investigations unit came to apprehend Qian Qian. Without taking too long, the Qian Brothers were successfully captured.

"F*ck! Let go of me!"

"It hurts! Be gentle!"

The guard cupped his hand, "Clan Lord and Second Young Master need not to worry. We have caught the spies!"

Feng Zhong Tian slapped himself in the forehead. Initially, the situation was not too bad. Qian Hui and Qian Lu may be the prime suspects, but with a few words from the Clan Lord, they would have no trouble getting away from the suspicions.

But, they were too reckless and short-tempered. With just a few words, they let their emotions get the best of them and even get arrested.

They were truly in luck to have consumed the Pure Qi which makes their cultivation level skyrocketed. However, it got the best of them. Just because of their levels, they think they were on the top of the world. The reality was not as good, their foundation was too weak and without the proper martial arts, they will be exposed.

Li Gao Yun, the Dream Earth Realm Cultivator was able to defeat Qian Lu, the Dream Sky Realm. This guard was a Dream Sky Realm able to handle Qian Hui's attack. Feng Ao Xiu sighed, he should think about some ways to strengthen their martial arts and characters.

"I'll handle this", as usual, Feng Zhong Tian left to save Qian Qian.

Meanwhile, Feng Ao Xiu has nothing to. He might as well do his own investigation of the spy.

"Who's the other suspects?"

The guard wants to tell the Second Young Master that the spies were already captured. But, he believes that Feng Ao Xiu has other means and method that he could not think of.

"The next suspicious one is Feng Yu Wei."

"Feng Yu Wei!" Feng Ao Xiu remembers this guy. He was the sparring partner he fought exactly on that day. While in the middle of the match, he breakthrough four times and was very grateful to Feng Ao Xiu.

The guard continued, "Before Second Young Master's match with him, he was a weakling and everybody stay away from him. In short, he was a loner."

"However, even after making breakthroughs, and the other member has invited him to train together, his character did not change. Nobody knows why, but he still likes to be alone."

"He was suspicious of contacting the Zhao Clan by using a spirit beast as a messenger. There was also rumour that the four breakthroughs were intentionally created by him to get close with the Second Young Master."

Feng Ao Xiu nodded. The investigation unit has done its job very thoroughly. More or less, Feng Ao Xiu knew the reason Feng Yu Wei was suspected.

It's true that based on the investigation, he was not as suspicious as Qian Qian. Feng Ao Xiu himself also thinks that Feng Yu Wei was not the spy either. However, his conduct was still suspicious and using a spirit beast was not an easy feat.

Rather than thinking about, he should investigate him directly.

"Where is Feng Yu Wei?"