Am I Already in Heaven!?

Feng Ao Xiu shut his eye ready to brace for an impact.

He waited for a while, but he does not feel anything.

[Nothing... Am I already in heaven!?]

However, when he opened his eyes, what waited for him was not heaven nor hell, but a fighting scene between a lion and a parrot.

When Feng Ao Xiu closed his eyes, the parrot casually dismissed the electric ball attack with a flap of its wing. Then, it charged towards the Dark Lightning Lion with killing intent.

The Dark Lightning Lion was surprised, he never thought that he would fight against this bird.

Rain of Lightning!

Small black clouds appeared although it was inside a cave. The clouds produce lightning charging towards the parrot. However, it was dodged easily. The lightning consecutively missed by a hair's breadth. It looks like the parrot barely made it, but it was intentional.

With its momentum, the parrot quickly arrived in front of the lion. With a kick, the lion flew and hit the cave wall. The cave wall was not so stable. Some of the rocks from the cave ceiling falls down and bury the Dark Lightning Lion inside.

The rocks that bury the lion quickly were destroyed. Clouds of dust were scattered all around caused by the destruction made the spectators unable to see clearly.

However, they could see a shadow of the lion back on its feet. The lion jumped forward while baring its fang charged with lightning.

The Lightning Bite.

Meanwhile, the parrot without any fear, it flew quickly charging towards the lion.

When the parrot and the lion collide in mid-air, a loud explosion was created between them. Winds blow fiercely, and more clouds of dust were spread.

The sound of a thud created, a sign of something has fallen. After that, there was no more sound. The spectators could not see what's going on, but they knew the fight has ended.

Slowly the dust falls, and the scene was shown.

The parrot flew around with confidence and the lion whimpers in fear. It ends, in just two moves. A kick has caused the lion to flew away. And a tackle has shown the lion the superior species between the two. The pride of the Dark Lightning Lion crumbles, he just found out that he could not win.

Feng Ao Xiu could not believe it. Little Chi had won. All the resentment he has towards the little parrot had gone, replaced with praise and admiration.

[Ah... Little Chi was too humble. Why did you call that Spirit Beast stronger? You were much more powerful than the Dark Lightning Lion!]

Feng Ao Xiu clapped his hand loudly, "Great! Great! You did really good in defeating that beast. Tell me what you want? Don't be shy, I'll give you anything!"

The juniors also clapped their hands. That was such an astonishing feat. They could not keep up with what's going on.

Little Chi beside Feng Ao Xiu also screamed, "Very good! Very good!"

Feng Ao Xiu nodded. Indeed, it was good. Even Little Chi praised Little Chi... Wait! Why does that sentence feel so wrong?

Feng Ao Xiu looked to the front. There he sees a parrot that just beaten the Dark Lightning Lion. Then, he turns his head to the right. There was also a parrot.

[There's two Little Chi!]

Now that he thinks about it, the first parrot was a bit different with red stripes on its back. Meanwhile, the second parrot never moves and just flew there all the time. That means the second one is the real Little Chi.

Then who was the one that beats the Dark Lightning Lion?

Slowly, the parrot that just beaten the Dark Lightning Lion descended. Just before it hits the ground, white light surrounded the little bird. Then, the bird slowly transformed into a human girl. Yun.

Suddenly Feng Ao Xiu recalled a piece of information that he learned in the past. It will be different depending on what type of beast it is. Most Spirit Beast that reached the Thirteenth Rank gained the ability to transform into a human.

That's right. Yun was not a human, but a high-level Spirit Beast.

"Husband will give me a gift... I'm happy!" said Yun while hugging Feng Ao Xiu's arm.

The Dark Lightning Lion seemed to have recollected himself knowing that Yun won't attack him anymore. Yet, he trembled and asked, "Could you be... The Legendary Spirit Beast... The Seven Light Phoenix?"

"That's right!" said Yun while smiling.

"Ack! Me too! Me too!" Little Chi screamed.

Hearing their answers only made the Dark Lightning Lion cowered in fear. How could he have any chance of defeating a Legendary Spirit Beast?

Feng Ao Xiu was stunned. The Seven Light Phoenix was the Legendary Spirit Beast that was mentioned in the legend of Tian Xi.

Tian Xi's story was not only about Ru Min Qi. He had many adventures, including defeating enemies stronger than him, finding lots of treasures, and also helping his friends. One of the events was acquiring a Seven Light Phoenix as his companion.

Previously, Feng Ao Xiu confirmed from Yun that he was Tian Xi. However, he never verified that Yun was Ru Min Qi, he just thought it was so. It's natural to think about it this way since in the story Tian Xi only ever married Ru Min Qi. But was the story like that?

No, the story was passed down from generation to generations tens of thousand years ago. That to even prove the authenticity of the story proved to be very difficult.

Just like when Ru Min Qi died, no one knows the real story. Some say she was killed, others say she was poisoned, there's also a story where she became crazy and committed suicide. Thus, it was concluded that the real reason she died was still unknown.

Then, regarding the Seven Light Phoenix, it was true that Tian Xi acquired this Spirit Beast as a companion. But, the identity of the Seven Light Phoenix was also not clear. Some say the Seven Light Phoenix was a handsome man, others say that it was a beautiful woman instead.

The most ridiculous story was that Tian Xi fell in love and married to the Seven Light Phoenix. It was so absurd, everyone thought that it would never happen.

However, with a real Seven Light Phoenix calling him husband, the most ridiculous story would be the one with the highest chance of being real.

But, how could someone like Feng Ao Xiu know? Both Yun and Little Chi were the Seven Light Phoenixes. But their Spirit Beast form was a parrot instead.

"What is a Legendary Spirit Beast doing here?" the Dark Lightning Lion asked again.

"I follow husband!" said Yun.

The Dark Lightning Lion looks at Feng Ao Xiu like as if he saw a monster. "You... How could you tame a Legendary Spirit Beast?"

Feng Ao Xiu could only smile bitterly. He also doesn't know. It was Yun and Little Chi who suddenly came and latched onto him.

In the end, Yun replied, "Husband very strong and kind... Just like the legend... It's destiny!"

Feng Ao Xiu sighed, this answer was just the same answer when he asked her earlier. He could imagine the Dark Lightning Lion being dumbfounded by this reply.

However, The Dark Lightning Lion become shocked, "Aa... Are you saying that this man is the Chosen One, our saviour just like the legend told!?"

Little Chi replied while screaming, "That's right! That's right!"

The Dark Lightning Lion quickly bowed down before Feng Ao Xiu, "Ooohh... The Chosen One, please forgive me for my actions earlier!"

[What the hell!? Saviour!? Chosen One!?]

[So she is not delusional!]

[What f*cking legend are we talking about!? Isn't it about Tian Xi!?]