The Best Way to Control Men Is Through Woman and Marriage

Feng Ao Xiu asked all sorts of questions to the Dark Lightning Lion.

Unlike Yun and Little Chi, the Dark Lightning Lion does not have any problem communicating with humans. He told every single detail he could think of not missing a single piece. He even became a translator for Yun and Little Chi in the Spirit Beast Language, then translates it to Feng Ao Xiu in the Human Language.

It all starts with the Legend of Tian Xi. The humans said it was just one of the unproven stories, but the Spirit Beasts seem to think this one as the truth.

Tian Xi turned the world upside down and to enhance his cultivation, he defeated many Spirit Beasts. One of the Spirit Beast he conquered was the Seven Light Phoenix. After seeing her transformed into a human form, he fell in love and confessed to her.

However, Tian Xi has caused many destructions to Spirit Beasts, many of them were friends and family of the Seven Light Phoenix. Naturally, she doesn't agree, dying was better than marrying Tian Xi.

Yet, Tian Xi doesn't give up, he visited her every day to earn her trust. He also changed his attitude and began helping the Seven Light Phoenix's friends and family. After a year, the Seven Light Phoenix finally lightened up but still does not agree to marry.

Not long, Tian Xi made a vow, that he and his descendant would never attack Spirit Beast without reason. They would be friends and ally for the millions of year in the future unless the sky would be torn apart. Then, as a sign of friendship, Tian Xi sacrificed 500 years of his lifespan to create a prophecy for the Spirit Beasts.

With the help of the other Legendary Spirit Beasts, they confirmed that Tian Xi's prophecy was true. However, the content was not all good news. Peace would be maintained for a long time, but after 50,000 years, the Spirit Beasts would enter a war with humans. The humans would eventually win and eradicate the Spirit Beasts, then make them slaves for eternity.

There was no way out. However, Tian Xi sacrificed another 500 years of his lifespan to make another prophecy. The prophecy says before the war began, a young human male with an aura that no one could comprehend will descend from the sky above. He was too powerful that as long as the Spirit Beasts could ally with this human, he will save them from eternal hell. When the time comes, he will be called the Chosen One.

Thus, for the first time ever, an alliance of Spirit Beasts was born. They called themselves the Eternal Beast Alliance. Which consists of more than 10,000 types of Spirit Beasts. Under the management of the Four Legendary Beasts, they were always reminded when the day was to come.

After that, the Seven Light Phoenix finally agree to marry Tian Xi. She left on a journey together with him and going through all sorts of hardships. That was until Tian Xi marries Ru Min Qi, the Seven Light Phoenix killed her.

Yes, the Seven Light Phoenix murder Ru Min Qi out of jealousy.

From then on, the relationship between Tian Xi and the Seven Light Phoenix went downhill. After another three years, the Seven Light Phoenix could not stand it anymore and divorced her husband.

Currently, today. It was almost 50,000 years after that.

Feng Ao Xiu and the two juniors could only listen to the story with their mouth wide opened. Who would have known, their childhood hero Tian Xi had such a tragic household drama? In their eyes, Tian Xi was not so heroic anymore. He was just a fool who chased after two women but could not keep both his wives together.

However, more importantly than that. There was still much mystery surrounding this story.

Feng Ao Xiu could not help but ask, "According to the prophecy, the humans will win. But, isn't it too far-fetched. It seems impossible, right?"

The Dark Lightning Lion nodded, "Chosen One is right! Just from the looks of it, most humans were weaker than us, Spirit Beasts. Especially with the Four Legendary Beasts on our side, I too also think we cannot lose."

"However, the prophecy could not be underestimated. Although the prophecies made by Eternal Beast Alliance were not as good as Tian Xi, all of them were true not miss a single point. These prophecies have saved most of us Spirit Beasts from danger. So, if the Four Legendary Beasts say that Tian Xi's prophecy is true, then it will be true."

Feng Ao Xiu asked again. "How do you guys find me? How are you sure that I'm the Chosen One?"

The Dark Lightning Lion continued. He just retold the story he heard from Yun after talking with her in the Spirit Beast language.

Ever since twenty years ago. The Eternal Beast Alliance has been alert that the time was near. So every day, some of the Beasts with detection power has grouped together to find the Chosen One. They used their detection skill at the same time, amplifying it in a wide area that it could search the whole continent. But they gained no result.

Throughout the years, the Eternal Beast Alliance were getting more and more desperate. They changed their method of searching. From searching for someone just based on their aura to some unknown phenomenon.

A few days ago, they detected someone breakthrough four times in a row. Yun was near the area, in a beast form, she followed that person. Unfortunately, that person was not the Chosen One.

[It's Feng Yu Wei!]

Just yesterday, the Eternal Beast Alliance detected another consecutive breakthrough. Two-person were actually making breakthroughs, this time was seven times and eight times respectively.

[That's Qian Qian!]

These two people were obviously not the Chosen One because they were too old and stupid.

However, this strange phenomenon by the three Feng Clan Members made Yun and Little Chi investigate a little more within the Feng Clan.

After some investigation, they found that someone called Feng Ao Xiu was actually a genius. Just earlier, they found three guys including Feng Ao Xiu going inside this cave. Then, Little Chi tried to fight the three guys to test their strength.

The Dark Lightning Lion smiled, "So that's how it is... The finding part is very hard. But it will be easy to determine. First of all, the Chosen One has to be a young human male. Then, the Chosen One has an aura beyond our understanding. After a careful look, even I too could see that you have no ordinary aura that surpassed the Ancient Sky Realm. No wonder the Chosen One could not be detected by the Eternal Beast Alliance detection."

The two juniors were also mistaken.

"The Second Young Master's aura surpassed the Ancient Sky Realm? How is that even possible?" Feng Yu Wei said.

"Yu Wei, you still don't get it! The Second Young Master was still an Ancient Earth Realm Cultivator, but he's stronger than any Ancient Sky Realm Cultivators. That's why his aura was different, that's also why he's the Chosen One!" Feng Qiu Han said.

"I see..." Feng Yu Wei nodded.

Feng Ao Xiu wants to cry. In the end, these Spirit Beasts were the same as the others. They were mistaken! They thought of him as a Supreme Expert, but in truth, he was not a cultivator.

"When will the war began?"

"In two to three years. But, I was not certain of the exact date either."

Feng Ao Xiu was convinced that he's not the Chosen One. But, he could only follow what they said. What could he do? If he said, "You're mistaken. I'm not the Chosen One, I'm not even a cutivator!" Then, the three Spirit Beasts would pummel him to death.

He would pretend to be the Chosen One for now. Then, before the war begins in two years, he has to find some way to shake them off. At least it would give him some chance to run away.

"But why did she have to call me husband!?" asked Feng Ao Xiu. Obviously asking the way Yun was referring him.

The Dark Lighting Lion said a bit embarrassed, "That... The leaders of the Eternal Beast Alliance told her to. It was proven over time. The best way to control men is through woman and marriage. Just look at Tian Xi!"

Gain favour through marriage.

Feng Ao Xiu wants to curse. These Spirit Beasts were the same as those shameless Clan Lords pushing their daughters onto him. He already drives the Clan Lords away, but now he has to experience the same with Spirit Beasts.