You Need Nutrition to Keep Your Body Healthy

Three years ago.

One day in the morning, a young servant carrying a tray of food made his way into the Second Young Master's room. He casually knocked on the door.

"Second Young Master, your food is ready!"

There was no response.

The servants knocked once again. Yet, there's still no response.

Without any response, the servant thought it would be okay, so he enters the room.

"Young Master has not eaten for three months. Please eat rice and have some ginseng soup. You need nutrition to keep your body healthy."

The Second Young Master opens his eyes slowly. He stares angrily at the young servant, just like a sleeping lion disturbed by deer.

The young servant gulped, "Se... Second Young Master... Yo... Your food..."

Suddenly, the Young Master hit a palm strike from afar. Lightning released from his palm and hit the servant right in the chest.

The force of the lightning made the servant thrown out of the room. His back first hit into the tree in the garden, two bones of his rib were broken.

Even after he was launched, the electricity from the attack still running through his body. He got electrocuted, his skin becomes darker from the electrical burn. The electrical current made his hair rises like a porcupine.

"Don't disturb me when I'm cultivating!" The Second Young Master angrily shouts. Then, he slammed the door shut.

An older servant immediately helps his junior, "Didn't I told you to be careful? The Second Young Master hates it when he's disturbed, especially when he cultivates."

"I quit! Please put me in another position!"

The older servant sighed. This is already the third time this month, and this one didn't even last a day.

However, it could not be helped. Feng Ao Xiu was a cultivating maniac. Anyone would be worried when their Future Clan Lord didn't eat for more than 100 days. The higher your cultivation level, the stronger you can withstand hunger and thirst. However, to endure 100 days can only be done by those Ancient Mortal Realm Experts. The current situation of Feng Ao Xiu could only allow him to withstand one month at most.

Even if you say it was nothing to be concerned about, how could the Clan Lord, Feng Ao Xiu's father not worry? He will eventually order the servant to fetch his son some food.

Then the servant will have no choice but to disturb the Second Young Master's cultivation, get thrown out, and then quit. This cycle has started ever since Feng Ao Xiu reached the Dream Mortal Realm and will continue until god knows when. Day by day, Feng Ao Xiu got stronger and the frequency rate of the servants asking to be put in another position getting larger.

The fifteen years old boy continues to cultivate for another three days. He finally opens his eyes and walks out of the room.

Two servants have been waiting in front of the door were surprised.

"Second Young Master, you've come out!"

"You have not eaten for three months! Please sit down while I get some food!"

Feng Ao Xiu said, "No need! I'll just go hunt for some food! I can also practice fighting while hunting!"

The servants panicked. This Second Young Master not only a cultivating maniac, but he's also a training maniac. Who goes hunting for food in the middle of the night after cultivating for three months without food? Feng Ao Xiu! Why? Because he wants to train.

The servants could only give up, they knew Feng Ao Xiu was stubborn. One Feng Ao Xiu decided on something, he will definitely do it. Preventing him would only get them thrown out just like the other servants.

"Please wait, I'll get some guards to protect you!"

Feng Ao Xiu glares at the servant.

"No! No! It's just your father will be worried."

Feng Ao Xiu clicked his tongue, "Hurry up!"

One servant went to the guard barracks to fetch some guards. When he told them what happens, the guards' eyes shined brightly.

The servants may not want to deal with Feng Ao Xiu, but for the guards, it was a bit different. They like to be with Feng Ao Xiu because they will learn valuable experience. When they did a mission or hunt with Feng Ao Xiu, they will be taught every single detail, and even may have a chance to learn new martial arts. They could even brag to everyone about it, to be able to serve Feng Ao Xiu was a great honour.

Head Guard Cui picked two old guards of Iron Mortal Realm, then he said "five more people!"

The young and spirited guards volunteer themselves.

"Pick me! I want to be stronger!"

"No! No! Me!"

Head Guard Cui turned his head to a skinny man and a fat man, "Why don't you two go? It will be a valuable experience. Those that train with Feng Ao Xiu has a high chance of having a breakthrough."

They were Qian Hui and Qian Lu. Their way of thinking was too different from the other guards. They may become stronger, but Feng Ao Xiu's way of training was extremely harsh and painful. They don't want anything to do with it.

"Head Guard Cui, I really want to go, but my stomach is having a problem lately." Qian Hui said.

"Me too! My leg seems to be in a lot of pain. I can't walk for too long, or I might die." Qian Lu said.

Head Guard Cui sighed, these two were making excuses again. They do not have the ability nor the will. Nobody understood why the Clan Lord insisted on hiring them.

A guard younger than them mocks, "Hah! These two are obviously faking it. These two don't know what's best for them and decide to run away. Scaredy cat!"

"That's right, Qian Hui and Qian Lu are always like that. Do you remember, they fell asleep right in the middle of the training?"

"Qian and Qian are... Wait! Qian Qian! Ahaha haa haa..."

"Qian Qian, hahaha..., from now on you two are Qian Qian."

"Ahaha... Haa..."

Head Guard Cui shouts, "Enough! Don't laugh at Qian Qian... I mean Qian Hui and Qian Lu!"

Qian Qian cursed in their heart.

[F*ck! Qian Qian? How dare they call us that!?]

[Ah... We should have just go to train]

Thus, the name Qian Qian was born.

In the end, Head Guard Cui chose another five young guards.

With just his presence, Feng Ao Xiu attracted everyone. Not only guards want to train with him, but every single member of the Feng Clan also requested to be brought along. Feng Ao Xiu chose five young members. Total of thirteen men departed to the forest immediately.


Scorching Purple Forest. The forest was known for its Fire and Poison Spirit Beast.

Five young members and Five young guards were trembling in fear. In front of them was a Golden Flame Snake, a Seventh Rank Spirit Beast. A Seventh Rank Spirit Beast was equal to ordinary Jade Mortal Realm Cultivator.

The ten youngsters were all less than Dream Sky Realm, Feng Ao Xiu was an Iron Mortal Realm, and the two old guards were Iron Earth Realm. None of them can match the Golden Flame Snake.

It was not an accident, they met the Golden Flame Snake because of Feng Ao Xiu. They searched for the Golden Flame Snake for three hours. When they found the snake, instead of preparing traps or assassinate it from behind, Feng Ao Xiu intentionally throws a stone at the snake to raise its anger.

Second Young Master! What the hell are you doing!? It's already weird enough you want to hunt a Seventh Rank Spirit Beast, you want to fight it directly. We'll be dead.

One of the older guards has experienced a lot, he had accompanied Feng Ao Xiu before. He said to the others, "Calm down. No need to worry."

However, they couldn't keep their calm.

Feng Ao Xiu ordered the young guards, "You guys go attack first!"

The youngsters want to go crazy. Are you kidding us? The strongest of us was only a Dream Earth Realm Cultivator. You want us to attack the Golden Fire Snake, we will die!

Suddenly, the Fire Golden Snake slap its tail towards them.

F*ck!! We will die!!

Feng Ao Xiu tried to kick the tail. The leg and tail collide for a few seconds before dust in the ground scattered.

Feng Ao Xiu took a step back. The Golden Fire-Snake flew a few meters away.

"Look! That snake's tail is bending unnaturally! We're winning!"

"Second Young Master actually can overcome Seventh Rank Spirit Beast! So awesome!"

Feng Ao Xiu ordered again, "Don't talk! You need to focus! The Golden Fire-Snake movements depend on its tail, as long as we keep an eye on its tail, we can defeat it."

The ten youngsters launch themselves and attack the Golden Fire Snake with various punches and kicks while keeping an eye on the snake's tail.

The Golden Fire-Snake won't just accept its fate. He tried to bite one of the youngsters. However, Feng Ao Xiu jumps and punch the snake right in the nose. His punch paralyzed the snake, making it unable to move.

The two older guards followed and gave a cut with their sword.

Whenever the Golden Fire Snake has a chance to attack, Feng Ao Xiu uses his quick movement to beat down the snake.

The Golden Fire-Snake died!

The ten youngsters can't believe it! They just beat a Seventh Rank Spirit Beast. Young Master Ao Xiu was an Iron Mortal Realm, but he is way stronger than an ordinary Jade Mortal Realm. He can keep the snake down throughout the entire fight and saves whenever someone was in trouble.

"Awesome! We just beat the Golden Fire-Snake!"

"If there's no Young Master Ao Xiu, we would be dead meat!"

"Silence!" Feng Ao Xiu said.

"We have uninvited guests! There are about one hundred of them!"