I Can Easily Jump 10 Kilometres High

"As expected from the genius Feng Ao Xiu! You found out we were following you from such a large distance."

"However, it still doesn't change the fact that you're still at a disadvantage!"

More than 120 men descend, they came out from every direction and surrounded Feng Ao Xiu's group. All of them wore black clothes, covering their arms, legs, and heads. Only their eyes and weapons not covered in black.

"What do you want!?", Feng Ao Xiu glares angrily. He could sense the killing intents. All of them were elites consists of more than seventy Jade Mortal Realm Experts, about forty Jade Earth Realm Experts and ten Jade Sky Realm Experts.

They were right, Feng Ao Xiu was at a disadvantage. Feng Ao Xiu was a genius, he could defeat Jade Mortal Realm or Jade Sky Realm Cultivator, but it needs time. Feng Ao Xiu and his group were obviously outnumbered.

An old man in Jade Sky Realm Expert that looks like their leader spoke, "We want your life!"


These men were prepared, they planned this out from the start. There's no chance of surviving. However, Feng Ao Xiu and his group still want to try and hope for a miracle to happen.

Feng Ao Xiu sends a message to the member of his group using his Qi, "Close your eyes!"

Feng Ao Xiu immediately let out one of his move, Blinding Flash Aura. The assassins startled and blinded by the lightning for a few seconds.

This little time was precisely what Feng Ao Xiu and his group needed.

"The northwest! That's where their weakest defences located."

Feng Ao Xiu and his group jumped and attacked the assassins through the northwest. All of a sudden, the assassins formation were falling apart from the assault. In a flash, Feng Ao Xiu and his group made it out of the encirclement.

"Keep your calm and chase them!" The assassins leader shouted.

The assassins have recovered from the Blinding Flash Aura. Without hesitation, they chase after their targets. Soon, an assassin caught the slowest man from Feng Ao Xiu's group. He lands a fierce punch, and the young member of the Feng Clan died.

One after another, the assassins kill the youngsters of the Feng Ao Xiu's group. It was inevitable, the highest of them was merely Dream Earth Realm Cultivator. What can they do when being chased by groups of assassins five to six realms higher than them?

Only three men survived, Feng Ao Xiu and two guards of Iron Earth Realm Cultivator. However, the situation was not looking too good. The enemies possess superior speed, slowly they are getting closer.

"Second Young Master, run away! As fast as you can!" One of the guards said.

"You are the hope of the Feng Clan! Do whatever you have to do to survive."

The two guards turned back to the enemy and attacks. It was clearly a suicide attack, they die in a few seconds. But, those few seconds bought more time for Feng Ao Xiu to escape.

Feng Ao Xiu clenched his teeth, he didn't dare to look back. A slight hesitation of looking back could cost him his life. The two guards have sacrificed their lives to save him. He must survive, no matter what.

Nobody knows where Feng Ao Xiu headed, even Feng Ao Xiu himself didn't know. Both parties just keep running and running.

Soon a punch came out from behind heading toward Feng Ao Xiu's head.

[They caught up!]

Feng Ao Xiu ducked and reversed with a spinning kick. The assassins flew and hit his friends in the behind.

They immediately get up and resume their chase toward Feng Ao Xiu.

"F*ck! Is he really only an Iron Mortal Realm? My ribs really hurt!"

"He is fast too! That is the speed of Jade Earth Realm Expert."

"Shut up and chase him down!", shouts the leader.

The leader with a few Jade Sky Realm Assassins overtook the leading group.

The fastest of them threw five consecutive palm strike, but Feng Ao Xiu dodges them all. Using the assassins as the cushion, Feng Ao Xiu lands a dropkick, he launches himself further away.

"He got away again! He is too nimble!"

"This will go endlessly! We need a plan."

"Someone make a plan! Quick!"

"Let's surround him!"

"How can we surround him? It will take too much time. And, the weird thing is he is getting faster and faster."

The leader said, "No need for a plan! We are heading straight to the Dark Cloud Ravine."

These assassins may have their face covered, but their eyes were glinting in joy. If they could corner Feng Ao Xiu to the Dark Cloud Ravine, their mission will be successful.

Dark Cloud Ravine was also known as the Immortal Graveyard. No one knows what happened in there, as it was too far to be seen with a naked eye. The middle was covered with mystical black mist which made the Qi Aura unable to see past through it.

Once, an Ancient Mortal Realm Expert jumps inside and never to be seen again. There's only one rule, whoever enters die.

After a few hours, Feng Ao Xiu was really cornered. The moment Feng Ao Xiu took one more steps, he will fall to the Dark Cloud Ravine. He couldn't jump past it either, the gap was too large. Meanwhile, behind him was more than one hundred assassins.

The leader said, "Feng Ao Xiu, your life ends here!"

[Looks like I can't run anymore...]

Feng Ao Xiu took a sword from his storage ring. Using full power, he slashes toward the assassins.

Nine Tribulation Slash.

Instantly, two assassins of Jade Mortal Realm died, three were injured. However, they still have the number advantage.

"You may be strong! But you can't kill all of us!" The leader throws a glass bottle to the ground near Feng Ao Xiu. The bottle break and light purple fogs disperse.

Feng Ao Xiu closed his mouth immediately.

[It's a poison fog!]

The assassins have already taken the antidote, they were not afraid. They charged forward.

The leader roared, "Die!!"

A big explosion created on the spot where Feng Ao Xiu stands. But, Feng Ao Xiu was not there. The assassins hit nothing but air.

"Where did he go?"

"Look! He jumped into the ravine!"

Feng Ao Xiu laughs as he fell, "Hahaa... I'd rather die here than be killed!"

The leader looks on as Feng Ao Xiu falls into the darkness. He let out a sigh, "Let's go. Mission accomplished!"

A loud thud echoed as Feng Ao Xiu falls hard when he collides with the hard ground. A fall couldn't possibly kill an Iron Mortal Realm Expert, Feng Ao Xiu gets up with only scratches.

Feng Ao Xiu looks around, there are many skeletons scattered on the ground, they must be the victims of the Dark Cloud Ravine.

However, he was confused, there's nothing dangerous here. How could they possibly die?

Feng Ao Xiu shrugged it off, there is nothing here. He decided to go back, he can get out of here by jumping.

Feng Ao Xiu jumps, but it's only a half meters high.


Feng Ao Xiu jumps again with more power, it's one meter high.

"What is happening!? I can easily jump 10 kilometres high."

Feng Ao Xiu ger ready for the third time, this time he uses his full power. He successfully jumps one and a half meters.


Feng Ao Xiu realized what happened. The Dark Cloud Ravine has some kind of magical spell or array formation that prevents anyone from using Qi.

If you can't use his Qi, you couldn't jump high, which means you can't get out.

Feng Ao Xiu looks again at the skeletons on the ground.

These victims, it's not that they were killed. But, they couldn't get out of here. There was no source of food and water. They were trapped! They could only eat what they brought along, but supplies will someday be exhausted.

"They all died because of hunger!"

This was the truth of the Dark Cloud Ravine. Such a scary place!

Five long hours have passed, Feng Ao Xiu spent the entire time surveying the area, but he couldn't think of a way to get out. He felt hopeless, "Should I just killed myself?"

There must be victims who also died from suicide. It was better to die of suicide rather than hunger. Furthermore, Feng Ao Xiu has not eaten for more than 100 days, he could only last about a few days more.

Suddenly, a faint sound was heard. "Wu..."

[Someone else is here! Who is it?]

It was crying sound, "Wuhuuuhuu..."

Feng Ao Xiu ran toward the source of the voice. He ran as fast as he could, but without using any Qi, his movement becomes slow.

[Ahh... This place is too big! I can't even use Qi.]

Feng Ao Xiu arrives at the source of the voice. He crouched and smiled at the little boy, "What are you doing here?"


In the present time.

Feng Zhong Tian was immersed in the story. He said, "How did you get out of the Dark Cloud Ravine?"

"Relax! We will get there soon!", replied Feng Ao Xiu.

"Who is that little boy?" Qian Hui asked.

"What is he doing there?" Qian Lu asked.

"Wait! When did you two arrive?" Feng Ao Xiu continues his story, "That kid is my first love."

The three men startled and jump back, "You're gay too!?"