What Does Your Father Do?

Min Zhi Yi, along with her family and friends, were shocked. They stared at Min Yue Miao with wide-opened eyes.

"Who's that child? She's too small to even be categorised as a candidate."

"If the sacred guardian chooses her, it meant she has great potential, even greater than Little Ye Na."

"But... Does our clan have such a little girl? I have never seen before."

The Elders were seated in the special seats, they were talking to each other about the chosen girl. Although the result was unpredictable, it mostly was a positive response. If the holy guardian dared to choose such a young successor, it could only mean she was the perfect candidate.

The Clan Lord of the Fang Clan were satisfied, he approached the little girl. He smiled and said, "Little girl, you were chosen as the next leader of the Fang Clan. Please follow me, I will have to address you in front of everyone."

Then, the Clan Lord calmly stared at Min Zhi Yi's parents and said, "Sorry, but I need to borrow your daughter for a moment."

The Clan Lord has mistaken Min Zhi Yi's parents as Min Yue Miao parents because of how close they were seated. Min Zhi Yi's parents were too flustered, they did not know how to inform the truth.

"Eh... Umm... Clan Lord, actually... She's not..."

While Min Zhi Yi's father tried his best, Min Yue Miao calmly said, "Thank you for the invitation, but is this really alright?"

"Of course, although it was unexpected you were not even candidate according to our list, since the holy guardian has chosen, it is absolute."

"That's not what I meant..." Min Yue Miao sighed. "I mean, I'm not part of the Fang Clan, is this really alright?"

"Of course, of course! It's alright even if you're not part of the Fang Clan, you're... Wait... What?!"

The Clan Lord was surprised, his mouth was hanging open, unable to comprehend what just happened. Trying his best to calm himself down, he asked, "Little girl... What's your name?"

"Yue Miao. I'm Min Yue Miao of the Min Clan."

"Min Yue Miao, I heard that name before... Wait, you can't be the Min Clan Lord's daughter, right?"

"To think that Clan Lord knows me. Min Yue Miao is truly honoured."

"..." The Clan Lord creased his eyebrow. He massaged his temple with his finger for quite some time before he shouted. "The ceremony is over! Everyone disperse!"

For the first time, the Fang Clan Guardian Ascension Ceremony ended prematurely.


"So, young lady Yue Miao was destined to be the next Clan Lord of the Fang Clan." Guan Ru Yi was gazing at Feng Ao Xiu the whole time. As she retold the story, her eyes were filled with peace and contentment.

"Min Yue Miao, huh... But the holy guardian only chose the young ones from Fang Clan, right? But she was not part of the Fang Clan. Why was she chosen?" Feng Ao Xiu asked.

"Long story short. It was found out later that Yue Miao's grandmother was actually from Fang Clan."

"I see, so the Fang Clan's blood still runs within her." Feng Ao Xiu was focused on the story. He thought, [To think that Chang Miao was chosen just like that. No wonder she's so strong]

"And so, what happened next?" Feng Ao Xiu said eagerly.

Suddenly, Guan Ru Yi's gaze was not as bright anymore. "This incident marked the beginning of the cracked relationship between the Min Clan and the Fang Clan."


The Fang Clan Guardian Ascension Ceremony took place only once every 50 years. In the ceremony, Their holy guardian chose the next Clan Lord of the Fang Clan.

Throughout history, the chosen child always showed tremendous progress. Vast intellect, judging ability and leadership skills, these strengths were carefully by the holy guardian. Furthermore, with the blessing it gave, the recipient will have his power increased by several folds.

That was only a glimpse of how important the ceremony for the Fang Clan. If these advantages were not received, or worse if they were taken by someone else, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Fang Clan would not last long.

But, it suddenly just happened. The Fang Clan could not just let Min Yue Miao go. They have to do whatever it takes for her to stay and lead the Fang Clan.

Several Elders of the Fang Clan visited the Min Clan. The fact that it was higher elders that were dispatched indicated how significant this matter was.

"So, Min Yue Miao is still in our clan. We will raise her and give her the best that we can. Would Clan Lord please consider to give her to our clan?"

"I understand how Yue Miao is valuable to your clan. However, first and foremost, she's still my daughter. Can't you find some other candidate?" The Min Clan Lord said.

"Once chosen, it cannot be transferred. The next leader of the Fang Clan will undoubtedly be Yue Miao. We will allow her to go back to the Min Clan from time to time."

The atmosphere changed, it turns out the Elders of the Fang Clan were not here to negotiate. They were only here to inform. Basically, they have already taken Min Yue Miao and never intended on returning her.

The Clan Lord becomes angry, but he doesn't show it. "But, she's still too small. Don't you think, a six-year-old girl like her could not survive without her family and friends?"

"We will allow any family, friends or relative to stay with her in the Fang Clan. Right now, she's with her sister and with friend, with the two of them there she won't be lonely. While we're at it, why not let Min Yue Yue stayed in the Fang Clan as well?"

"What did you just say?!" The Clan Lord could not contain his anger anymore. Not only the Fang Clan wants Min Yue Miao, now they demanded Min Yue Yue as well. What kind of father would he be if he just stayed silent.

"I won't tolerate this! I'm taking back my two daughters, no matter what", The Clan Lord said angrily. "Guards, show these guests the way out!"


The guards were there, but they did not move.

"Guards, What are you doing? Move!"

"With all due respect to the Clan Lord. I think you should consider the words of our esteemed guests." One of the guards said.

"Who the hell you think you are, you are just a mere guard? Don't you know some manners?! With such brute mannerism how could you be accepted as guards? Where are you raised from? Tell me! What does your father do? He must be really disappointed in you!"

The guard calmly replied. "This mere guard was born and raised in the Fang Clan. The guest in the far right who wear a blue robe is my father, he's one of the Elder of the Fang Clan."

The Clan Lord, "..."

It was then that the Clan Lord realised that most of the guards employed in the Min Clan were actually from the Fang Clan. He's totally surrounded.

After one minute of silence, the Clan Lord gets up from his seat, "Ahem... I will go to the Fang Clan tomorrow and get the opinion of my daughter directly. We will not talk about this matter until then..."


"That's the gist of it. In the end, Young Lady Yue Miao stayed in the Fang Clan." Guan Ru Yi said.

"I see it must be tough for her. She must really missed her family." Feng Ao Xiu said.

"Actually, not at all. In fact, she's really happy accepting her new position."


"Young Lady Yue Miao is really happy to be the next Clan Lord of the Fang Clan. She said it directly to her father with a big smile on her face. That's why the Clan Lord reluctantly let her stay in the Fanf Clan."

"Ahahaaaa..." Feng Ao Xiu smiled wryly. "I did not know that Chang Miao would be that eccentric..."

"Eh? Chang Miao?" Guan Ru Yi tilted her head. "This is not about her. I wonder what Young Master Feng talking about?"

"Ehh... We're talking about Min Yue Miao, right?"

"Ah! So that's what you mean. I'm sorry I have not explained it properly. The name Chang Miao and Min Yue Miao truly does seem similar, but they are not the same person."

"Wait! Min Yue Miao is not Chang Miao?" Feng Ao Xiu looked really surprised. "Then which one is her?"

"Chang Miao is Min Yue Miao's big sister, Min Yue Yue."