My Sister Is the Best!

Min Yue Miao was being so eager to be the next leader of the Fang Clan. And, The Elders of the Fang Clan also insisted on it. There was no other choice, the Min Clan Lord had to let her go. Besides, it was probably the only way to maintain the relationship between the two clans.

From then on, things were starting to get better. The holy guardian of the Fang Clan lived up to its name by choosing the best candidate. Min Yue Miao's strength grew leaps and bound, that the elders call her the greatest in the century.

With Min Yue Miao staying in the Fang Clan, Min Yue Yue would visit her from time to time. Usually, her visit was accompanied by her best friend, Min Zhi Yi, to visit Min Zhi Yi's family.

In fact, Min Yue Yue and Min Zhi Yi visited their family too often that their friendship with their families grew tighter. Mostly for Fang Ye Na, being their age were so close that they even practised martial arts and cultivated together.

This good relationship continued for another 5 years until Min Yue Yue turned 13 years old. She was no longer a small child. With being a teenager, her body grew more and sexual appeals started sprouting. Her cute face became even more adorable and pretty but left a hint of sexiness in it. The boys chasing after her grew in numbers, especially after pursuing the beauty of martial arts taught by Fang Ye Na. Without a doubt, she was the most excellent girl in the entire Min Clan.

With her cheerful personality, her smile would never stop. However, lately, it never appeared when she visited the Fang Clan. If one observed closely, Min Yue Yue would only frown while she was with her younger sister Min Yue Miao.

"Sister Yue Yue and Zhi Yi, you're here to see me again." Min Yue Miao greeted, with her composed smile made her seem more mature.

"That's right. Your sister and I missed you. Isn't that right, Yue Yue?"

"Tsk... My hair is more appealing, and... Ehhh..." Min Yue Yue seemed to be in her own world before she realised what's going on. Quickly, she changed her expression, "Ah... Of course... Yue Yue missed Yue Miao."

[All these years, I worked so hard defeating Zhi Yi and Ye Na. In the end, my greatest rival is my own little sister...]

Over the years, it was not only Min Yue Yue who grew more beautiful. Min Yue Miao, her own sister, who shared her genes, was also a beauty in her own right.

As they were sisters, their features were not too different, but Min Yue Yue could not help but compare. If Min Yue Yue was cute and adorable, then Min Yue Miao was mature and charming.

Yet, with both of them still in their growing phase, Min Yue Miao feared her sister will outdo her. As they grow older, the mature type will be more appealing than the cute style. And, she could not accept that.

Obviously, Min Yue Yue has been obsessed with her look, at least since 5 years ago. Why else would she take the trouble to watch the Fang Clan Guardian Ascension Ceremony if not to compare her eyes with Fang Ye Na? If Min Zhi Yi did not mention anything about the girl from Fang Clan who's excellent in terms of look and techniques, perhaps all of this would never happen.

"It's been quite a while since Yue Yue visited Little sister Yue Miao. Perhaps Yue Yue should join today's practice session?" Surprisingly Min Yue Yue asked.

Min Yue Yue just barely survived in terms of look. However, in terms of strength and technique, the little sister was far superior. She could not afford to lose to her in any more aspects.

As she would like to defeat Min Yue Miao, there's no suitable teacher at the moment. She had to admit it, but training with her sister was currently the most productive way to decrease that gap.

At her sister's request, Min Yue Miao showed an excited expression that was rarely shown. A big smile was plastered across her face as she said, "Of course! Please join me! Should I invite Ye Na to join us as well?"

[Ho… How could she be this cute?!] Min Yue Yue's eye twitched, the expression her little sister just made was really charming. If she smiled like that a lot, she could even beat her in terms of cuteness. Thinking about that made Min Yue Yue wants to vomit, "Uuuhhhh... Yes... Yue Yue will go ahead and invite Ye Na now!"

"Ah... wait! She left..." Even before Min Zhi Yi could do anything, Min Yue Yue was already gone. "Geez… Ye Na is my sister, I should be the one to ask her. She did not have to take so much trouble."

"Just let her be. That's just how my sister is!"

"Yue Miao, your face is flushed red. And, you have not stopped grinning since a while ago.."

"Really?!" Min Yue Mio caressed her two cheeks with her two hands seemingly embarrassed after being pointed that out.

"You must be looking forward to practising together with your sister."

"Eh… Is… Is it really that obvious?" Min Yue Miao's cheek became even redder.

Min Zhi Yi nodded and replied with a smile of her own.

"Uuuu… To tell the truth, I don't have any friends. The people who approached me are only after my status and to gain favour from the next Fang Clan Lord. And, all of them are perverted boys. The girls seemed to keep their distance from me."

"Ah... I can imagine that. They're probably just jealous of you. But, don't worry, we're here for you now."

"Yes! And, that's what when big sister wants to practise with me, I'm thrilled! I can see that she is sincere."

"It's surprising for me too. I know that Yue Yue doesn't really like to cultivate that much. To think she's willing to do this for her sister's sake, she's really a good big sister."

"Yes! My sister is the best!"

While the two wait for Min Yue Yue and Fang Ye Na, two men appeared. One was an Elder of the Fang Clan, behind him was an unknown young man in an unusual appearance. The former has been guiding the latter throughout the clan.

"Elder." Min Yue Miao and Min Zhi Yi cupped their hands and bowed slightly because of the elder's appearance.

"Let me introduce you, this is Min Yue Miao, the next Clan Lord of the Fang Clan. She's still in training, but in a few years, she will be inaugurated as the full-fledged clan lord." The Elder said. "And, Yue Miao. This is Zhang Wan, he's a scholar from Xiang Lan Nation."

"Nice to meet you, Scholar Zhang", Yue Miao greeted.

However, Zhang Wan did not greet back. The scholar just rubbed his chin as he observed Min Yue Miao. "It's too bad. It would be better if she's not the next clan lord."

The Elder was surprised. He said to the scholar in a slightly harsh tone, "Scholar Zhang, what does that even mean? You may be the scholar the emperor invited, and Yue Miao may still be in training. But, it does not mean you can disrespect the next Clan Lord of the Fang Clan!"

"Forgive me, I did not mean it that way. It's just that it would be better if she a Fang and not a Min."

"Hmmm… What do you mean?"

"I mean her name is still Min Yue Miao, right? I think it's in your clan best interest if she changed her name to Fang Yue Miao."

"Ehhh... That..."

Scholar Zhang continued, "And, who's that girl beside her? The way she dressed is different from the other, she's not from the Fang Clan right?"

"Ah! She's Min Zhi Yi of the Fang Clan. She's the friend of Yue Miao's sister."

"What?! She's not even her family. And, you allowed her to hang out with the next Clan Lord. What if she cared about is the Min Clan and not the Fang Clan. Would not that be a problem?"

"Scholar Zhang! Please refrain yourself!"

"I'm sorry! I spoke too much. I tend to be loudmouth when speaking my mind, but that's just a scholar's characteristic. Please forgive me! But, it's just an opinion of a scholar. Please do not let it bother you."

"Mmm… Since Scholar Zhang already said so...." The Elder coughed a little before he continued, "Well then, let's continue to the next building."

As the Scholar left following, the two girls were staring dagger at him.

"I don't like him! Is everyone from Xiang Lan Nation really that rude?" Min Zhi Yi said.

"I don't like him either..." Min Yue Miao said.