You're the Most Beautiful When You Smile

For the past few weeks, the Min Clan has been actively recruiting new soldiers. Although they were not as strong as the Fang Clan in terms of skills, they have money. With a sufficient fund, soldiers could be recruited.

It was no joke. Previously, at least one-third of the guards and soldiers were from the Fang Clan. In just weeks, they release them all, replenished their soldiers with new ones, and even increased their army size. Their number has become twice that of Fang Clan.

It was a hot day. The sun shined high above. However, a slightly hot temperature did not falter the army marching towards the gate. Without any warnings, they smashed and broke the gate down.

"This is the second gate! The next one will be the last. Everyone march! Prepare for war!"


One man shouted and led the soldiers. The soldiers roared as they raised their weapons in the air.

The Fang Clan may be a middle-tier clan, but its land was vast. To get into the settlement, one has to pass three gates with each was miles away. And, the Min Clan's army just broke trough the second one.

It did not take long; halfway there, the Fang Clan's army was already in the position. Their number was not that much compared to the Min Clan, but most of them were superior in strength.

"You have come, warriors of the Min Clan!"

From the back of the army stood their leader, the First Elder, or better known as the previous Clan Lord. He roared although it was a distance away, with the help of his Qi, his voice was clearly heard by all the Min Clan army.

The First Elder did not stop. He continued to roar. "Explain yourselves! Why have you come to our clan uninvited?! Leave now, and you will be forgiven! Or, do you want to ruin our hundred of years of friendship?!"

"Do not feign ignorance!" A reply came sooner than expected. It was from the Clan Lord of the Min Clan standing at the very end surrounded by his personal bodyguard. Not even a single happiness could be seen on his face. "It was you who started this! You killed my man first! We're not blind! We can see that you have been preparing those earth spirit weapons to attack us!"

"We did not do those things. You think those reason could justify you to attack us?! Don't make me laugh!" The First Elder replied back with a snide remark. Then, his gaze became even sharper as he said, "We have your daughters with us. If you want them alive, leave now!"

The Clan Lord of the Min Clan did not even falter. It was as if he already knew this was going to happen. He closed his eyes for a second to remember the determination he already made.

No matter what, in a war, there will always be sacrifices to be made. This time, the sacrifice has come in the form of his daughter's life. However, for the sake of the Min Clan, there was no choice but to pretend as if he did not have daughters. He regretted that he had let Min Yue Yue ran away with her friend, Min Zhi Yi, to inform her sister. But it was already too late.

The Clan Lord of the Min Clan roared, "Attack!"

The First Elder of the Fang Clan sighed in disbelief. He wished that at least reason could get through to the Min Clan, but it was futile. The Min Clan already made their choice. They will sacrifice their Clan Lord's daughter for a chance to be more powerful.

However, there was no time to falter. The First Elder roared as well, "Show these greedy pigs the true strength of the Fang Clan! Attack!"


The sound of battle cry echoed from the little window within the prison. The three girls trapped inside only felt more despair as time passed by.

"It has already started..." Min Zhi Yi cried as tears could not stop raining down from her cheeks. "What are we going to do."

Min Yue Miao carefully swiped the tears with her sleeves. "Calm down, Zhi Yi. Can you tell me what exactly happened?"

Min Zhi Yi nodded as she said, "It all started from your coronation ceremony. The Clan Lord said the Fang Clan were brainwashing you and kept you away from the Min Clan. That the Fang Clan were preparing for war by collecting the earth spirit weapons."

"Earth spirit weapons?! Could it be? Scholar Zhang!"

It did not take long for Min Yue Miao to realise the truth. After all, she was a smart girl. As the Clan Lord of the Fang Clan, she obtained the information that Scholar Zhang ordered for earth spirit weapons to supply for the East Gate soldiers in the country border.

"This is all a misunderstanding. It was all a plan created by that fiend, Scholar Zhang. We need to get out of here. If we explain properly, I'm sure the war can be stopped. Zhi Yi, you'll help me, right?"

"Of course." Min Zhi Yi smiled slightly, knowing that there's still hope to stop the war. "Yue Yue, let's find a way to get out of here!"

"Ah... Ummm... Yes..." Min Yue Yue said while crouching down on the floor. Her eyes look lifeless without a trace of spirit left.

"Yue Yue..." Min Zhi Yi was worried. Min Yue Yue has said nothing ever since they arrived to inform the Fang Clan of the war. She was in a shocking state of mind that nothing said to her would come through.

Min Yue Miao shook her head as she was worried as well, but she was calmer. As much as she wants to restore her sister, the priority here is getting out of jail. She immediately started looking around to find anything she could use. Min Zhi Yi noticed what Min Yue Miao was trying to do and helped her without saying a word.

However, there was nothing. Both the walls and floor were made from high-quality bricks that can only be destroyed by those with a Jade Mortal Realm Experts' strength. The same can be said for the steel railing. There was not even a guard, as everyone must either evacuated or participate in the war.

There was a key to the door on the table, but it was out of reach. They would need help from the outside if they were to get out of here.

Both Min Yue Miao and Min Zhi Yi sighed as hope becomes more lost now. As they were confused about what to do, Min Yue Miao gazed inadvertently reached Min Yue Yue Yue.

"Sister, you're the only one who could help. Please help us." Min Yue Miao said. If she could not get out of here, at the very least, she would like her sister to be cheerful again. "What's the matter? You're not usually like this... Please tell me, so I can help!"

Min Yue Yue cried, "Get away from me! I am evil!"

"Evil?! Big sister, you're no evil... What makes you think so? There's no way that it's true."

"It's true. I am jealous of you! I hate you! All this time, I never liked you. I only met you to compare with each other. I'm here only because Min Zhi Yi dragged me. The truth is, I don't want to save you. Even now, I don't like you because you're better than me!"

"Big Sis..."

"Min Yue Miao... You're so beautiful and kind-hearted. You are younger but also stronger than me. There's no way I am a match for you!" MIn Yue Yue poured out her heart with tears flowing down every single second.

"That's not true!" Unexpectedly Min Yue Miao also cried. "I'm the one who should say that. I'm the one who's jealous of you. No, I wished I could be like Big Sister! I am unsociable and unfriendly, but you can make friends easily. Even when I decided to the Clan Lord of the Fang Clan, you always support and accompany me!"

"Yue Miao..."

Min Yue Miao hugged her sister tightly. "Big Sister, don't be like this! I'm not that beautiful like you said, you are! Please smile for me. After all, you're the most beautiful when you smile."

Min Yue Yue, "..."

Min Yue Miao, "Big Sis..."

"Little Sister, You're so cute!" Min Yue Yue hugged her sister while she caressed her head.

"Ehhh..." Min Yue Miao was flustered at the sudden change of attitude from her sister.

"Yue Yue, you're back!" Min Zhi Yi smiled.

"Yes, after all, I cannot be down all the time. Just like Yue Miao said, I'm the most beautiful when I smile."

"Uuuu... So, embarrassing." Min Yue Miao was not used to pouring her heart. Her face was flushed red because of earlier.

"Well then, can you find anything to..."


Before Min Zhi Yi could finish her sentence, Min Yue Yue cut her off. "I can hear something."

"That voice... Ye Na!" Min Yue Yue looked up to the window. She always trained her senses, so she has advanced hearing.

"Sister, really?!" Min Zhi Yi went straight to the window and shouted, "Big Sis! We're here! Help us!"

It did not take too long for Fang Ye Na to notice. She went straight to the window the moment she did. "Sister, you're here! Clan Lord, and Yue Yue too. I'm glad!"

"There's no time." Min Yue Miao said. "Ye Na, we need to stop the war. Please take the key from the table and get us out of here."