It's a Very Nice Name!

Fang Ye Na released the girls trapped in prison. Although they were exhausted, there was no time to rest. The future of the two clans depends on these girls.

"Which way is to the battlefield?"

"The Northeast gate. If we hurry, we could make it in under twenty minutes."

Min Yue Miao nodded slightly to Fang Ye Na's response. Every second count, the faster they arrive, the more lives could be saved.

"Then, Ye Na. You know the Fang Clan the most out of all of us. Please lead the way!"

"Follow me." Without saying much, she quickly headed outside.

However, just before she touched the doorknob, the door opened. A man showed a wicked smile appeared before her. Fang Ye Na knows this man. Especially that smile of his, it sends a chill down to her spine. The man was none other than her teacher.

"Teacher Zhang..."

"It seems my intuition was right. I'm glad I checked this place. Now, all of you, be a good girl and get back in the cell!"

It was the same, Zhang Wan. He was creepy as always. But, this time, there's a slightly dark aura surrounding him. The four girls suddenly felt anxious and scared.

Min Yue Miao realised that Scholar Zhang merely uses his Qi to suppress them. Quickly, she focused on her Qi to pushes it back. As a result, the girls got their cool back. But they were wary. This display of power from the scholar meant that he was stronger than they thought.

"This is the matter of the Min Clan and the Fang Clan. This has nothing to do with a scholar like you. Move out of the way!" Min Yue Miao glared at him. Her sharp eyes trie to pierce every single cell in his body.

Yet, Scholar Zhang merely laughed at her words. "Hahaaa! I guessed you didn't understand what I meant. Listen, this is not a request. This is an order!"

It seemed that no words will get through to him.

The four girls eyeing each other and nodded. Four strikes came at the same time. Each was targeting different spots on his body.

For Scholar Zhang, this was nothing but a child's play. By twisting his feet slightly, he quickly transitioned into pam strikes with both of his hand.


The four strikes were nothing compared to the scholar's move. The girls could not handle the pressure and were bounced back immediately.


Every single one of these girls injured because of the impact. The difference in power is just too much.

"Why... Why are you doing this?" Min Yue Yue asked while pressuring her left shoulder with her right hands. The blow from earlier almost cut her left arm off.

"I am just merely doing my job."

"And... Your job is destroying our clans?" This time it was Min Zhi Yi who asked the question. With a pained expression on her face, she mustered every ounce of her strength to stand, but her leg gave out.

"Yes. But, it was not me who decided it was the client. You girls are just unlucky."

"Client? You... are not a scholar, are you? You're an assassin." Fang Ye Na said right after she spat out some blood from her mouth.

"Huh... Don't make me laugh! Don't put us in the same place as those barbaric assassins. We did not only kill but also spied and deceived people. We are smarter than those assassins!"

"I will never forgive you!" Min Yue Miao roared.

"That's fine with me. You'll die soon anyway!" Scholar Zhang smiled.

"Tell me your name!"


"Your name. Tell me your name! So that I can get my revenge on you in my next life!"

"Ha... Hahahaaa! For a small girl, you are quite interesting. No wonder you are the Clan Lord. Fine, I'll tell you my name!" Scholar Zhang smiled wickedly. "My name will be etched to your skull. And, in hell, you will suffer as you uttered my name. Remember! I am Yu Liang of Silver Hands Owl!"

"Yu Liang of the Silver Hands Owl..." Min Yue Miao said. "In my entire life, I could never beat you."

"Hahahaaa! That's right. It seems you have truly know your place."

"But..." Min Yue Miao suddenly smiled. "It will not be me who beat you. It will be my sister and my friends. They will definitely exact revenge on you!"

"Shut up! These girls could not possibly do anything!"

"..." Min Yue Miao did not say anything. But the smile on her face has softened up. As if she already know what happened in the future.

"Clan Lord..."

"Yue Miao..."

"Little Sister..."

"Shut Up! You're about to die! How could you smile like that!" Yu Liang's face was contorted that he looked more hideous than usual. "I can't take this anymore! Die!"

Yu Liang launched himself with anger targeting Min Yue Miao. With him using his full strength, there was no doubt that Min Yue Miao will die.

"Nooo!" Min Yue Yue and the two other girls screamed as they were about to watch her die.

Suddenly, a blinding light emitted from the skin of Min Yue Miao. At this moment, she truly looked like a goddess. She quickly stood up and blocked Yu Liang's attack.

"Impossible! How could this have happened!?" Yu Liang was shocked at the newfound strength of Min Yue Miao. "Where did that strength come from? How could you block my attack!"

"Don't underestimate the strength of the Clan Lord of the Fang Clan!"

"!!" Fang Ye Na gasped in surprised. "Clan Lord, What the hell are you thinking by using the forbidden technique!? Your body could not possibly handle all the power from the holy guardian! You're going to die!"

"Please escape.." Min Yue Miao said as she attacked the Yu Liang.

It was a sudden decision. Min Yue Miao used a technique that was only known to the Clan Lord of the Fang Clan. By sacrificing her life, she could increase her strength by several folds. However, it would not last long. By the time the power runs out, she will naturally die, consumed by the holy guardian's power.

Both Min Yue Miao and Yu Liang traded blows with one another. Neither one would give an inch. Even with her power increased, she could not even defeat Yu Liang, and Min Yue Miao herself know of this.

"No, little sister! Don't leave me..." Min Yue Yue cried as she tried to reach out for her little sister.

Fang Ye Na quickly grabbed Min Yue Yue by the hand. "Don't, we have to get out of here. We should not waste the life Clan Lord has given us!"

"But... But..."

Min Zhi Yi quickly helped her sister. "Yue Yue. I'm sorry, but we have to get out of here!"

"Goodbye, big sister!" Min Yue Miao said without even looking at her.



"That was the last time we ever saw of Min Yue Miao!" Guan Ru Yi said. "Unfortunately, we did not make it in time. By the time we arrived at the battlefield, there's not even a single soul left. We thought it was weird. In a war, there should at least be some survivors. But, we did not know what happened, so we ran away."

"Thus, both the Min Clan and the Fang Clan has been erased from the North Sheng Country."

Guan Ru Yi continued the story. More and more tears were flowing out of her eyes. "That day. Yue Yue changed. She becomes more and more like Yue Miao. She even ordered me to not call her Yue Yue anymore."

"Long story short, we acquired the information about Silver Hands Owl. Make our way to Xiang Lan Nation and infiltrate this place. Just, so... we could have our revenge."

"Are you okay?" Feng ao Xiu patted on Guan Ru Yi's back.

"Yes, I'm all right. Thank you, Second Young Master. For listening to me." Guan Ru Yi smiled as she said that.

Feng Ao Xiu sighed. To know that these girls have such a dramatic background. He wondered what he should do to help them. However, there are some mystery need to be resolved.

[First, Yu Liang... Isn't that the person mistaken, Qian Hui mistaken as? But with everyone fooled, there's a good chance that this Yu Liang has not returned yet.]

Feng Ao Xiu rubbed his temple as he thought of the next problem.

[There were no war survivors in the war between the Min Clan and the Fang Clan. Just who in the world would kill them? But it can't be Yu Liang, he was busy with Min Yue Miao?]

Feng Ao Xiu sighed again at the thought of the possibilities that there were more enemies than just Yu Liang and Silver Hands Owl.

[Latly, the client. The entire thing only happened because the client hired Yu Liang. Just how in the world could I extract the information of who the client truly is?]

"This is more complicated than I thought..."

"Ah, Wait! You never tell me what kind of creatures is the holy guardian of the Fang Clan is." Feng Ao Xiu suddenly said.

"Come to think of it..." Guan Ru Yi tilted her head as she was deep in thought. "What was it again? Ah, I remember now it's the Seven Light Phoenix!"

"Seven Light Phoenix..." Feng Ao Xiu eyes twitched as he heard those words. It made him remember that he actually has a Seven Light Phoenix at home named Little Chi.


"We're finally here. In Xiang Lan Nation." Min Zhi Yi said.

"Soon, we could exact our revenge..." Min Yue Yue clenched her fist tightly as a hint of anger exudes from her eyes.

"Yes, but before that. We should create a fake name first." Fang Ye Na said.

"Using Min and Fang would be dangerous. It could blow our cover."

"Young Lady Min, what do you want for your new name?" Min Zhi Yi asked, smiling excitedly like she was choosing new clothes.

"I... I don't know. What will you have for your name?" Min Yue Yue seem troubled.

"We are sisters, but we don't have anything similar in our names. This time I want a similar one." Min Zhi Yi suggested.

"In that case, what about Guan?" Fang Ye Na said. "It was the name of a legendary soldier from Xiang Lan Nation."

"Ehh... Can't we have a cuter name?"

"Guan is good enough. You can be Guan Ru Yi. and I'll be Guan Ru Na."

"So, we kept a little bit of our name. I like it. Let's do it!" Min Zhi Yi became excited. "In that case, Young Lady Min. Why don't you pick something cute?"

"In that case, what about Chang? It's the name of a goddess from an old fairytale." Fang Ye Na suggested.

"It's a nice and cute name... Okay, I'll pick Chang, then." Min Yue Yue said after thinking for quite a bit.

"Then, Young Lady Min will be Chang Yue." Min Zhi Yi said.

"I want Miao..." Min Yue Yue said.


"Chang Miao. I'll be Chang Miao!" Min Yue Yue said. "Wha... What do you think?"

"It's a very nice name!" Both Min Zhi Yi and Fang Ye Na replied at the same time.

Min Yue Yue smiled joyfully.