There's No Person Who Does Not Like Money or Gold

"What the hell he's doing there!?" Jing Wu Chu yelled out, but other than Qian Hui himself, no one really knows what's wrong with him.

Fang Ye Na shook her head in response as a sign that she also did not know what happened. She could not help but ask Li Lan, "Sister Li, How many people has passed the third challenge?"

"It can be counted with one hands." Li Lan said. "The last one that passed was about twenty years ago."

"Is... Is it that dangerous?!" Jing Wu Chu asked. "What is happening in there?"

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell the details inside." Li Lan said with a sigh. "But, for decades that this challenge stands, there's only two result, either you become the top or you die..."

The two girls gasped in shock upon hearing Sister Li's explanation.

Yet, Feng Ao Xiu just stood there folding his arms as if he seemed to understand what's going on.

"Young Master Feng, do you know what he is doing?" Fang Ye Na asked curiously.

"For others, it may be hard to accomplish this challenge." Feng Ao Xiu said, "However, Qian Hui is an Iron Mortal Realm Cultivator. He's strong enough to beat anything that was designed for a Power Soul Realm cultivators."

Although Feng Ao Xiu has said those words, the two girls were still worried. While it is true that the challenges were designed for Ninth Stage Power Soul Realm, the truth is those who passed the test and became a disciple at those level or lower were very few. They were usually the ones who passed at the lower score, and no one seemed eager to teach them. In fact, there were quite plenty of Dream Mortal Realm cultivator or higher. Most of them were quite old to be disciple, about twenty years old or older, yet all of them seem eager to be accepted into the Cloud Moon Palace.

But even those people did not dare to enter the third challenge. They passed the first and second challenge with quite a high score and sat out until the exam's finished.

Even with Qian Hui at his level, the fact that the opponent was a scholar made one thinks that power had nothing to do with the test at all.

Would a scoundrel like Qian Hui be able to outwit a scholar? People who knew Qian Hui does not even have the need to think.

"Will he be all right?" Jing Wu Chu asked worriedly. Even if Qian Hui was annoying, he's still an irreplaceable friend for her.

"I know why you guys are worried. But, you can rest assured." Feng Ao Xiu said. "Unlike his little brother who's really a fool, Qian Hui is actually quite smart. Most of the time you may think he's lazying around, but he actually used his head to do that. I know it was not for the right reason, but now we will be able to see him to use his head for the right reason."

The girls were slightly in relief after what Feng Ao Xiu just said. Now, what they need to do was wait and believe in Qian Hui.

One young man pointed at the screen and said. "Look, what's that skeleton man doing in the corner?"

"It seemed like he's searching for something..."

"Hey, the skeleton man is not as stupid as he look? He must know that the key to winning the challenge is within the stuff in the room over there..."

"Yes, I thought it was empty room before, but now that I see it clearly there's a lot of stuff in the corner over there. He must be onto something."

"So, he used the time until the scholar appears to search for anything that might help him. The skeleton man is quite clever..."

"Ahem... That's enough." Li Lan warned.

"We're sorry, Sister Li. We won't do it again!" the two men said after they realised they were in the wrong for discussing the challenge.

While only the two guys discussed between themselves, the other participants could hear what the two were saying. In their own heart and opinion, they agreed with what these two guys said earlier.

Hearing the silent praise towards Qian Hui, Feng Ao Xiu as his master could not help but felt proud. He said, "Hehee... That man over there is like a brother to me!"

[Qian Hui, we have our differences in the past. But seeing you like this truly make me happy. I'm glad you are my bodyguard...]

Not too long after, Qian Hui finally found what he was searching for. He jumped in joy and screamed as he was excited.

"Gold! Gold! I found it! I get the gold! Hahahaaa!" Qian Hui laughed happily. "I know it would be here the moment I saw it. I know it! This place is a treasury!"

As he was laughing for joy, the people outside watching him also burst out laughing. Although, their laugh was for a very different reason.

"Ahahaha! The skeleton man entered not to beat the challenge, but to collect some treasure!"

"Inside that skeleton of his was nothing! He's got no brains! He's fool I tell you, he's a fool!"

"Hahaha! I'm dying to see the look on his face when he found out he's going to die!"

"Hey, didn't you say that the skeleton man is like a brother to you?" a man asked Feng Ao Xiu.

"Huhh... There is no way that's true!" Feng Ao Xiu said. "You must have heard wrongly... I said that he is like a br... brabbler not brother."

"Eh... Really? I'm sorry, I must have heard it wrongly, then."

"It's okay. It's okay." Feng Ao Xiu said, forcing a smile, "It's easy to mistaken those two words."

[Qian Hui, you foolish bastard! You only entered to earn gold, and now it will cost you your life!]

"What's with this ruckus? Who are you?! What the hell are you doing with my stuff?!" Not long after, a man with a long robe appeared. He was none other than the scholar, also the guardian of this test.

"I'm the one who should ask who you are?" Qian Hui said. "Are you here to take my gold!?"

"Your gold? That's my gold you're talking about!" The scholar said. "Return it to me!"

"Why would I return it to you? I found this gold, so this is mine!"

"I see... So you like gold, huh?"

"Of course!" Qian Hui replied. "There's no person who does not like money or gold."

"You know what? If you tell the truth, I'll let you have that gold."

As fast as lightning, Qian Hui swallowed his own words and pretended it never happened. "This is your gold. But, I found it and stole it."

The scholar's eyes twitched as he never saw someone as shameless as the man before him. "You... Ah.. All right then, the gold now belongs to you."

"Really?!" Qian Hui said. "You're actually a good guy!"

"Hmph! It will soon come back to me anyway!" the scholar said.

"What do you mean?"

"You have entered here, it means you must answer my three of question. If you can answer all three correctly, I will give you more gold."

"Really?!" Qian Hui was surprised and happy at the same time.

"But, if you gave the wrong answer. Then, I'll take the thing that is most precious to you!" the scholar said menacingly.

"The thing that is most precious to me? Wait... are you talking about?"

"Hahaha!" The scholar laughed. "That's right. What else could be more important than your life?"

"I'm not afraid!" Qian Hui said. "Just give me your question already!"

"When a person takes the Qi in the air and absorb it its own meridian is called cultivation. But when a person release the Qi from it's own meridian into the air, what was it called?"

"Huh... releasing the Qi from meridian into the air. Is that even possible?" Qian Hui was confused. Although he was no expert in cultivation, he knew that releasing Qi from meridian onto the air was impossible.

Even if it was possible to do so, there was no reason in doing so. Releasing Qi from meridian makes their cultivation lower.

An entire minute has passed, but Qian Hui was unable to come up with anything.

"Time's up!" the scholar said. "The answer is Qi Return."

"What?! Wait... I was just about to answer. It's Qi Return," Qian Hui said. "I know it was Qi Return. I said it first."

Unfortunately, the scholar won't buy into Qian Hui's lie. He laughed menacingly. "It's useless! Hahaha! Your life is now mine. Now give it to me!"

Suddenly the Qi inside the dimensional realm moves swirling in the air turning into a small blue light in the size of an adult's fist.

"Hahaa!" the scholar looked at blue light. "Now go and take his life for me!"

"No!!" Qian Hui run tried to run away, but the light was faster and catching up to him. Just like an arrow, it shoots past his chest.

A thud, the sound of Qian Hui's falls down, hitting down the floor. The man known as Qian Hui was down on the floor, not moving, lifeless.

"Qian Hui... He died..."Jing Wu Chu said as tears fall down from her eyes.

"Noo..." Feng Ao Xiu groaned.

"The skeleton man died. But, at least we know what the test is like now." said a man.

"Yeah, the question is so hard. It may be even harder the next time. It's better to just challenge the first two." said another.

As the people surrounding the third statue began to disperse. One man said, "Look! The skeleton man is still alive!"

"Wha... Impossible!" Feng Ao Xiu and the others could not believe their eyes. Qian Hui woke up and got up like nothing ever happened.

Meanwhile, the scholar just stood there baffled and confused, "You... How could you still be alive?"

"You tell me... I also thought I was dead." Qian Hui said.

"...Wait!" The scholar suddenly yelled out. "What is the thing that is most precious to you? Is it not your life?"

"What are you talking about, of course my life is the most important." Qian Hui said. "It looks like you're just not strong enough to kill... Wait... Where... Where is it?"

"Where is what?" the scholar asked.

"My gold! Where is my gold? It's gone!!" Qian Hui was in despair, like he was going to die. "Help me find it!"

The scholar slapped his own forehead. This was the first time he has ever seen someone regarded gold to be more important than his own life.

Not long after, Qian Hui was thrown out of the dimensional realm. His face turned purple-blue like a zombie. He has no energy as he slowly falls to the ground. He wished he would just die. Losing that gold was worse than losing his own life.

Feng Ao Xiu patted on Qian Hui's back. "You're almost dead. Luckily your greediness saved you. But thanks to you, I know what the challenge is about."

Then, Feng Ao Xiu slowly walks toward the statue of the scholar. He reached out his hands to it and was teleported to the same room Qian Hui was in.