This Is Cheaper Than Gold

"Look, another one is going in!"

"Just another fool. Can't he see that the question last time was already so hard? Does he think he could answer all three questions?"

They thought it was over after Qian Hui's attempt. Who would have thought that yet another fool would risk his life to clear this challenge? But, if there's a show, there's no reason not to watch.

Feng Ao Xiu entered the treasury room. Just like with Qian Hui, it looks like there's about a minute before the scholar appeared.

Like servant, like master, Feng Ao Xiu headed towards the pile of treasures and searched for something.

"This guy... He's not learning any lesson, is he?" One of the audience said. "This is exactly the same as the skeleton guy from before."

"But, if he did exactly the same. Doesn't it mean that the treasure will be taken instead of him?" another one said.

"This time, he is really going to die. The skeleton guy just lucky because his head is not right. Unless... The treasure was really worth risking his life for."

"Isn't that cheating? Then you can just retry every time you are kicked out since the most precious thing taken is the treasure, not your life."

"You're probably right... In that case..."

"You should forget about that plan." a woman said.

"Si... Sister Li!"

Li Lan gave a frustrated look. "The guardian of this realm is not so stupid. For your sake, please do not do something as reckless as this!"

The two men looked at each other before gave a reply at the same time, "Thank you for the advice, Sister Li."

She gazed back at the screen and gave a sigh. She thought that the young man was different. He certainly knows many things, like when he discovered that the challenges have a screen that showed the inside of the realm.

Now, Li Lan could only sigh at this young man's foolishness. The questions from that scholar were out of the world that no one knew. The success rate was close to zero, and it should not be part of the test.

However, there's a reason why this challenge was still out there. Every time the scholar asked a question, the Cloud Moon Palace could watch from outside and gained knowledge. Like a few years ago, someone foolishly attempted this challenge, at the cost of that man's life, they knew that the Shaded Checkered Leaves works better on curing the injuries of someone with a wind spirit than the common medicine.

Then, the Cloud Moon Palace shared the information with the doctors, and the Xiang Lan Nation even gained from it.

Although placing the statue here was morally wrong, they just could not help but wish someone would enter. Besides, they never forced anyone to attempt the challenge.

Not long after, Feng Ao Xiu took a small rock from the pile of treasure. He gave the nod to himself as if he did a great job.

"Another one! You too dared to disturb my realm." The scholar appeared and glared at Feng Ao Xiu.

Feng Ao Xiu smiled while showing the rock in his hand, "I want this!"

"Wha... You too!" The scholar became angry. The last time someone just came in to steal gold, and now, another thief came in to take something because of him. Unexpectedly, the scholar's eyes gazed on the rock, and he looked surprised, "That rock! What do you want to do with it?"

"Didn't you hear me? I said I want this rock."

"You can't have it! Even if it's only an ordinary rock. It is still my treasure. You can't have it!" The scholar said quickly. "Everything's here is mine!"

"But, you gave a gold to that last man that comes here." Feng Ao Xiu said, "This is cheaper than gold. Why can't I have it? It's not like this rock worth anything to you."

"You... You..." The scholar was jumping up and down in anger. But, he knows better than anyone else, that small rock was one of the most valuable treasures in the room. The large and shiny gold was worth nothing compared to the small and dirty rock.

However, none of the people watching outside knows about this. They thought that Feng Ao Xiu was only provoking the scholar.

"It looks like, he intentionally trying to make the scholar angry. But, for what purpose?"

"They said that anger makes you blind. Perhaps, by making him angry, he'll give out an easy question."

The other nodded at the last explanation. It was not the perfect answer, but it's the only thing they could think of. No one doubted that the rock was actually a valuable treasure.

The scholar sighed. He said, "All right, I'll give the rock to you."

"Really?" Feng Ao Xiu asked, looking surprised.

"But, only if you can answer correctly three questions of mine." The scholar smiled in a sinister way. "Let me make this clear, the rock is not yours. It will be if you can pass this challenge of mine."

"And, If I lose, I must give up my most precious thing. Right?" Feng Ao Xiu said.

"Hahaha! You do understand me really well." The scholars laughed.

This was the way it supposed to be. He carefully specified that the rock was not Feng Ao Xiu's. Otherwise, there might be a slight chance that it will be more important than his life.

Even now, the scholar could only smile bitterly every time he remembered the gold incident. The moment he gave the gold to Qian Hui, it became his most precious thing. As a result, he could not take Qian Hui's life.

"Let the challenge begin!" The scholar declared.

"First question. What type of music that makes your blood boil to the core of your meridian and makes you..."

"The War Symphony." Feng Ao Xiu said.

"Ehhh... What?"

"The War Symphony. Am I wrong?"

"... Co... Correct." The scholar said.

"He... He answered correctly..." one of the audience watched.

"He's just lucky. It's probably the question he heard before."

At this time, the Elders of the Cloud Moon Palace were watching the challenge from someplace else. They could not help but cuss.

"F*ck! That young man answered before the question is finished. I can't make out anything."

"What the hell is The War Symphony?! What does it have to do with the meridian? Sh*t!"

The scholar repeatedly blinked at Feng Ao Xiu. He never thought that he answered correctly. "Well then, second question. To cure Blackened Aura, one should..."

"Three milligrams of the root of Yellow Striped Bamboos, Seven milligrams of River Glass Weed, and Four drops Highland Snow Peach juice. Combined with half a litres of water, boil at exactly 87 degrees for twenty breaths long. Then left it alone for two days. Once the water turned blue, it should be able to cure the Blackened Aura." Feng Ao Xiu said.

"Ehh... Umm... Co... Correct." The scholar said.

"Hey, isn't Blackened Aura incurable? How could he answer so fluently?" one of the audience asked.

"How should I know? Maybe they already found the medicine before we know it." another replied.

"He asked about medicine to a doctor. He's just lucky!"

Meanwhile, the Elders of the Cloud Moon Palace were watching.

"Sh*t, he talked too fast. Did anyone heard all of his words?"

"I'm lost after River Glass Weed... Wait, how many milligrams of it again?"

"Call the doctors! We found some clue to cure the Blackened Aura!"

The scholar's eyes twitched in disbelief. He himself didn't know all those precise steps. But, the young man before him just answered it so easily.

"The last question... There are seven forms of Sky Fire Fist..."

"Hot Sky Fist, Red Sky Fist, Summer Sky Fist, Hellfire Sky Fist, Inferno Sky Fist, Meteor Sky Fist, and Sun Fire Fist." Feng Ao Xiu said.

"Ehh... Umm..." The scholar could not believe that he got it right again. "...Those are the seven forms of the Sky Fire Fist. But, the seven forms of Sky Ice Fist..."

"Cold Sky Fist, Blue Sky Fist, Winter Sky Fist, Snowfall Sky Fist, Blizzard Sky Fist, Snowstorm Sky Fist, and Whiteout Sky Fist." Feng Ao Xiu said.

The scholar bitterly bit his lower lip, "Co... Correct..."

"He passed?" one of the audience said.

"This he's not only proficient in medicine but also in martial arts..."

"Someone actually passed this challenge. I can't believe it!"

The Elders were panicked.

"Seven forms of Fire Sky Fist and Ice Sky Fist. Impossible! Shouldn't there only be four types?!"

"Check the books, and the documents look again. There must be all seven in there!"

"Secure that young man. We must find out how to use all the seven forms of Fire Sky Fist and Ice Sky Fist!"

Meanwhile, Feng Ao Xiu's friends were all jumping in joy.

Fang Ye Na, "As Expected of Young Master Feng! He's so smart!"

Jing Wu Chu, "I guess he deserves some praise."

Su Mei, "Wow!"

Except for Qian Hui.

"My gold... It's gone... Where is it..." Qian Hui groaned while lying on the ground.