One Plus One Equals To?

"You... You... How the hell did you know the answer to these questions?" the guardian of the challenge, the scholar, gazed to the young man.

But, Feng Ao Xiu was calm as always, and he did not seem that interested in answering that question. Instead, he nonchalantly showed the rock from earlier, "As agreed, this is mine."

The scholar panicked. For hundreds of years, only one has ever passed this challenge. It was the mysterious woman from twenty years ago, where a deal was made. The scholar purposely gave easy questions in exchange for that rock over there. The very same rock that Feng Ao Xiu just earned.

For the records, no one ever has passed fair and square like Feng Ao Xiu. The overconfidence of the scholar has gotten into him. He even gave the rock as a present for completing the challenge. Now, one of the treasures that could free him from this nightmare has gone over to the young man.

"Wait... What are you planning with that rock?"

"Does it concerned you?" Feng Ao Xiu makes a smug smile as if he carefully laid out a trap.

"Khhh..." the scholar gritted his teeth. The young man before him was no ordinary person. If he knew the answer to these questions, it was likely he knew what the rock is, "That rock may be valuable, but it won't help you. Why don't you leave it and take five other treasures instead?"

Five other treasures over one seemed like a good deal, but Feng Ao Xiu didn't need them. After all, these treasures were quite ordinary, that only quite a handful interest him. Yet, there was something more important than these treasures.

Instead of answering the scholar's question, Feng Ao Xiu said, "The Empty Realm Rock, you want to use it to be free of this place, right? I'll give it back to you."

"Eh..." The scholar got confused.

"Alongside, Seal of Forbidden Realm. Do you want it?"

"You... You have the seal too?" The scholar was baffled and didn't know what to say.

"You won't regret it." Feng Ao Xiu said, "I'll deliver it to you soon!"

"Wait! What do you mean? Young man, don't go..." The scholar shouted with all his might, but it's too late. Feng Ao Xiu had already stepped out of the gate and arrived back into the real world.

The surrounding people looked at Feng Ao Xiu in awe.

"You're awesome! I'll allow you to join us. Why don't you tell us your name."

"Why don't we be friends? With my help, I'll make sure no one will bully you."

"Forget about them. If you work for me, I'll make sure you get all money and women you want!"

These people didn't know who's the young man. But, one thing for sure his knowledge was great. If they can earn him and discover the secret of Fire Sky Fist, Ice Sky Fist, or any kind of other techniques, their life will be a lot smoother.

"Stop bothering him!" Li Lan quickly stood in front of Feng Ao Xiu. The young man was an important asset to the Cloud Moon Palace. She must protect him at all cost so that no one else could get him.

"Are you okay?"

"Thank you for the help, Sister Li." Feng Ao Xiu said.

Despite Li Lan's protection, some people could not just give up. They kept eyeing Feng Ao Xiu from a distance.

"Young Master, you made it!" Fang Ye Na called out to him. She purposely uses an intimidating aura so everyone could see.

The other people were startled. It turns out the smart person was a young master, and he also has a beautiful but strong servant girl. The plan to lure him with money and power was scraped, let alone giving it to him. They did not even have enough to outdo him. The surrounding people had no choice but to scatter and gave up.

"But, Young Master Feng, why would you go all the trouble to clear this challenge?" Fang Ye Na asked. Then she glanced at the little girl behind her, Su Mei, "the one that needs to clear is..."

"It's okay. I got it covered." Feng Ao Xiu said. He crouched down, his eyes gently landed on the little girl's eyes, "Su Mei. Listen, if you want to join this sect, you have to do what I said, okay?"

Su Mei quickly nodded.

"Good! Then, this is what you need to do." Feng Ao Xiu moved his lips closer to Su Mei's ears, then he whispered something.

Not long after, the scholar's statue lighted up again.

"Look! Someone else is taking the third challenge!"

"Really? Who is it? Who is it?"

The other test takers have also realised that they may earn new information every time someone took this challenge. That's why they could never get tired of watching this.

"Wait... It's a little girl!"

"A girl that small... No way, she is doomed, I know it."

The onlookers pitied the little girl, but there's nothing they could do.

Soon, the scholar appeared. His gaze was nothing short of anger. His treasure, the Empty Realm Rock, was taken from him. There's nothing else he likes more than taking his anger on someone.

"A little girl... Perfect!" The scholar smiled sinisterly. "Heheee... Little girl, be prepared. I'll give you the toughest question I got!"

Su Mei, the little girl, was unfazed. She said, "Big Bro sent me..."

"Big Bro, you mean the young man from earlier?"

Su Mei nodded, confirming his question, then she said, "If Su Mei pass, Su Mei will give you paper."

"Pa... Paper..." The scholar repeatedly blinked in confusion.

Meanwhile, the audiences were laughing their asses off.

"Hahaha! The little girl got guts. She wants to bribe him some money."

"Haha... As if it's going to work. I'll be bald before that scholar took any bribes."

"Hahahaa... I couldn't agree with you more. Look, the scholar will be giving his first question."

"Well then, this is the first question." The scholar said, "One plus one equals to?"

"Huhhh..." one of the audience said, "Are my ears playing tricks on me?"

"What was the question again?"

"Is he asking what's one plus one equals to?"

"No way... It must be a trick question. Like one plus one equals to eleven, right?"

"Two!" Su Mei answered.

"Correct!" the scholar replied with a smile on his face. "Next question, What number comes after number one and before number three?"


"Correct!" The scholar replied. "Last question. How many people are in this room right now?"



"F*ck! He was bribed! How could he easily be bribed?!" One of the audiences cursed.

"Sh*t! Doesn't he have any integrity!?"

"Hey, look! The little girl's back!"

The surrounding people started racing towards the statue of the scholar.

"Get out of the way! It's my turn now."

"No, it's my turn to take this challenge."

"Hahaha! I'm first!" One lucky young man successfully touched the statue and entered the dimensional realm.

"Sh*t, he was first!"

"Arrggh! It should have been me!"

Soon the scholar appeared before the young man. It was the young man who said first, "If I passed this challenge, I'll give you plenty of money."

"Oh, so you'll give me money?" the scholar said with a surprised look. "I understand."

"I'm glad we come to an understanding." the young man said.

"Here's the first question." the scholar said. "An adult Spirit Beast called Green Eyes Purple Snake has a poison that can be cured with water? How many liters of water you need to take to neutralize one drop of its poison?"

"Ehhh... Huh... Umm... Two?" the young man answered.

"Wrong!" the scholar replied.

Then, the young man was dead since his life was taken by the scholar.

"Su Mei, did you properly give the Seal of the Forbidden Realm to the scholar?" Feng Ao Xiu asked.

"Seal?" Su Mei seemed confused and did not understand what Feng Ao Xiu meant.

"I mean the paper..." Feng Ao Xiu said.

"Yes, Su Mei gave the paper."

"Good job!" Feng Ao Xiu said. Luckily he has the Seal of the Forbidden Realm in his storage ring before he descends back into the Lower Realm. It was quite a valuable treasure, but it is worth it if Su Mei can pass the test.