I Didn’t Get Fired, I Quit!

Just like that, Jing Wu Chu succeeded in bluffing her way into defeating the much stronger elder.

"Wait... That girl is still only in the Power Soul Realm!"

After one person pointed her strength, the others become very surprised. They were asking the same thing. [How the hell she did it?]

It was strictly impossible, there was no way someone in Power Soul Realm could defeat a Jade Mortal Realm cultivator. The difference was like heaven and earth.

One person speculate that her strength was at least Jade Mortal Realm and that her Qi Power Soul Realm was only a fake QI that she created. Another person quickly argued that the Qi in Power Soul Realm was unique in grey colour, and that no other Realm could copy such Qi.

The process were confusing, but the judging elders became even more confused. Since the girl won, there was no reason not to accept her. But, it was also a big risk to accept Feng Zhi Yan's subordinate. On the other hand, they were also afraid of angering Elder Ning who was closely related to the Sect Master.

The judging elders obviously could not make a decision on their own, so they all simultaneously stared at their leader, Elder Zhou. They did not speak even one word, but it seemed they could communicate with their eyes.

[Elder Zhou, what should we do? Please help us!!!]

[Damn you old fogeys! Now that the situation turned like this, you're all looking at me!]

[It doesn't change the fact that you're the head elder of our branch. Quickly, make your decision, we'll follow along!]

Elder Zhou knew this was a painful decision, but he gritted his teeth and send along instruction with his eyes. [There's no other choice, in the end she's still his subordinate, just judge her fairly. However, if it's Feng Zhi Yan himself, do not let him pass. No matter what!]

The other elders nodded along in unison as they already agreed on the baseline. Judge everyone fairly, but Feng Zhi Yan.

The judging resumed, quickly nine hands raised up high in the air securing Jing Wu Chu's entry into the Cloud Moon Palace.

The elders breathed a sigh of relief. Without any restriction, the elders could be honest and continue without worry. Just look at this, all except Elder Ning gave their vote of approval. At least they won't have to worry about being scolded...

[Wait... Elder Ning is not raising his hand... Why? Did we make a mistake?]

The handsome Elder Ning was gazing at the other elders. His stare look cool and refreshing like roses, but at the same time its thorn were stabbing at the at every direction. It was obvious, Elder Ning was angry.

"You guys are really great..." said Elder Ning sarcastically. "So you all just accept a new disciple by their strength without looking at their personality. All right... Let's talk about this later!!"

The elders wanted to cry. When they declined the first girl, Elder Ning opposed and defended her with all his might. Now, a similar case occurred, this time they accepted her, but who would know that Elder Ning would oppose again. And, his reason, personality? How the hell are they going to find out about the personality of each participant? Looks like they were fated to never get along with Elder Ning.

On the other hand, Elder Ning was only concerned that they let a crazy girl into the sect. What would happen, if she decided to chase after him again?

Feng Ao Xiu smiled as hope has descended. Jing Wu Chu's approval into the sect meant that Su Mei has a chance of getting in as well.

However, the main problem was still unresolved. Su Mei, just like Jing Wu Chu, still only in the Power Soul Realm, except she did not have the Qi Protectors. Feng Ao Xiu regretted his decision to let Jing Wu Chu held the Qi Protectors instead of Su Mei. If he knew this would happen, he would let Su Mei bear the Qi Protectors, even if she would suffer from the backlash. Alas, it was too late, and he had to find another way to raise Su Mei's strength.

One way was to create Pure Qi liquid. However, in this place there was no way to find the pure-coloured spirit stones. And it would also take too long, to even create one drop of liquid.

So, Feng Ao Xiu immediately ordered Fang Ye Na to collect some herbs. With the right concoction, Feng Ao Xiu could create a pill to raise Su Mei's strength. Although it was not as good as the Pure Qi, Feng Ao Xiu could make the pill in under a minute, and Su Mei's cultivation level will rise to Dream Mortal Realm. At least if Su Mei was a Dream Mortal Realm, she would have a chance to be accepted as the disciple of Cloud Moon Palace.

Thus, it all depends on whether Fang Ye Na could collect all the necessary ingredients on time. With over fifteen herbs to collect, Feng Ao Xiu believed that Fang Ye Na could do it in 4 hours. Which was just barely enough for number 180 to go through to number 417. If there's at least 50 people participated in the last test, Fang Ye Na would make it in time.

However, to Feng Ao Xiu's nightmare, the numbers skipped were even larger than the first time. Last time, there's at least one or two persons participated for every four number called. Now, there's only about one or two for every six numbers.

Lots of people participated, including Liu Sheng, Tao Zhen and his men, they all passed. Yet, the numbers skipped were too many, that only after 42 people participated, it became number 416. Just one number less from Su Mei's turn, but Fang Ye Na still hasn't returned.


"Number 416, please come to the ring!"

A scrawny, skinny but tall man that looks like a skeleton walks into the ring. That man was none other than Qian Hui.

The moment Elder Ning saw Qian Hui, he became startled. He quickly stood up and pointed at him, "You... You... What are you doing here?"

Qian Hui was also startled, it was his first time to meet Elder Ning, but he's already asking some personal questions. It was obvious that Elder Ning knew who he was. But, Qian Hui couldn't recognise him. Moreover, this very same person was the one that stolen Jing Wu Chu's heart. There's no way Qian Hui would be polite to him. "Of course, I'm here to take the test. What else would I do?"

"That's not what I meant!" said Elder Ning. "Ah... Your Master... Where is he?"

Young Master Tao quickly walked into the ring and greeted Elder Ning. "Replying to elder, I am his master!"

Elder Ning became confused, "You're his master?"

Young Master Tao nodded, "Yes, that's correct!"

"Your surname is Feng?"

"Replying to Elder, my surname is not Feng, but Tao of the Tao Clan. I am the Fifth Young Master of the Tao Clan, Tao Zhen."

This time, Elder Ning said to Qian Hui, "You changed your master?!"

"That's right! My old master is broke and doesn't have any money, how am I supposed to live with him?"

Elder Ning was confused, he knew that neither Feng Ao Xiu nor the Feng Clan was broke. So how could he not have any money. However, Elder Ning didn't question him any further, he just said, "You're rejected! You're dismissed and will never be the disciple of the Cloud Moon Palace. Leave now!!"

"What?! That's not fair!" Qian Hui protested. "You haven't even see my skill, you can't reject me like that! Jing Wu Chu is already accepted, so I must join as well!"

Elder Zhou said, "Elder Ning, this man is an Iron Mortal Realm. It wouldn't be wise to dismiss him without seeing his skill..."

"Elder Ning, please give him a chance!" Young Master Tao said. "He is strong, smart and also wise. He will be a great addition to the Cloud Moon Palace."

"Haaa..." Elder Ning sighed. "You all can talk like that, because you haven't seen his personality yet. It's real nasty! And, there are also lots of bad rumours... It's no wonder you're fired from the Feng Clan!"

"Huh?! Just so you know, I didn't get fired, I quit!"

Elder Ning and Qian Hui were having war with words. The former was slandering the latter, and the latter repeatedly claiming his innocence.

This tug of war took about half an hour before it comes to an end. It was decided that Qian Hui's entry will be pending and will be discussed later alongside Fang Ye Na.


Meanwhile, Feng Ao Xiu was in the courtyard waiting for Fang Ye Na's return, unaware of what's happening inside. He didn't know why, but number 416 takes too long, which is good since it allows more time for Fang Ye Na.

Yet, even before a trace of Fang Ye Na could appear, someone hollered from inside, "Number 417, please come to the ring!"

Su Mei could only stare at the number in her hand as she mumbled, "417".

Without any trace of worries on what's going to happen to her, she headed towards the ring.

Feng Ao Xiu became restless, he stopped Su Mei right away, "Wait, let's switch!"


"Number 417, are you there? Please come to the ring, or you'll be disqualified!"

A young man slowly walked into the ring. It was Feng Ao Xiu.

[It's Feng Zhi Yan!!] The elders quickly noticed him and became tense.

Elder Zhou was planning on giving a signal to have the senior replaced with the elder. However, before he got the chance to do so, Elder Ning quickly stood up and pointed at him, "You... You... What the hell are you doing here?"

"Ehhh..." Feng Ao Xiu became confused.

Even before Feng Ao Xiu could properly reply, Elder Ning continued, "You bastard!! How dare you neglect your wife?!"