I’ll Go Visit in a Few Days

The others were looking at Elder Ning weirdly.

[What's up with Elder Ning? Why is he cursing Feng Zhi Yan about his wife? He's not even married yet... Could he already have a wife?]

Feng Ao Xiu indeed has a wife, Yang Xue Yi. However, to recognised he has a wife, one must know his real identity, which is Feng Ao Xiu, not Feng Zhi Yan. This fact made him very surprised.

Feng Ao Xiu never met with the Sect Master's nephew before, but it seemed he recognised the Second Young master of the Feng Clan. While it was a mystery on how Elder Ning ever saw him before, Feng Ao Xiu could not be more grateful. Once, Elder Ning vouched for his identity, no one would dare to try to make things harder for him.

"Elder Ning, let me introduce myself. My name is Feng A..."

"Shut up! Nobody's asking for your name!" Before Feng Ao Xiu could finish his words, he was interrupted by Elder Ning who continued scolding him, "Tell me! Why did you leave your wife alone on your wedding night?! Is she not good enough for you?! How could you let such a nice, beautiful woman still be a virgin?! You f*cking bastard!!"

Feng Ao Xiu shrunk, he did not even know what to do. He was never scolded this harshly before, not even by his own father. Yet, Elder Ning who was more or less the same age as him cursed at him for neglecting his wife.

When he thought about his wife, Yang Xue Yi, he wanted to cry. It was not he did not want to sleep with her, but if he does, he'll be dead. Once, they had sexual contact, the Qi of the couple will be mixed together, then the wife will recognise that her husband has a broken meridian. There's no telling what kind of torture awaited him. It would already be considered very lucky if Yang Xue Yi kill him right away.

The other elders quickly adding fuel to the fire.

"I never met such a rude man who neglected his wife like you!"

"Such a conniving bastard! Begone! There's no way you'll be accepted in our sect!"

Who is Feng Zhi Yan's wife? What happened that makes Feng Zhi Yan neglect his wife? None of these elders could answer. But who cares? What matters was how to make Feng Zhi Yan fail.

Feng Zhi Yan's friends were already very good that they don't have a good reason to fail them. These elders were very afraid that Feng Zhi Yan was better than they imagined. Wouldn't the others see they purposely fail a good candidate? Their standing among the trustworthy would drastically be reduced.

Luckily, Elder Ning already don't like him for his bad character. The other elders could not just sit still, they need to use this opportunity to drive Feng Zhi Yan once and for all. If they fail him before he could even attempt the test, then they could achieve their target without anyone opposing.

"...", said Feng Ao Xiu. Curses and slanders came to Feng Ao Xiu one after another. They came so fast and without stop that Feng Ao Xiu didn't even have a chance to reply.

Quickly, his saviour, Scholar Jin, came to the rescue. He stood in the way between Feng Ao Xiu and the other elders. His gaze shot straight to the bones, "You all dared to bully someone! How about you go through me, first?"

In front of Scholar Jin, the elders didn't dare to talk back. Scholar Jin smiled and nodded, as he has done a good job of keeping them in line. But, who would have thought that his authority was short-lived.

Elder Ning didn't even flinch in the face of Scholar Jin. He even scolded him harshly. "Who are you?! You dare to get in my way!"

Scholar Jin was taken aback by the other man's attitude. He asked, "You... Did you even realise my strength?"

"Isn't it just mere Ancient Mortal Realm? What's there to boast about!?" Elder Ning rolled his eyes as if it seemed he doesn't care.

Scholar Jin didn't know if the young man in front of him was stupid or overconfident. But, he needed to teach him a lesson. In the Lower Realm, he was among the strongest, there's no way others could beat him. He dashed toward Elder Ning, "Arrogant fool! Let me teach you how to pay respect to your superior!"

Elder Ning casually dodged, he threw three quick punches to the side of Scholar Jin. And, just like that, Scholar Jin fainted.

It should be known that Scholar Jin was an Ancient Mortal Realm cultivator. Although, he was a scholar and no fighter, his strength was too great to be knocked out with just three punches. Moreover, Elder Ning was only Jade Mortal Realm, what he did was technically not possible.

Seeing Elder Ning's action, the others could not help but stared in awe. Especially Jing Wu Chu and the other crazy girls, they couldn't shut up. The image of the gallant Elder Ning won't leave their mind.

Elder Ning was still furious, he directed his gaze to Feng Ao Xiu as if he wanted to kill him.

Feng Ao Xiu obviously noticed. He was so afraid that he was frozen in fear, unable to move. His last defence in the form Scholar Jin was also gone. What else he could do other than waiting for death by the hands of Elder Ning?

The elder was also shocked, they heard that Elder Ning was on par with an Ancient Earth Realm cultivator. They used to think that the rumours were exaggerated, but it seemed it was not totally false.

Elder Zhou could feel the anger and uneasiness in Elder Ning's heart. However, if he unleashed his fury right now, it would be bad for the reputation of Cloud Moon Palace. No one would enter a sect tainted with the story of an Elder killing a candidate. Elder Zhou had no choice but to stop him.

"Elder Ning, please calm down! You proved your point!" Elder Zhou said. "Let us handle it from here!"

"How can I calm down!?" Elder Ning said furiously. "Elder Zhou, if your little sister was neglected by this bastard. Can you be so calm!?"

[Ah! It turns out Feng Zhi Yan's wife is Elder Ning's little sister. No wonder he was so furious. Wait... Little sister... As far as I know, there's no little sister... Could it be?]

While Elder Zhou was lost in his own thought. The other elders quickly followed and persuaded Elder Ning to suppress his rage by saying that it was not the right place. Luckily, Elder Ning was not that hard to be persuaded once the reputation of Cloud Moon Palace was mentioned.

Since, Elder Ning has regained his sanity. It was time to finish everything. One elder quickly said to the still frozen Feng Ao Xiu. "There's no need for you to take the test. We already have the result!"

The elder glanced at the other elders, who nodded in return. Then he said, "You fai..."

"You passed." said Elder Ning before the elder could finish. He said it in slightly annoyed tone, "Now, leave and take care of your wife. I'll go visit in a few days."

"Yes, hurry up and leave!" said the other elder, "Don't you dare come back... Wait! What?!"

"Elder Ning... I think there's a mistake!" said another elder.

"Huh?! What mistake?"
