It’s Time to Serve the Main Dish!

The elders just couldn't understand Elder Ning's action.

After all that nonsense about Feng Zhi Yan and his wife, joined with his rage and anger. He still let the wife-neglecting bastard passed the test?

Elder Ning was the one who complained about character and personality when Jing Wu Chu's decision was made. What about now? Feng Zhi Yan's nasty personality was opened for the public to see, yet he still passed?

They could understand if Feng Zhi Yan showed his skill and strength to defeat his opponent in the ring. That way, at least there's some backing for the claim. But, he didn't even have a chance to fight.

"Elder Ning, please rethink! We can't accept this outcome!"

"That's right! If we let him in, how could we show our face to the public?"

On the other hand, Elder Ning was having a headache.

How could these old elders always defy him like that? First, it was the girl from number 2, then it was the crazy girl, then Qian Hui, and now Feng Ao Xiu. They were old-minded and couldn't understand what's best for the sect.

He admitted that he was a bit out of control when he saw Feng Ao Xiu. That was because he was just concerned about Yang Xue Yi. But it's not like he could defeat the Ancient Sky Realm Expert, right?

So, after he regained his mind, he decided to pass Feng Ao Xiu. There was no need for the fighting test because Feng Ao Xiu will definitely win. And, the fact that such a Supreme Expert wanted to join the sect would only serve as a reputation boost for the Cloud Moon Palace. Even, if Feng Ao Xiu didn't come to the sect at all, just by using his name, the Cloud Moon Palace would gain standing among the other sect internationally.

"Then, should we proceed with the fighting test?" said Elder Ning. Although the outcome was already predetermined, after these elders saw Feng Ao Xiu fight, they won't have anything to complained about.

Just by seeing Elder Ning's confident expression, they could already tell that Feng Zhi Yan must be quite good. But, how could these elders let him fight? Won't that only serve as a tool to attack against them?

In silence, these elders made their decision on how they would proceed. They would reject the offer to let Feng Zhi Yan fight, and continued to undermine him for his bad attitude.

"There's no need to proceed. We all have decided that he will be rejected because he neglected his wife!"

"That's right! We can't let someone with such a vile character running around in our sect!"

"You guys don't know what's good for the sect!" Elder Ning said angrily. "How could fools like all of you be elders?! You all clearly were too old and becomes blind!"

The elders were frustrated at Elder Ning's decision. If this continued, it will become pending again. But, there's no going back this time, pending was not allowed anymore. Feng Zhi Yan must go away, or they would have to face Feng Ao Xiu!

Just like that, both parties were bickering at each other in a never-ending debate. Funny enough, nobody mentioned the person in the main topic of the conversation by his name. They referred to him as "he", "Young Master Feng", "wife-neglecting bastard" and many other things, but not as "Feng Ao Xiu" or "Feng Zhi Yan".

"Esteemed elders, I have something to say!", It was then Young Master Tao, Tao Zhen appeared. "Why not ask us, your future disciples, for our opinions? I have something I want to say about Young Master Feng!"

"We allow it! Speak out your mind!" one of the elder said.

How could these elders not know that Young Master Tao and Young Master Feng were not in good terms. Perhaps this could serve as leverage to chase away Feng Zhi Yan.

"Young Master Feng has a terrible personality. He thinks he's better than the others, and others are not allowed to get close to him unless they were from a renowned upper-tier clan. He even extorts money and threatened commoners for their money. For beautiful young man, they suffered worse, they were humiliated and harassed in public. Even though he has a wife, he only married her to cover up that he was gay, and favoured his man servant instead." Young Master Tao said all of this fluently.

"You expect me to just believe your words?" said Elder Ning. It was the first time, he heard such a thing, he won't be shaken up with just some nasty rumours.

Except for the rumours that Feng Zhi Yan was gay, the others were just lies that were made by Tao Zhen. But, it doesn't matter if they were lies and that he couldn't prove them, these rumours only serve as an appetiser. He's just getting started. It's time to serve the main dish!

"There's more..." Young Master Tao said. "Have you all noticed that a lot of participants have voluntarily quit? It's because Young Master Feng forced them to! He thinks that they did not deserve to be in the same place as him, so he threatened that he will harm their family. Alas, they were only commoners, there's nothing they could do if a young master from the Feng Clan harmed their family."

"Such evil!" said one elder, adding fuel to the fire. "Any illegal activity is not allowed in our sect. All kinds of people, whether they are commoners or nobles, as long as they are capable, are welcome to join our sect."

"This cannot continue, we must get rid of him immediately!" said another elder.

Nothing was confirmed yet, but the elders could not help themselves but sides with Young Master Tao. Moreover, with Scholar Jin still fainted, nobody will defend Feng Zhi Yan blindly. Elder Ning maybe a bit hard-headed, but he was still someone that can be reason with given the right circumstances. Isn't this a great opportunity to get rid of Feng Zhi Yan?

"That's some accusation that you have..." said Elder Ning "Do you have any evidence?"

Tao Zhen smiled as he glanced towards his new man, Qian Hui, who noticed him and came forward to greet the elders.

With Qian Hui in his presence, Tao Zhen continued, "Elder Ning already knows that he used to work for Young Master Feng. However, this man couldn't stand the wicked plan that Young Master Feng had, so he quit and change his master to me. He served as witness for Young Master Feng misdeed. Elder can ask him anything if what I said was true."

Suddenly, more than twenty peoples came forward, they were Tao Zhen's men.

"Elder Ning, please change your decision! If it wasn't for Young Master Tao protecting us and our families, Young Master Feng would already... I can't even say it..."

"I don't want to be in the same sect as Young Master Feng. If he's in the sect, we'd rather quit!"

"..." Elder Ning was out of words. It was true that Qian Hui used to be Feng Ao Xiu's bodyguard. It was also evident that a lot of participants have voluntarily quit. There's no need to ask any questions, Qian Hui will definitely confirm everything that Tao Zhen said.

Young Master Tao smiled. It was him that chased out the other participants, and blamed it all into Feng Zhi Yan. Moreover, with lots of participant threatening to quit, there's no way the elders would sacrifice them in the stead of Feng Zhi Yan. Qian Hui's plan turned out to be a big success. He will definitely give him a big reward later.

Seeing that Elder Ning did not ask any more question, an elder asked him, "Elder Ning, do you still insist on defending him?"

"Fine! I won't interfere anymore. Do as you guys wish!" said Elder Ning.

[At last! We can get rid of him! It feels like an eternity.]

[Hahaha! Feng Zhi Yan, I won. This is what you get for getting in my way!]

The elders and Tao Zhen happily shouted in their hearts.

Finally, one elder said towards the still frozen Feng Ao Xiu, "With this, we concluded that you fai..."

"Wait!" suddenly, Elder Zhou shouted, interrupting the other elder words.

First, it was Elder Ning, now Elder Zhou. Why did they keep getting interrupted?

"Elder Zhou, what is it? Ah, your face is so pale, just like a ghost. What happened?" said an elder.

"So... So... Something's wrong..." said Elder Zhou with fears in his eyes.

"What went wrong? And you're shivering like crazy... Is it too cold?" said another elder. "Someone, go bring a blanket for Elder Zhou!"

Elder Zhou did not respond to the elder's question. Instead, he faced the still frozen Feng Ao Xiu and asked politely, "Yo... Young Master... May... May I know your name?"

It was not Feng Ao Xiu who answered, but another elder. "Ah... Elder Zhou, he's clearly Feng Zhi Yan. You look really sick, you should get some rest. Come, I'll help you go see a doctor."

"Wait! What just did you say?" asked Elder Ning looking so confused.

"It's Elder Zhou... He's really sick. I'll help him go see a doctor" the elder answered.

"That's not what I meant!" Elder Ning said, frustrated. "I'm asking you about the name!"

"The name? Ah... You must mean Feng Zhi Yan!"

"Feng Zhi Yan???" Elder Ning was surprised. "You mean you thought he was Feng Zhi Yan all along!"

"Of course! What other young master from the Feng Clan, could he be?" the elder said.

"I met Feng Zhi Yan before. He's definitely not Feng Zhi Yan!" said Elder Ning.

"Elder Ning, you must be joking, right?" the elder said, looking confident. "Who else could be so evil, and at the same time be so shamelessly hides from Feng Ao Xiu by seeking our sect's help, other than Feng Zhi Yan?"

"What about Feng Ao Xiu himself?" said Elder Ning.

"Hahaha... That doesn't make any sense!" said the elder while laughing. "Why would Feng Ao Xiu came to our branch and participate to be our new disciple? Elder Ning, you're good at making a joke."

"Hahahaha...." The others also laughed with him.

Elder Ning, "..."

Seeing Elder Ning's serious face, they gradually stop laughing.
