
He could hear the voices through the door to the parlour.

It was impossible to make out the words, but he could tell when his mother spoke from the odd stress she placed on her vowels. She wasn't from the Empire, which had been a minor scandal for the House at the time, and her accent was distinct enough that many treated her as an outsider at Court. It was probably why his father spent so much time away from the capital. As a capable officer, there were many positions in the Ministry of War that he could have been assigned to, but he seemed to be content with his relaxed lifestyle.

A tap on his shoulder made him focus and Chen gestured at the guards who stood beside the door.

Nikolai frowned at their amused expressions, he'd been standing here for some time, appearing hesitant and indecisive. The elder guard grinned sheepishly at his furious expression and just shrugged. As expected of the soldiers of Volhiniya, they cared little for formalities, or respect. At least, not showing it openly.

With a deep breath he gestured to them and one slipped inside to inform the chamberlain of his arrival. His mother had been clear on how he was to present himself initially.


"Niki, you can behave as you like after the engagement but until things are settled you are to act like the person people think you are." She'd lectured, looking down at him. He'd been forced to kneel and listen, glowering at his father who was struggling to hold in his laughter.

"What does that even mean?"

"Don't whine and just act like you do whenever you meet the Emperor."

"Get dragged off to play drinking games?" he'd quipped. The Son of Heaven was very fond of liquor.

"In public Niki." She had let out a long-suffering sigh.

"Fine I'll behave." He sulked but Eva had just snapped her fan on his head and sent him away with a wave.


"Count Nikolai Morales of Volhiniya, Defender of the Empire, War Mage of the Emperor, by grace of the Fates, Lord of Storms." The chamberlain declared.

"Did they add more?" Chen murmured and Nikolai grimaced. He'd never liked having so many titles. The actual list was longer, but he'd managed to ensure that they used the short form or the chamberlain's tongue may have fallen off. They were a gift from the Emperor and had been granted in Court as a reward, which meant that they were recorded on a register somewhere in the palace and as such a matter of record. Knowing the Emperor, Nikolai was sure it was just a prank to saddle him with innumerable obscure appellations until he was afraid to even approach any event that had a whiff of formality.

As if he needed more reasons.

The doors swung open and Nikolai gripped his staff, trying to imagine he was stepping onto a battlefield. It was surprisingly easy to get into that mood because the pressure he could sense from the room was just that intense.

A gust of wind brushed his neck, and he felt a gentle push which got him moving.

Taking a deep breath, he swept into the parlour, drawing a little mana into his staff so it pulsed with light occasionally. It was a trick that had come in useful during his subjugation of the Dragon Lords.

The parlour was filled with the women of the household as custom demanded, his father would only play a part once things were approved here. He caught sight of the silver hair which he assumed belonged to his fiancée, but she was blocked by the Knight that stood at attention beside her. He strode towards his mother who was engaged in idle conversation, sipping tea and recited his prepared speech while trying to catch a glimpse of the woman he may marry.

"Greetings honoured guests!" He boomed, trying to make his voice deeper. "I apologise for the delay but there were urgent matters that I had to attend to. It is a pleasure to meet such illustrious company from House…" he trailed off, catching sight of his possible fiancée. Her gaze was sharp, piercing and deadly. There was a sensation of overwhelming power that flowed from her very presence, the cascade of silver hair that rested on her shoulder radiant under the lights. Their eyes met, and his breath caught. He wasn't sure why, but he was certain that she was amused, her eyes sparkling, and lips turned up in a gorgeous smile.

A cough from his mother brought him back to his senses, and he hastily averted his gaze. "Uhhh… sorry… ummm… ah! yes. House Suzdal. Welcome." He finished lamely and cast a glance at his mother begging for help.

"Niki's been a little distracted lately by work. Getting a province arranged is a daunting task." Eva laughed lightly and called him to sit down. Chen stood at his shoulder, exchanging looks with the dark-haired Knight that was accompanying Silver Fang, an odd form of professional courtesy among soldiers that Nikolai had never understood.

"Yes. That's right. I've been busy." He parroted, trying to watch the silver haired woman without appearing to stare.

"Passable!" An old woman draped in shawls banged loudly on the tiles with her cane. She peered at him and Nikolai felt like he was being measured and weighed for sale at the butchers. Everyone twitched, and Nikolai observed Silver Fang's eyes widen slightly before she managed to control herself.

"Let's get on with it and sign the agreement." The old woman croaked, waving her cane dangerously, and Nikolai huddled into his seat to avoid the swings.

"Now?" Eva's tea cup clinked against its saucer, the sound a sign of her surprise.

"What's there to wait for. We're not getting any younger and these two will suit each other nicely so I agree to the engagement for House Suzdal." The old woman placed a small token with the phoenix crest of Suzdal on the table.

Eva looked relieved and set her tea down, reaching into her skirt to retrieve a similar token that was engraved with the lightning sword crest of House Morales. "I agree to the engagement for House Morales." She said and retrieved her tea.

Nikolai stared at the tokens sitting side by side on the table, trying to process what had happened. He looked up to see his fiancée equally stunned and realised, they were engaged.

"Wait. That quickly?"