Fiancées (2)

The Baroness had been courteous from the moment they arrived. Offering light conversation on inconsequential subjects like the weather or the latest fashions in the Capital while they arranged themselves to wait for the Count. The Baroness was dressed in a stunning long white dress, an egg-sized ruby adorning her brow, the centrepiece of a dazzling circlet and a black shawl embroidered with the lightning sword of House Morales in gold embroidery, which made Elya feel out of place in her armour, like she'd come to fight instead of coming to accept a proposal.

Elya had guided Great Aunt Natalia to a couch, placing a shawl around her shoulders, before bowing towards the Baroness and seating herself. As the daughter of a Grand Duke there was no need for her to show such respect. In fact, most would expect the Baroness to curtsy to her but as Elya's future mother-in-law she was to be accorded seniority matching Natalia's, who was here in place of Elya's mother.

A diplomatic envoy had been dispatched to the Empire of Senro in the wake of border skirmishes and her mother's talents were requested by the Emperor. A request by the Son of Heaven was just a command that allowed a vassal to show their willingness to serve, but it had become a staple of government for these 'requests' to be made to the greatest Houses instead of issuing orders. Still, it meant that her mother would be returning too late to settle the matter of marriage.

They didn't have to wait long before a chamberlain came in to boom the Count's introduction and her hands twitched towards her sword, remembering that Alexis held it now. She breathed in deeply, trying to control the pounding in her heart as the Count swept in, his black robes highlighting the deep blue of his eyes. His introduction was impressive, pulses of magical light radiating from his staff, Nezgrom the Celestial Thunder, in time with his words. It was a great weapon commissioned by the Emperor after the assault on Sieradsz. It was almost as famous as Nikolai was, accompanying him in all the tales of his heroics.

When he saw her, Nikolai froze, trailing off. He must have seen the scar, Elya thought and couldn't help but smile in sadness. It was an expected reaction. Everyone responded the same way, and the little hope she'd held that he could be different vanished.

"Uhhh… sorry… ummm… ah! yes. House Suzdal. Welcome." He finished and sat down. This close he looked normal. One would say plain until they looked in his eyes. Eyes that shone with magic and power, there was something mystical about him even when his staff wasn't flashing. It was captivating to say the least, but he sported a dazed expression and kept glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes.

"Passable!" Natalia declared and Elya's eyes widened in shock.

Great Aunt Natalia never approved of anyone.


The Suzdal's even ranked people based on how many negative comments she gave.

Within seconds the tokens were placed and exchanged to approve the marriage and just like that Elya was engaged to Count Nikolai Morales. Her mind spun, watching the gaping astonishment of her fiancée.

"Wait. That quickly?" He cried and sprung from his seat. Alexis shifted behind her, gripping her sword in preparation to draw at the insult.

"Is there a problem Nikolai?" the Baroness glared him into submission and he looked like a boy reprimanded for his mistakes, glancing at the Suzdal party and comprehending his blunder.

"No." He replied sheepishly, glancing at Elya and offering a sad little grin in apology.

"Run along now Niki and show Elya around." The Baroness ordered, and Nikolai's shoulders slumped a little, looking lost, but he stood up and Elya accompanied him, their escorts following them out.

Behind them planning for the wedding began. If the daughter of a Grand Duke was going to be married, it had to be a spectacular affair. While Elya herself only had a mild interest in the event, it actually seemed like a hassle to be honest, her aunt would ensure that the Suzdal's would not be lacking and she caught some of their discussions on dowry as she exited. Her father really valued this alliance it seemed, the initial figure was shocking, almost as much as the dowry prepared for her wedding to the fourth Prince.

Outside the parlour Nikolai glanced at her for a moment and Elya was sure he was just as confused as she was. They barely knew each other and were engaged, which was actually the norm for the nobility, but things had moved so fast this time, without a chance for them to even talk with each other. That had to be a first for an engaged couple.

"Why don't you take her into the town." The soldier behind Nikolai offered. He'd followed them along with Alexis, ostensibly acting as bodyguards, but considering her and Nikolai's abilities, they'd serve as advisors. Or in Alexis' case, Elya had sternly instructed her to act as a buffer in case things became awkward.

"Would you like that Dame Suzdal?" Nikolai asked her. Her lips quivered, trying to hold in a smile when she saw him behaving so shy, unable to meet her gaze, the magical Count was nowhere in sight.

"Of course, Count Morales." She retrieved her sword from Alexis and buckled it to her side, confidence coming once the familiar weapon was back at her side. She hadn't realised how lost she would feel without it in this environment.

"Umm… you can call me Nikolai." He said, flinching a little at the sight of her armed.

"Then please call me Elya." She smiled and saw him flush a little. It was such a contrast with the stories she had heard, this soft-spoken young man who was feared by an Empire. There was an awkward silence for a moment and she searched for a topic, but Nikolai seemed to realise something and slapped his head.

"Have you ever had volha-borscht?" He said suddenly, perking up and grinning at her, mischief sparkling in his eyes. She twitched a little as he grabbed her arm and pulled her into a brisk walk. The soldier stumbled after them exchanging shocked looks with Alexis who trotted to keep up, her stride too short to match their pace.

"What's borscht?" Elya asked as she was whisked into town.