Prince of Crows

"What are you doing here?" Elya asked once she was seated at the table, Razors Edge back in its sheath and a cup of steaming hot tea resting in front of her.

"I was invited dear. Like you." Eva Morales looked paler than their first meeting, her normally lively expression marred by the kidnapping of her son. She'd hardly eaten while Nikolai was captured, relying on her half-forgotten abilities as an Agent of the Black Hand to keep going. It had taken its toll, leaving injuries that even Nikolai's Magic couldn't counteract. Elya knew her mother-in-law-to-be spent more time now in her bed than her beloved garden as she recovered. "It's not polite to stare and ignore your host."

Elya jerked at the light admonishment, eyes darting to the man who could only be the Savant.

"Apologies… Master Savant?" Her voice twisted, uncertainty turning the apology into a question. The dominating power the Savant displayed during their last conversation, which sent her emotions out of control and hammered her mind, was carefully restricted. Without her enhanced Draconic senses, he appeared to be nothing more than a simple, if sharply dressed, middle-aged man. In her mind's eye though, he was a mass of terrifying power, surges of might towering to the sky.

"Just Savant will do." He replied, cracking a biscuit to dip into his tea. "It's a shame our first meeting wasn't under better circumstances." Calling it a meeting rather than coercion was a blatant lie. Just the thought was enough to enrage her. Only the man's mysterious nature and unfathomable capabilities kept her from lashing out.

What terrified her most were his possible demands. She'd read many an account where a person's involvement with criminal elements led to disaster. The Pirate Queen of Ansibar was the perfect example. The woman was so well known that fictitious accounts of her escapades filled many bookstores. Even Nikolai had a copy of her tales which he treasured deeply, but the truth behind the woman's life was far darker.

Born into House Turan after the third Imperial Conquest of the long forgotten nation of Kzev, Ilva Turan was known for her feisty temperament and quick wit. When her family fell on hard times, she made a deal with the gang that controlled the docks of her hometown to provide writs of passage for smuggled goods in return for funds to support her ailing Houses finances. The influx of funds was enough to stabilise their situation but Ilva quickly found herself absorbed into the gang's upper echelons, going from providing assistance to actively participating in its illicit activities.

Soon Ilva held reign over most of her hometown's gangs, terrorising the city to the point it came to Imperial notice. She may have been able to avoid scrutiny for longer if her arrogance hadn't brought her into direct conflict with the Son of Heaven. It was a testament to her skills that she even survived, let alone escaped onto the high seas with a band of ruthless murderers and thieves. In a few short years she held sway across the western straits, her name mentioned in hushed whispers at every port in the Empire. It took the concerted efforts of the nascent Imperial Navy and a troop of War Mages to hunt Ilva down. In one of the greatest Naval battles of the age the Pirate Queen was ambushed by a fleet twice her number and eventually captured.

In the end Ilva Turan was brought home and beheaded on the steps of her Houses mansion. A testament to how easy it was to become corrupted. While Elya believed herself to be stronger than the Pirate Queen, there was a thread of doubt pulsing in her heart. She'd already taken steps into the underworld, and if in the future the choice was between her loved ones and the Empire, she wasn't certain what she would choose.

"Truly. I could hardly recognise your presence." Elya growled, eyes sharp with caution, wary of the Savant's abilities. Even though she'd agreed to his request in return for aid, the entire episode left her feeling bitter. Under the influence of his powers or her fear for Nikolai's safety, she'd agreed to the Savant's demands too quickly. It was out of character for her to make such rash decisions, but whatever the reason, she'd given her word, and a Knight didn't go back on their word.

"There were inadequacies to our previous means of communication. Luckily, we can forget the past and enjoy some tea together." The Savant seemed unconcerned by her threatening posture, munching on his snacks with gusto.

Eva leaned forward and placed a hand on her arm, a gentle reminder to maintain control. "This is a wonderful field. Niki tries to make illusions like this all the time, but Fates bless him it always lacks that little something to make it real." Eva smiled at some memory of Nikolai and Elya's lips twitched in agreement. She'd been exposed to some of his attempted illusions in Nikolai's Mage Tower. The best word to describe them was 'Adequate'.

"It's not an illusion. This is one of my villas near the Senroan border."

Elya drew a sharp breath, stunned at the casual admission of his power. If they'd truly been transported to another location, his means rivalled that of the ancient Archmages.

"Not that I don't appreciate the invitation, but I doubt you would have brought us all the way just to have some tea." Eva sipped from her cup, the picture of control. If you ignored the shaking cup and sweat beading on her brow. It was one thing to be around a powerful War Mage, but in the face of someone with even greater capabilities, it was difficult to remain calm.

"True. It requires a great deal of effort to maintain the Gates, but a pleasant chat is always welcome." He leaned back, dark eyes glowing in anticipation. "But let us come to the point. I have left you free to pursue your desires Morales, choosing to ignore your blatant disregard of my authority." There was an edge to the Savant's voice, veiled under his soft smile. He raised a hand to forestall Eva's explanation. "It's over and done with, but in return for my silence, nay, support! Who helped you find your precious son?" Elya turned away, ashamed at how easily he could demand their aid. The Savant stared at Eva until she dropped her gaze before continuing. "My assistance comes at a price. You should know this better than anyone Eva, but worry not. I have little desire to come into conflict with your fledgling War Mage, so my demands are minimal. I simply require your support."

"Support for what?"

"The time for selecting a new Tribune has come. I have a candidate in mind."

"Who?" Elya frowned. He transported them the Fates knew where just to meddle in Imperial politics?

"The Fourth Prince has proposed Korozhev Orlov as the next Tribune. I agree with his choice."

"If you agree, why ask us for help?"

"There is a great change coming." The Savant trailed off, staring into his half-filled cup while lost in thought. "My allies are… uncertain, which is never good for business. The Empire must be kept whole to avoid certain problems and the Fourth Prince believes the best way to accomplish this is to the East." He turned to Elya, eyes glittering in anticipation.

"He wants to invade Senro." Elya breathed. The election of a Tribune was always accompanied by conflict. The Tribunes would inevitably march on one of the Empire's neighbours to bring wealth and prosperity to the Empire, their backers and themselves.

It was expected although not necessarily in that order.

As a Suzdal, Elya was well aware of the Children of Heaven's agendas. Almost all of them were focussed on their weaker neighbours or the Theocracy, but the infamous Fourth Prince was notorious for his desire to invade Senro. His reasoning was unknown, but most of the Imperial Army disagreed with his plans. Matching an army even greater than the Empire's was unprofitable at best.

"Let's not call it an invasion. Simply a check on the Senroan Court."

"I still don't understand. Why us?"

"Of my agents you two wield the greatest influence. As the descendant of the Suzdal's your words have weight among House Suzdal and my sources say your family is undecided. As for Eva, House Morales wields far more clout amongst the lower rungs of Nobility than most people realise."

"We agree." Eva declared. "But we can't guarantee anything. You overestimate my influence."

"It wasn't a request Morales, but as long as you make your stance clear, I'll be able to take care of the rest." The Savant smiled, eyes pulsing in delight. "Since our business is concluded, you may leave at your leisure. However, the Gates will remain open only for another hour." With his final words he stood and burst into a flock of crows, streaming towards the hills in the distance. Elya glared at his now empty seat, a finger tracing the old scar on her face. The Savant's departure was an astonishing display of power. It wasn't an illusion since Elya could sense his energy from every single crow.

It was far beyond what any being should be capable of.

"Why did you accept his demands? There's no way to gather enough votes in favour of a war to the East." Elya rounded on Eva once the Savant was far outside her senses.

"I'm sure he has other ways to influence the vote." Eva frowned in thought. "And you heard him clearly. This is a demand and we must obey. Appearing in favour of war is not enough to damage our standings at Court, but going against the Savant is… foolish at best."

"Still, we could have put up a fight." Elya grumbled. She knew how petulant she sounded, but the Savant brought out the worst in her.

"To what end?" Elya rose from her seat, as graceful as ever and stroked Elya's hair for a moment. "You have to pick your battles dear, and we have far more pressing issues to deal with."

Elya's face twisted in confusion. What could be more important?

"There's only three months left till the wedding and there's still so much to be done!" Eva clapped her hands and launched into a long list of pending tasks.

Elya grimaced when she got to the guest list and stuttered an apology before running back to the glowing exit. Even if they weren't as critical, there were things even more terrifying than Imperial politics and powerful beings.