Lies Between Lovers

Elya returned to the inn shortly after midnight to find a drunken Alexis sprawled on the floor amongst a handful of Knights, soldiers and locals. With a deep sigh, Elya nodded towards the exhausted Knight standing guard. The Knights of Chernigov would always have someone sober and alert to protect their comrades. There were too many cases of men taking liberties with intoxicated Knights and it never ended well. She skirted the mass of unconscious bodies, taking care not to wake anyone. She wasn't in the mood for questions.

The inn was divided into two buildings, the common area where Alexis lay that led to the 'commoners lodging' and kitchen, and a handful of lavish rooms facing a small courtyard for wealthy patrons. House Morales guards arrived in advance to book the entire courtyard for their entourage, ensuring Natalia, Elya and Nikolai were provided with separate rooms, stocked with the finest luxuries and comfort available so far from a major city.

She found Nikolai kicking his heels outside of his room, leaning against a timber post facing the courtyard. He was humming and staring at the moon, a half read book forgotten in his hand. A wispy glowing ring hung over his head, a small spell she'd seen him use many times to create enough light for his work, casting a dim glow on their surroundings. A soft breeze swirled around the courtyard, brushing her cheek and pulling Nikolai's cloak aside to flutter like a pennant. Framed against the flowering shrubs and rippling pond, he appeared ethereal.

Magical to the core.

Elya tiptoed across the worn wooden floor to arrive beside him, drawn to follow his gaze. Shadows darted across the sky, small birds warbling in song as they spun in intricate dances. Ripples in the pond reflected the moon, shimmering in counterpoint to Nikolai's Magic.

"I didn't think you had any friends in Orzega." Nikolai glanced up, lips twisting with the annoying smirk she knew so well.

"I could say the same." Elya shifted her sheathed sword away from Nikolai and sat down. "You have to come up with better excuses."

"At some point there's no reason to make excuses. No one can make me explain after all." He glanced at her, lips pursed in thought. "At least not yet."

"I'm sure the Son of Heaven would disagree." His expression made Elya grin. He was slowly opening up to her, joking and conceding to many of her whims. Her mother would say he was 'being taught the correct way to handle relationships. My Way.'

"Not even the Emperor can demand an explanation from me." Nikolai whispered, the humour drained from his voice. With a flourish, his book snapped shut, the tasselled bookmark jerking as he tossed the volume aside. "It's been a long time since he tried."

"You know that's not what I meant Niki." She pinched his sleeve, smiling softly to bring his attention back to the moment. "Who did you go and meet?"

Instead of answering Nikolai reached out to pat her hand, frowning at the pond for a moment. The silence between them stretched while he sat lost in thought. Elya was about to call out to him when he spoke, shaking his head as if he was trying to forget something.

"An old friend. Very old." He began, expression softening as he spoke. "A surprise actually. You'll meet the crazy old bastard tomorrow, although I expect you to take everything he says with a pinch of salt. Fates know how many disasters his words have caused."

"Not a ringing endorsement."

"Not even his mother would endorse him."

"You've made me very curious."

"No need to be."

Elya grinned, sliding closer to her fiancee as they bantered. She'd been amongst soldiers who were just as dismissive and casual as Nikolai, but only with him could she relax and participate. To others she was a Knight.

A Lady.

A Dragonslayer.

Never a companion.

Even Alexis maintained some distance from her whether by choice or training it didn't matter. At least with Nikolai she could speak freely.

"What did he want?" she chuckled at his long face. When he chose to, Nikolai could pull faces like a Jester.

"Annoying stuff. Nepotism. Favours. Politics. Alcohol."


"Don't raise your eyebrow at me like that." He complained, reaching out to poke her brow. "He's a heavy drinker, always wanting more."

"Sounds like my Aunt Natalia." She murmured.

"More than you know." He whispered.

"So did you also meet a friend?" Nikolai coughed, shaking as another gust of wind flowed through the courtyard. The grin slipped from her face at the question, memories of the Savant's deep dark eyes flashing in her mind.

"An acquaintance." She traced her scar, face scrunched in frustration.

"Doesn't look like it was pleasant. Did they want something?"

"Annoying stuff. Nepotism. Favours. Politics. Tea."

"Very funny." He snorted, pinching her hand in mock anger. His fingers trembled briefly, and he stuffed his hands into a pocket to retrieve the small packet with his medicine. She glared at the crystalline powder he swallowed with a grimace.

"I thought you were feeling better."

"I am." Nikolai turned away from her, a clear sign he was lying. "It's just a matter of time."

They hadn't spoken about the kidnapping. He'd been changed in some way. Now he breathed like a warrior, his body pulsing with ancient vitality. The Draconic essence in her blood growled in wariness whenever he forgot to control his aura. Whatever he'd experienced, his new capabilities were erratic, leaking from him in waves whenever he was lost in thought or agitated.

"How long is that?" She whispered under her breath, reaching out to caress his cheek. His eyes flashed in the dim light, face drawn in concentration. He breathed deeply, leaning into her hand for a moment before drawing back. Clearing her throat, Elya poked his cheek. "Get better soon. We have a lot to do."

"True. Tomorrow will be… interesting."

"My family's not that bad."

"I didn't say they were."

"Then why did you pause before saying interesting."

"Well, let me put it like this. My old friend may not be the craziest person you meet tomorrow."

"You've been awfully tight lipped about your entrance to Arkhangelsk. You're not planning anything strange are you?"

"Define strange."


He turned away, whistling innocently. No amount of cajoling would get him to open his mouth so she settled for resting her head on his shoulder, wrinkling her nose a little at the acrid scent of Magical fire rising from his robes. He must have been teaching Jarek some form of flame conjuring. They both reeked of fire whenever he did. Eventually giving up, she leaned her head on his shoulder, listening to his humming and soft breathing.

"You're not sleepy?" she asked after a while.

"Yes I am." The light above him winked out of existence and his arm tightened around her waist to bring them closer. "You?"

"Yes. Me too." Elya closed her eyes, snuggling closer to him as he dozed off under the moonlight.