The Border

The pennants of a dozen Dragon Lords and House Morales' lightning sword banner fluttered in the freezing wind at the border. Steam rose from the dozens of Banner cavalry ringing Nikolai's carriage, sharp eyes wavering as the cold bit deeper into flesh. The escarpment at Arkhangelsk was a dividing line, both as a natural barrier and an abnormality of weather. An hour ago Nikolai was dozing off under the sunlight streaming through the drapes on his carriage. Now he strolled amongst his soldiers with a disc of fire spinning at his heels to keep his surroundings warm. With each step his cane tapped against the frozen ground, the dull thump passing through his arm bringing a smirk to his lips. Natalia's odd behaviour showed him the possibilities existing in canes. Weapon, tool, symbol, a cane had presence.

Horses edged towards him as he passed, drawn to the warmth he projected, their riders struggling to keep them in formation. Nikolai didn't blame them. The weather was horrendous. Natalia, Jarek and Master Etenani huddled in his carriage, a dozen weather control spells stuck to its interior. With the addition of his drunken Master, Nikolai was free to set the spell structures without worrying for their maintenance, simply handing the operation over to Etenani.

House Morales attendants scurried throughout the convoy, readying carts and hanging streamers to create a festive mood. Meeting your future in-laws was meant to be a celebration. Especially amongst the Imperial Houses. The custom dated back to the age of their servitude under the Gods when any chance for happiness was precious. Now, it was just an inconvenience as Houses struggled to outdo their rivals and proclaim their wealth and power. Nikolai might have ignored the entire event despite his mother's pleading but Jarek's description of Elya's procession into Konstanz lit his competitive spirit. With eyes shining at the memory Jarek gushed at the 'great warrior maiden arriving at the head of ten thousand Knights'.

It was a shame he'd missed it, but there was no way he would lose to his fiancée.

A harried Alexis dashed by him, water-skins cradled in her arms. These days the typically ebullient Vice-Captain struggled to please Natalia in every way possible, running errands and waiting on every one of the old woman's whims. This close to Arkhangelsk, the threat of House Barsi's discipline loomed ever larger and Alexis would do anything to keep them at bay it seemed. Nikolai's lips twitched at the powerful warrior's antics, skirting a column of House Morales guards oiling their weaponry. The captain of his guard bowed, hand to heart before returning to arrange her troop for their procession. Nikolai shook his head at the reluctance in the captain's eyes. The groom's most trusted soldiers were expected to lead the procession, yet instead of allowing House Morales to lead, he'd passed the honour to the Children of the Dragon. Before his kidnapping the decision might have been difficult, but it was the Children who called on their Banners to come to his aid.

Hundreds died. He owed them.

Nikolai clenched his fist, trying to control the twitching of his hands whenever he remembered the… event.

After passing a few instructions to the attendant preparing the gift cart, he arrived by the three Dragon Lords serving as his vanguard, eyeing the tattered war banner which the massive Inichi Yesaul gripped tightly in his mailed fist. Nikolai had spent the night arguing with the Yesual to explain why he couldn't arrive with the bones of his enemies draped across his shoulders. The Yesaul conceded to Nikolai's request and wore a hulking set of plate mail, Magically fitted to his impressive physique. He grinned through the opening of his visor when he tracked Nikolai's stare, shaking the banner and leaning down from his horse.

"Good day to remember Khan!" He bellowed, cheeks flushed in excitement. Or maybe the cold weather. It was difficult to tell.

"Indeed." Nikolai tried to copy the Yesaul's predatory expression but failed. He couldn't quite manage the same terrifying grace oozing from the man. Like the rippling golden Dragon on the war banner, he'd met the Yesaul almost three years ago. At the end of his campaign to unite the Children of the Dragon, he'd faced thousands of them on the plains of Volhiniya, hurling waves of paralysing Magic to slow their assault until the handful of Dragon Lords under his command were able to reform their broken lines. On that bitter day, under the searing heat of a blazing sun, he conquered the Dragon Lords, earning the right to face the Great Dragon and take his mantle. The Yesaul cheerfully recalling the battle now, had stood against him that day, guiding his beast of a warhorse to smash against Nikolai's lines until he was brought down. "I'm honoured by your presence."

"We welcome new Khanbikeh! Has not been seen in many centuries. Like Khan, brings change."

"I don't see what change she can bring." Nikolai mumbled, used to the Yesaul's strange perception of the world. Everything was of significance to the man. Whether it was the number of birds resting on a tree or which way the wind was blowing. The Yesaul even claimed to have seen an ancient fairy in his youth to whom he'd surrendered his name in return for a greater understanding of the 'omens'. If he was called anything other than Yesaul, he would explode with rage, lashing out at anyone who mentioned his name. Even amongst his own tribe the Yesaul was strange, but his stubborn nature and considerable prowess were enough reason to ignore his quirks.

"It's truly something that hasn't been seen in centuries Khan. By the providence of the Great Dragon we were blessed with a Khan after so much time wandering and now a Khanbikeh comes! Soon we will be ready to take up our rightful place at your side." It was always a surprise to hear such zealous words coming from the aged Yesaul leading the procession. Temuj Baharz was the second Yesaul to bring his people to Nikolai's side, quickly becoming one of the Khan's and his newly appointed Ataman's greatest supporters.

"Not like I have issues with your support Temuj, but I fail to see why this requires the three greatest warriors of the Children to lead the way."

Temuj placed a hand on Nikolai's shoulder, squeezing softly for a moment before bowing his head.

"The Great Dragon protects."

Nikolai followed suit, the expected words pulling at his faint connection to the ancient Dragon.

"That he does Temuj." Nikolai sighed, knowing no reply for his question would be coming. The Children were stubborn by nature but Temuj was considered terrifyingly relentless even amongst his own people. Nikolai tapped his cane against the ground, muttering a spell to expand the disc of fire until it covered the three Yesauls. The Inichi Yesaul grunted at the warmth while the others acknowledged Nikolai's assistance with a small bow. With the freezing wind brushing against their cheeks they lounged at rest before the Imperial highway content to wait until Nikolai gave the order for them to proceed.

"Are you sure the cohort isn't necessary?" Elya arrived beside him, huddling closer once she felt the warmth from his spell.

Without the Knights of Chernigov, Nikolai's convoy was lacking manpower and presence. The almost two thousand members of the Knights would have already crossed the border, waiting with the welcoming party for their arrival.

"This is House Morales' convoy Elya. Why are you still here?"

"Don't want me around?"

Nikolai sputtered an apology, ignoring knowing the grins on the Yesauls faces. "You know that's not what I meant." He said after a dozen broken sentences.

"I know." Elya's lips twitched in amusement, eyes flashing in mischief. "And I'll head down with Alexis soon. I'm just curious what you've been hiding."

"Hiding?" Nikolai's heart thumped, recalling the dozens of secrets and plans he kept from her. Letters from the Emperor, plans for the election, the ancient primer stone sitting in his pocket, or his current condition as the Will of the True Imperial mutated under the influence of his changed blood. There were too many things.

"For the procession!" She prompted, leaning from her horse to poke his cheek. "You've been tight-lipped. Huddling with these Yesauls for days with none of you willing to explain what's going on."

"Oh, that!" Nikolai cleared his throat, embarrassed by his wild thoughts. "Well, first of all. It would look bad if House Morales couldn't muster enough people for the procession."

"Don't tell me you summoned the Banners for this?" Elya eyed the Yesauls suspiciously.

"No. I'm not crazy. But considering the traditions, I reached out to some old friends for assistance who ought to be arriving soon." As if to confirm his words Jarek came barrelling towards them, shivering in his fur coat with Seven in tow.

"Khan! Khan!" he screamed in excitement. "They're here! I can sense them coming."

"Who?" Elya followed the boy's outstretched finger in bewilderment casting a dark look at Seven. "When did he get back?"

Nikolai patted the boy on the head and nodded at the Hand. "Just a few minutes ago. Everything is ready Seven?"

[They agreed. All of them.] Seven's fingers jerked out the signs. The cold weather must have numbed them.

Nikolai breathed a sigh of relief. Whatever confidence he projected to Elya and his convoy, the friends he'd called upon were erratic at best. Elya gasped as a spark appeared on the horizon, quickly widening into an arc of lightning streaking towards them.

"Thunder Lancers." She breathed.

The arc of lightning flashed to the ground beside them, a cloud of steam exploding from the shining golden armour of the Lancers as they landed. The earth quaked as the captain of the troop lumbered towards them, raising his visor to reveal Nikolai's friend Chen Andreivich.

"Thought we wouldn't get here in time." He rasped. "But your colleagues split the wind and guided us through the air in record time." Chen gestured behind him and the Lancers split apart, revealing a dozen robed figures. They held great Staves which pulsed with light and Magic, discs of fire spinning at their feet and sparks of lightning flashing into the sky.

"Mages!" Jarek squealed with excitement, rushing towards them in greeting.

Elya's jaw hung open in surprise, pointing at the figures with a shaky finger. "You managed to get a squad of War Mages?" The mark of the Ministry of War was emblazoned proudly on their shoulders, a twisted disc surrounding the Son of Heaven's burning tree insignia. Nikolai had the same robe stashed in one his lockers at home, carefully ironed and ready for use at a moments notice. There was nothing better than a War Mage's robes to make an impression. Except possibly the glistening new golden armour of the Thunder Lancers.

"They owe me a few favours." Nikolai shrugged, secretly delighted by her reaction. "Now run along to your family. I'll be down shortly." Now he was ready to come before the Suzdal's with his procession of Magic and Thunder.

It was time for a show.