"Is there any reason for me to be dressed like a puffed up cho-beast?" Etenani grumbled at Nikolai's side, pulling on the ruffled collar of his formal robes. Clean shaven and bathed, the old man's regal features were on full display. Nikolai had always ignored the tales of his Master's youth, refusing to believe someone so sloppy and untrustworthy could have been a heartthrob, but the considering glances Etenani received from the female members of his convoy forced him to reconsider.
A little.
"You think you can approach my family dressed like a bum? Be glad you're even allowed to participate old fool." Natalia waved her cane from the other side, the sinister staff far too close for Nikolai's comfort. Settled comfortably in Nikolai's newest wheelchair prototype, she was the perfect image of an Imperial Duchess. Decked in the finest jewellery and latest fashion from the capital, everything from her sharp gaze to her impossibly convoluted hairstyle proved her pedigree. How she was able to create such an appearance on the road without Magic was baffling. He'd already scanned her with Mage Sight to make sure it wasn't an illusion.
Nikolai's skin tingled with a familiar surge of Magic and he took a step back, sighing as the earth around his Master rippled in time with his displeasure. "Why do you think you can dictate where I'm allowed to go hag? I have every right to be here. More than you anyway. He's my apprentice." Etenani's robes flowed ominously under the power of his Magic. It was an old trick Etenani used to awe his opponents. Unfortunately, against Natalia it was useless.
Bluffs didn't work on Truth Seers.
"Act up! Make a move against a helpless old woman. Master Mage you may be, but don't for a moment think you can bully me."
"Bully?" The ripples dissipated and Etenani tugged at his collar in discomfort. "I'm simply explaining the situation. You can't stop me."
"Oh?" Natalia's eyes narrowed dangerously, glowing with faint hints of her power. "Your status as the boy's Master won't protect you."
"Your status as the boy's future aunt won't protect you." Etenani growled in return.
Nikolai sighed again. He couldn't understand how these two ended up arguing. By all measures they should have gotten along wonderfully, yet somehow, sparks exploded the moment they met, like two beast kings being forced together on a hill. Elya had vanished at the first sign of trouble, hugging Nikolai for a moment before dashing away. In a way, her trembling figure should have warned him of the potential disaster.
"Master. Aunt. Please calm down. Both of you are very important to me so please try to get along."
"Stay out of this boy!" They both shouted, fixing him with identical glares.
"You two really are the same. Should have gotten along nicely." He mumbled under his breath, hanging his head at their expressions.
"This hag has pushed me since we met. If I don't resolve this now, my name isn't Zengari Etenani!"
Nikolai rolled his eyes at Etenani's antics. His Master's first name was Coursouz.
"Who's the one who drank all my wine without even asking?" Natalia roared, almost jumping out of her wheelchair.
"It was a tot that came from MY APPRENTICE's supplies!"
"Which YOUR APPRENTICE gifted ME!" Natalia jabbed out with her cane and Nikolai retreated another step, almost bumping into his own wide-eyed apprentice.
Jarek cast a pleading gaze towards him, tugging on Nikolai's sleeve with his free hand, the other wavering under the weight of Nikolai's ceremonial sword. "Khan." He whispered. "I'm scared."
"I told you to call me Master!" Nikolai hissed, suppressing his voice to a murmur, afraid the bickering elders would focus on him again. "And I'm also scared. Let's get out of their way." As the argument escalated, Nikolai pulled Jarek towards the lounging War Mages standing just out of earshot.
Except Nikolai, no one was idiotic enough to act as peacemaker.
"Looks like Iron-Head's in great form today." One of the Mages quipped, smirking at Nikolai's frustrated expression.
"It's Iron-Hand, Zhenya." Nikolai replied with a dark glare.
"Could have fooled me." Zhenya mumbled, continuing to polish his War Staff. He was the squad leader for the third Imperial Mage corps and Nikolai's peer, graduating alongside him from the Imperial War College. "So when do we start?"
"Soon. We have to give Elya time to reach her family." Nikolai gestured towards the distant squad of riders approaching the Suzdal contingent. The Suzdal's had turned out in full force, hundreds of branch members and attendants forming into a line of battle almost by instinct. There was a reason House Suzdal dominated the Ministry of War after all.
"I didn't think you'd be the first one to get married." Zhenya said after a moment.
"Neither did I." Nikolai opened his Sight to catch a glimpse of his Fiancée's flowing silver hair as she galloped towards her family. "But it's for the best."
"Like her?"
"A lot."
Zhenya grunted and ground his War Staff, pulling a crimson leaf from a pouch to chew on. "Heard she got you out of a fix at Galicia."
"Yes. She did." Nikolai shivered at mention of the city. "Nasty business, but not as bad as the first time."
"Word from the Council says there was an Anima."
"I can neither confirm nor deny that statement."
"Since when did you talk like a Councillor?"
Nikolai twitched at the accusation, shaking his head in denial. "You know I can't talk about it. Those old fogeys will deliberate for a few weeks before they release any news. For good reason. Did you forget about Lusankya?"
"Not worth remembering the unfortunate bastard. He shouldn't have been meddling with those things in the first place. As much as I dislike the Avarians, they've kept Demonic influence under control for a long time now."
"And a few casualties along the way don't mean much in the grand scheme of things." Nikolai shook his head. "I wish I could think like you my friend."
Smoke rose in the distance. Elya's signal to begin. Both sides had to be prepared for a welcome. Nikolai reached out to pat his confused apprentice's head and released his hold on the spell keeping him warm. A blast of air struck his face, and he breathed deeply, letting the cold wind stream through his lungs. Memories of his last trip to the Ellara duchies came unbidden, arctic plains and a biting climate the only reminder of that war torn land.
"Do you think the cold makes stronger warriors?"
Zhenya looked up in surprise at Nikolai's question, "Are you talking about that ridiculous Illyri superstition? What was it? Something about 'ice in my veins…'" He spit remnants of the crimson leaf to the side as his face twisted in thought.
"The cold north wind breeds ice in my veins. Frozen might flows in my blood. All shall shatter in my path." Wulfgar loved to repeat the catechism until it grated at his ears. [Shame I should miss his words now.]
Zhenya grunted at the phrase, peering at the Suzdals rearranging their lines in the distance. "Foolishness Nikolai. Not worth your time." He waved at the rising banners. "I think they're ready."
Nikolai took a deep breath, clearing his throat at the streams of chill wind tickling his airways. "Form up and move out!" he roared. "Don't forget, you go in after the Lancers."
"Don't tell me how to do my job." Zhenya didn't wait for a response, gathering his squad to brief them.
Collecting Nezgrom from an attendant, Nikolai waved at the Yesaul's to begin, ignoring the dirty looks from his Master and Natalia as their argument was interrupted. Orders were shouted, and the column was quickly underway, the Dragon Lords chanting one of their ancient war songs as they rode towards the Suzdals. Tribal drums boomed around him, masking the thunder of cavalry galloping in intricate patterns throughout the convoy, riders performing a host of acrobatic feats. The gift-laden carts streamed by him, House Morales servants cheerfully waving streamers as they passed.
A mailed fist landed on his shoulder and Nikolai grimaced at Chen's delighted smirk.
"Are you ready to get married?" Chen rasped.
His heart lurched, whether at the question or the cacophony around him he wasn't sure. "It's a meeting. The marriage isn't for another two months."
"Of course." The smirk slid from his friends face. "If I haven't already said it, congratulations Niki. She's a good one."
"Thanks." Nikolai reached back to squeeze his friends hand.
With another clap on his shoulder Chen slammed his visor shut and rose into the air, Thunder Lancers joining him in a stream of lightning criss-crossing the convoy. Spell chants filled the air, clouds of light and Magic tearing through the sky in a slew of ever-changing geometric patterns. [Zhenya's even worse with illusions than I am. Just as well. This suits me better.] A tower of stone swelled from the ground in front of them, Etenani carrying Natalia forwards on a wave of earth.
With the convoy on the move, Nikolai reached out with his powers. Nezgrom glowed faintly, energy from their surroundings streaming into the staff. With Jarek's free hand tightly gripped in his, Nikolai rose into the air, sparks of lightning dancing at his feet. Jagged bolts of lighting coalesced around him, a halo of storms riding on his shoulders.
"When can I do something like this?"
Nikolai smiled at Jarek's whispered words, remembering Etenani's first display of his Law when NIkolai was a child. He chuckled and squeezed the boy's hand tighter. His swordbearer should have been a relative, a nephew or cousin but the few scattered remnants of House Morales would never reach in time. [In any case, an apprentice is closer than a relative.]
With his Sight he caught a glimpse of Elya blinking back tears and his heart swelled, racing at the vulnerable expression on her face. His fist shot into the air, sending a bolt of lighting to burst high above them, a ring of coruscating light blanketing the sky. The Will of the True Imperial roused at his excitement, sending streams of power through his veins. A surge of pride filled him, an overpowering urge for domination.
"I'm coming for you now Elya!" He roared, booming laughter accompanying his words.
"Khan. You're too loud."
Gliding over the convoy Nikolai rapped on Jarek's head, his emotions cooling a little with the familiar motion.
"Call me Master."
Jarek grumbled under his breath but quickly became lost in the variety of spells being cast by the War Mages around them. Nothing could distract Nikolai, though, his gaze pinned on Elya as they drew closer.