
As expected, her father was sitting in his office, stacks of parchment covering his desk as he grumbled with the House chamberlain. The office was a testament to his personality: austere and functional. The plain wooden desk lacked the elegant carvings and mouldings from experienced carpenters. Knowing him, desks must have been purchased in bulk from the carpenters of Neva for the various offices in the manor and he took one for his own use. The only departure from the simplicity was a small ornate wooden horse resting on the desk. It was a gift from her mother, carved by hand during her parent's courtship. Proof of her mother's uncanny abilities; if any more was needed, the little carving shimmered in the light, seemingly leaping from the desk in triumph. The room was filled with the scent of the lavender oils her father used to maintain the carving, a task he refused to delegate to anyone else.

"I thought you two grew out of this." Her father raised an eyebrow as he pointed at a breathless Lidia, a clear sign of his amusement. His voice was so dry Elya could feel his exasperation and she snapped to attention at his tone, remembering a hundred lectures in this office, the familiar sights and scents bringing a smile to her lips.

"Maybe if you didn't encourage their… liveliness." The chamberlain chuckled, his aged voice cracking at the Duke's expression. The old man tilted his head and waved at the door. "It would seem they've encouraged pursuers as well."

Nikolai burst through the door after the chamberlain's last word, red-faced from exertion. His Mage robes were lopsided, hanging at an odd angle from one shoulder. "Stop… Not… Ready." He wheezed, raising a trembling finger towards her. It took him a moment to realise where he was and when he saw the Duke he shuddered for a moment, finger dropping to his side as he gave a shaky bow. "Apologies."

"It would seem your apprentice has a better sense of direction." Jarek's head hovered beside the door frame, a frown on his face. The Duke nodded in appreciation and added. "Cautious as well." He beckoned and Jarek sighed, no doubt wondering what kind of disaster his Master had caused before sliding into the room to stand beside Nikolai, dragging a heavy staff behind him. "Caught your breath yet son?"

Nikolai twitched and cast a dark look towards Elya which she pointedly ignored, her lips twitching at the odd atmosphere. The great Master Mage of yesterday was gone and all that remained was a young man flush with embarrassment while facing his elders. [It's almost like he's used to this. The way he refuses to meet papa's eyes is just like Lidia whenever she caused problems.] He rearranged his robe, tugging on the collar and muttering under his breath before bowing once more.

"It's an honour to see you again patriarch…" Nikolai began.

"Still feels too formal." The Duke interjected, stroking his chin as he observed the flash of frustration crossing Nikolai's features.

"… as I was saying. I hurried after Elya and Lady Lidia because of the item they… acquired…" Elya coughed at the sarcasm, grinning at Nikolai's discomfort as he continued. "It's not quite ready, and I was concerned it would lead to issues."

"So what did you girls steal from him?" the Duke's gaze fell on the rod in Elya's hand, the only item out of place in the room.

"It's a gift!" Lidia declared, pulling Elya towards the desk. "For you papa." Elya placed the rod carefully on the desk and stepped back, eyes glittering at her father's puzzled expression.

"A stick." He said.

"A most impressive stick." The chamberlain added, nodding in appreciation.

"It's called Tovotesk."

"A most impressively named stick." The chamberlain stroked his silver beard and reached out to caress the small rod. "Heart-Breaker. Quite impressive."

"So… what is it?" The Duke asked.

"A stick." Lidia said.

"A magnificent stick." The chamberlain acknowledged.

"Niki said it's a weapon." Elya offered, trying to control the laughter bubbling in her throat at Nikolai's exasperation.

The Duke looked up at Nikolai and nodded. "Thank you for the stick son. I'll be sure to keep it in a place of honour."

"It's not a stick!" Nikolai choked out, grabbing the staff from Jarek's hand and stomping to the desk. "Why would I give my father-in-law a stick?" he mumbled under his breath and grabbed the rod, grunting under the weight. He chanted some spell, causing flickers of green light to bleed from the rod. The Draconic Aura in Elya's body pulsed in time with the light, a sense of familiarity tugging on her powers. She took a deep breath and allowed the Aura to flow through her body, resonating with the stick. Nikolai waved the staff and streams of light flowed to form a small orb at the end of the staff. "Please hold out your hand patriarch." He ignored the surprised looks on their faces at the Magic and placed the orb into his hand where it promptly unravelled to swirl around his fingers.

Nikolai chanted another spell and placed the rod into her father's open palm. His voice rose, a melodic cadence to the words weaving the Magic before them. The light settled around her father's thumb, coalescing into a wispy, ethereal ring. A hum filled the room as the green light grew brighter, almost blinding in intensity. Lidia shuffled back, reaching out to grab Elya's sleeve as the Magic spun around them and Elya reached out to comfort her. Compared to the dramatic displays of Nikolai's power, this was nothing.

Especially after Galicia.

Both times.

The light flared once more before winking out as if it had never existed.

"All ready." Nikolai grunted in satisfaction and stepped back. "Everyone please make some space for the patriarch to try it out." They stepped away from the desk as her father stood up, a frown on his face as he weighed the rod in his hand. "All you have to do is hold it like a sword hilt and say 'Tovotesk, battle'"

The Duke followed the instructions and grunted as dull clicks echoed throughout the room. In a flash the rod expanded, ebony liquid twirling to form a dark shaft that glowed with an eerie light. With a snap, a shimmering blade flowed into place at the head, sparks of blue Magic coruscating around it in a powerful halo. The halberd which formed was awe-inspiring, radiating immense might. Even her father was shocked, lips parted in surprise as he swung the weapon in a few practice swings, marvelling at the threatening buzz as it cut through the air. The room was filled with an acrid scent and Elya jumped when she realised the air itself was burning, hints of smoke rising from the blade.

"To close it just say 'Tovotesk, peace.'" Nikolai remarked, smug satisfaction rolling from him in waves. "If you hold it against the ring, it will be stored inside and all you have to do to summon it is squeeze the ring for a short while."

"This is a weapon fit for an emperor." Lidia whispered after his explanation, still astounded by the display of Magic.

"One could say that it was." Nikolai smirked voice hinting at some secret while basking in their awe. Jarek spared his Master a sour glance, clearly aware of the meaning behind his Master's mysterious words, before returning to his study of the weapon. [I should remember to ask Jarek what Nikolai meant. If this was a weapon meant for the Son of Heaven, then I have no idea what he was thinking. Although more importantly, what I don't understand is how he knew the length of halberd my father would prefer. It's a perfect fit as far as I can tell.]

"So if this is what you gave my father…" Elya chuckled and grasped his hand, proud at the demonstration. [Papa won't be able to complain for a while after this.]

"I haven't forgotten you." Nikolai pinched her nose with his free hand. "But you'll have to wait." Mischief sparkled in his eyes but before she could ask he turned to her father. "A little earlier than I'd planned but I hope the gift pleases you…" Nikolai grinned. "Father." With a short bow he left before anyone could respond. He pulled Jarek from the room without turning back, answering the boy's question's about etheric linkages his steps so light he was almost skipping.

"An astounding gift." The Duke breathed, caressing the ring where he'd stored Tovotesk.

"Truly, a most impressive stick." The chamberlain whispered, eyes glued to the green thumb ring.