Letters From a Friend

The faint illumination from the Mage Lights hanging from his assigned rooms cast strange shadows against the walls. The devices were long due for some maintenance, the spell structures coming apart with age. One particular Light flickered incessantly, and he was tempted to tear it apart and put it back together correctly, but if he did, some poor Mage Apprentice would lose a chance to make a few coins. Recalling his own Apprenticeship, he controlled himself and just turned the offending device off before returning to the table and searching through the stack of worn paper lying haphazardly on the table to continue his reading.

He paged through the aged letters and frowned while Etenani lounged in a chair nearby, swirling a goblet of acrid wine with his feet propped up on the table. He must not have been able to sneak into House Suzdal's cellars because the stench of cheap drink was nauseating. It was to be expected though. Unlike his own House, the Suzdal's employed enough guards and had the wealth to ensure random old men couldn't sneak out bottles of wine and liquor whenever they wanted. In the few days he was out of Nikolai's sight, the clean shaven, almost handsome Master Mage vanished, leaving behind the familiar drunkard Nikolai was forced to acknowledge as his Master.

"Please put away that swill Master. I can't stand it any more." Nikolai complained after Etenani exploded with a particularly offensive burp. "You're the one asking for my help…"

"Not just me. It's your insane friend's letters I've been lugging around for the better part of a year AND I've been sitting here waiting for you to finish playing house with your new family. Don't think you can delay helping me just because you've been giving away Essence Tools. Don't look so surprised boy, the thing bleeds across the ether and anyone with a sliver of talent would have sensed the Life-Binding." Etenani rasped. He turned his goblet upside down and shook it as if he expected more wine to Magically appear. Which would have been possible if Nikolai acquiesced to the old man's pouting expression, but he wasn't interested in dealing with an inebriated Etenani. [If I have to drag an unconscious, naked Master Mage off of some dowagers window sill I'll scream.] He scratched his cheek, distracted by the thought. [It happens far more often than I'm willing to admit as well, but of course he recognised the halberd without even seeing it. I managed to keep it a secret for a year and he discovers it within a week.]

"I was not playing house. I'm forging ties with my in-laws. And Wulfgar's just enthusiastic, not insane." Nikolai coughed as he recalled some of Wulfgar's most spectacular moments. "It's rare for him to spend time to write one letter, let alone this stack. Which is another thing. Why couldn't you dispatch the letters through the Relays? Most of the information he provided is useless now." Nikolai snatched the goblet from his Master's loose fingers and muttered a quick spell to unleash a spray of water in Etenani's face. "Focus Master. I have to be ready for the ball tonight and don't have much time."

Etenani sputtered under the chilling stream and almost tipped out of his chair as he leaned back to avoid the spell. "Your Fates damned ball can wait and don't you dare talk to me about the Relays. That's how I got into this Fates cursed mess with those Crusaders." He wiped his face with his sleeve. Which was unfortunate since the stained garment left oily streaks across his brow. "And your boy Wulfgar is patently insane. The Illyri are mad enough as it is, but in the time it took for him to hand me the letters and see me away from his castle, I saw him face Three!.." He waved three fingers in Nikolai's face, eyes turning red while his fury swelled. "three life and death duels. He must be the most hated person in the Duchies."

"He's always had a way of getting into trouble." Nikolai acknowledged, shaking his head when his Master snorted in agreement. "But that shouldn't have…" his voice trailed off at Etenani's expression, muscles twitching as a horrifying thought came to mind. "They weren't regular duels were they? You got involved in the Royal Honour?"

"Three, boy. A week of constant combat as we defended the castle against his contenders. Your friend's already on the warpath and if it wasn't for his strange mercenary band, I'm sure the next letter you received from the Duchies would be notifying you of his 'unfortunate loss against a worthy foe.'" Etenani grimaced at the standard phrase dotting half the Illyri diplomatic missives received by the Empire. While the patchwork of alliances and contenders for the various provinces and Duchies was mystifying to most people, the Ellaran Duchies maintained a department of Genealogy funded almost religiously by every contender and noble House to keep track of their achievements and opponents. Being the only constant within the ever-shifting Duchies, they'd become the de facto body for interacting with foreign powers through their reports, updating the world at large of the state of the Illyri 'Unification War'.

"At least he's doing well for himself." Nikolai offered with a weak smile.

"Oh he's a troublemaker like you boy. If he doesn't end up dead, he'll be someone special." Etenani shook his head and sank into silence. Nikolai was surprised by his Master's thoughtful expression and the casual compliment. Every time he met Etenani, age and drink were further taking their toll on him. Already his voice creaked and his complexion faded. New wrinkles were digging into Etenani's skin, the vibrant glow in his eyes dimming more often with cheeks slowly sinking in since his Apprenticeship.

"You should really stop drinking so much Master." Nikolai mumbled, returning to his study of the letters.

"I'll stop when I'm dead." Etenani grunted.

[Which is what I'm worried about. Foolish Master.]

"This won't be enough to gain the support of the Electorate." Nikolai dropped one of the most recent missives in his Master's lap. "Their Fates blighted Unification War has already lasted the better part of a millennium and even if I trust in Wulfgar's abilities, getting enough support amongst the Duchies to proclaim himself King is impossible. He doesn't claim descent from any of their Empress's children despite having one of the strongest blood ties to her I've ever heard about."

Etenani's lips twitched as he skimmed the letter. "Don't know much about his heredity, but yes, this is part of the reason the Princess is interested in moving against the Duchies. I don't think the Illyri Dukes realise just how much Infused Iron is actually hidden underneath that vein."

"You Scryed it?" Nikolai leaned in, interest sparkling in his eyes. Magically Infused Iron wasn't exceptionally rare but the amount Wulfgar hinted at was enough to make even Nikolai tempted to launch his own campaign. If the Emperor would allow one of his nobles to launch a foreign invasion, that was.

"Went to the Demon-Bound cave myself." He spat the curse and Nikolai raised his hands unconsciously in a warding gesture. Talk of Demons troubled him, especially after all his experiences with the beings.

"There. Is. A. Lot." Etenani poked Nikolai with every word, a slow smile spreading across his face.

[If it's that much, even if we hold the mine for a few years the gains would be worth it. The current shortage amongst the Imperial Mage Council and War College would be alleviated and put us in a better position to deal with all the recent Senroan aggression. I could also move some of my plans forward if I have a regular supply.] Nikolai sat quietly, considering the implications and Etenani took the goblet back to pour himself another helping of wine.

Eventually Nikolai shook his head in denial and looked up at his Master. "It's still not enough Master. House Tuchev will gladly make a move for Infused Iron and I think I have a way to get Demidov to back us." The Demidov's weren't interested in expanding right now as they consolidated their grip on Imperial trade and the Enforcer he'd 'lent' to the Ministry of Interior was enough clout to gain their allegiance for this election. "Maybe I can swing a few votes amongst the Magically inclined Minor Houses but it won't be enough. Fates, I don't even know the competition."

"If you can get House Demidov, that's already a benefit." Etenani grinned. "Tuchev is already aligned with the Princess and now you should be able to gain the support of Suzdal."

Nikolai raised his hand and stopped his Master. "Let's not bet on that yet. Any instability in the Duchies would affect Arkhangelsk first. The Grand Duke isn't someone who's easily swayed by family and he has more than one daughter after all."

"Possibly." Etenani acknowledged. "But we have some inroads at least."

Now Nikolai was suspicious. His Master wouldn't push for something this much without some backing "You're far too confident Master. What haven't you told me?"

"Took you long enough to realise boy." Etenani chuckled and pulled his chair closer to the table. "Wulfgar introduced me to some of his… allies while I was up in the Duchies." He took a sip from his goblet and grinned. "You know boy, all this hinting and shaded speech doesn't suit me."

"I know Master." Nikolai said patiently, pandering to the expectation in his Master's eyes. "I'm sure the Princess's advisors will be pleased with your training, but I think we're done with playing games."

"Right." He burped and slammed the goblet onto the table, ignoring the splashes of alcohol falling onto his sleeve. "Three of the Ellaran Dukes want to secede."

Nikolai cursed under his breath. "Which ones? No that doesn't matter. They're not just seceding though right? That wouldn't be enough for the Princess."

"All the Dukes along the border want to leave boy. And of course they want to join the Empire."


"Provincial Autonomy, cultural independence and the right to install their own Governors. Oh. The Princess demanded they integrate their military structure with ours or something. There was talk about 'equal opportunity enlistment' as well."

"This is amazing." Nikolai breathed. "No it's more than that. Why would any of the Illyri subordinate themselves? Let alone the Dukes?"

Etenani hesitated, swirling the goblet along the table, the silver scratching faintly into the plain wood. Most of the Suzdal Manor was filled with plain furnishings. A severe departure from the lavishness of the capital. "I can't be sure of the truth, but your boy Wulfgar hinted there's pressure from at least one of the Sages."

"No wonder Valentina's pushing." Nikolai remarked. "You know this just might be possible. It would be a coup if another race joined the Empire. The Avarians would have to lie low for a while once we had ourselves, the humans and the Illyri representing us at the Concord."

"The chance to stick it to the Crusaders did not go unnoticed." Etenani said lightly, gesturing for him to continue.

"So who are our opponents?"

Etenani pulled out a small notebook. As expected, he wasn't interested in the details and someone from House Etenani or one of the Princess's advisors would have written down the pertinent information for him to recite. "The Second Prince has put forth Sagert while the First Princess is leaning towards Marshal Bannosk. Oh!? The Mad Prince is going after Senro and is vehement in his support of Korozhev Orlov…"

Nikolai listened carefully, jotting down notes and trying to recall the names and alliances they represented. He'd never taken a deep interest in Imperial politics and would have stayed away from it all if the Son of Heaven hadn't named him an Advisor.

[Why does it feel like this is the first time he's reading this? I don't think I've ever heard Master say 'vehement'. I need to find more information on the Tribune's election which means dealing with the Imperial bureaucracy, or… Elya did mention she has full access to the Suzdal library as a Scholar. So, I could get her to help me find the details I need.]

A small smile came to his lips as he planned a date in the Suzdal's library, spinning the pen in his hands while his Master's recitation continued.