Library Date

Elya chuckled softly at Nikolai limping through the library gates, a sulking Jarek in tow holding a young child's hand and a sleeping toddler sucking her thumb in his arms. Nikolai's cane was back in use after his disastrous escapade at last night's ball. Under the influence of a few Suzdal cousins he drank enough to rival Etenani and ended up giving a long lecture on the dynamics of flight to an equally inebriated audience, before launching himself from the balcony. The brilliant Master Mage who arrived in Neva on a cloud of lightning flailed his arms and explained how air currents generated 'lift' and floated to the ground on a bed of Magic. Where he promptly stuck his foot into a flower pot and twisted his ankle.

The Suzdal's had cheered at the dramatic display and hilarious outcome, before carrying him before Elya where he knelt and was berated by his fiancée. Much to the audience's amusement. Even Aunt Natalia was smiling at his antics from her wheelchair and the old woman's new almost gentle demeanour left most of the family in awe of Nikolai and his relationship with the 'ancient crone' as one of her cousins had phrased it the night before.

"We won't talk about yesterday." Nikolai muttered once he reached them, eyes downcast, and a soft blush rising on his cheeks.

"Of course Niki." Elya said and gestured to the eager librarian at her side. "This is Master librarian Terebov Krasimir Vladimirovich."

"An honour." Nikolai bowed deeply at the waist, almost as much as required for an Imperial descendant. Those rare Imperials with middle names were the surviving descendants of the Hundred and One: the dozens of noble families who had sacrificed themselves in battle against the Gods to protect the First Emperor during the Cleaving. Most of their bloodlines were wiped out, but the dozen children of those families still alive were protected and nurtured so the blood of their ancestors would not die out. The Gods had cursed the families for their defiance and their descendants were faced with terrifying tribulations and a poor ability to pass on their lines. Each child of the Hundred and One was registered and protected by Imperial decree, and every citizen of the Empire respected their ancestors' sacrifice.

"No need for this much formality, Master Morales." Terebov smiled. Contrasted against his happiness, his pale bespectacled face and gaunt features was a testament to the terrible revenge of the Gods. For someone like Nikolai with the Will of the True Imperial, it was enough to go on a rampage. Terebov must have sensed his darkening mood, since he just smiled brighter and gestured at Elya. "I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Our little princess waxed eloquent on your breadth of knowledge."

"Princess?" Nikolai tried to raise an eyebrow, the flickering rage in his eyes dissipating. [He still can't manage that expression.]

"Ah, apologies, I mean Elya."

"I've known Master Terebov since he was an assistant clerk assisting papa." Elya supplied, chuckling at the disappointment flickering on Nikolai's face. It would take a lot more to embarrass her than a childhood nickname. "Come, the Master has prepared a reading room for you."

"We won't be going to yours?" Nikolai asked.

"Fates forfend Master Morales." Terebov exclaimed. "As a senior member of the main House you will have a dedicated study on the mezzanine. I would be remiss in my duties if you did not receive treatment equivalent to the Duke himself."

"Oh. Does your brother-in-law get the same?" Nikolai glanced at her.

"If he would show up in Neva regularly, I would see to it." Terebov grinned. "The assistant minister has… issues with the Duke."

"Papa doesn't like him." Elya said. "Says 'the boy's too much of a bookworm.'"

"I think he's just jealous of all the smart, capable people coming to take his daughters away." Terebov remarked airily and Nikolai snorted, lips twisting into a smirk at the flattery. "Come. Let us head to the reading room… oh, it would appear that the young mistress is awake."

Nikolai glanced down at the little girl pulling on his sleeve and plucked her from Jarek's arms. Jarek gazed up at with relief evident on his face, massaging his shoulder with such an exaggerated motion Elya had to suppress a snigger. The boy was learning terrible things from his Master, the least of which was melodrama.

"Guess she's not a 'Nice Lady' anymore." Nikolai ruffled his apprentice's hair and smiled down at the baby girl reaching up to pull on his hair. "Should teach you better than to disregard your Master."

"She promised playmates." Jarek murmured, a complicated gaze targeting the siblings.

"Tink. Did you cause trouble for young Jarek?" Elya asked the young boy grabbing Jarek's hand.

"He wasn't a problem Khanbikeh." Jarek interrupted quickly, a flash of guilt in his eyes. "I'm just�� a little tired."

"Not trouble aunty El." Lidia's eldest son, Tikhonievich or Tink for short echoed the words and lifted a sticky hand towards her. The boy's eyes were just like Lidia's, crimson and full of mischief. "Jarek gave me sweeties and showed me magics."

"Wonderful! Jarek is a very smart big brother and you should thank him. You must be so proud, Niki." Elya pulled a handkerchief from her coat and wiped her nephew's hand. "And little Satalia is growing so fast."

"Yeah. Kids are great." Nikolai murmured.

"They took all my sweets." Jarek offered with a sad sigh. "And eggs." He looked up at Nikolai and opened his palms like a beggar, lower lip trembling as if he were about to cry. Tink and Satalia heard the word 'egg' and giggled. Tink copied the pose, the effect spoiled by his beaming smile while Satalia was as blunt as her father, pulling on Nikolai's collar and demanding in a loud voice.


"Ag indeed. Another group corrupted by your Magical creations." Despite the admonishment, Elya held out her hands as well. "Me too."

Terebov adjusted his spectacles and contemplated their behaviour before stretching his hands out hesitantly. "It would only be fair for me to partake in this… disbursal?"

Nikolai shot them all a dark glare and reached into his bag of wonders. In short order they were ensconced in a side chamber and emptying the bag which Elya had appropriated, claiming Nikolai couldn't handle the responsibility. Savouring the delicious treats with Tink on her lap animatedly describing his day, Elya shared a profound look with Terebov who was licking his fingers. Nikolai was jostling with Jarek and Satalia for some leftovers and kept trying to explain why they should behave in the library, but he snatched as much from the bag as the children.

"That was quite a treat, Master Morales." Terebov bowed from his seat. "If you ever have need for my abilities after this, I'm sure my services can be arranged for a suitable… price." He licked his lips and shot a covetous gaze at the bag held tightly in tiny Satalia's hand. With a shake of his head, Terebov called for an attendant to accompany the children while he brought Nikolai and Elya into the depths of the library. "When you asked for the little princess's help I dug into the archives and selected a few volumes on the Duchies, you may find intriguing. While I wasn't able to get a hold of any of the Illyri Geomantic surveys, the area was a wasteland before the Reclamation after all, there are a few treatises written by the Sages which might be useful. Unfortunately, the Magical locks mean I have no way of determining their value."

"You mentioned one of the treatises was marked with the Final Queen's blood hound?" Nikolai's eyes shone brighter with every step they took, the musty staleness of ancient parchment and paper invigorating him.[In this we're identical. A library is a treasure trove beyond even the Imperial Vaults.] Elya scratched her cheek and took a deep breath while trying to follow their conversation. Magical history was not one of her forte's or interests after all. At least it wasn't until a few weeks ago when Nikolai began his casual introduction on the subject.

"Yes. It's a strange volume. Some of the old librarian's notes say they felt flares of odd emotions and sudden pangs of hunger… what's so amusing?" Terebov stopped and chided Nikolai, who began laughing during Terebov's commentary.

"Apologies. Those cravings mean the treatise is a waste of our time. It's a diary."

"A Queen's diary would be a significant find." Terebov grimaced at Nikolai's dismissal.

"True, but this the training diary of a child. Most likely one of the minor nobles sent as a hostage to the Queen's court. Part of their education was to record their practice sessions under the influence of powerful Shaper Magic."

"To what end?" Elya asked, fascinated by the account.

"To ensure they could control their emotions." Nikolai shook his head and stopped with a frown on his face, observing the nearby shelves. He continued, distracted and searching for something. "Don't mistake the Illyri fighting in the Duchies for their forebears. The majority are descendants of commoners or slaves and don't hold the same love for cold interaction their royalty used to. It's what led to that twisted mess of etiquette and rules we know today. All the knowledge, but none of their concentration." He shuffled over to a shelf and sighed in delight.

"I understand why you're so fond of this place." He breathed and pulled a few scrolls from one of the library's shelves. "I haven't seen copies of Loston's Analects in the Mage Council's library and they hunted for the original text for decades before they disproved his theories."

"You won't find a better place for knowledge throughout the Empire!" Elya declared proudly. "And Master Terebov ensures the collection improves every year."

"I'm sure the Imperial library would dispute your claim, little princess." Terebov demurred. "But our collection covers every topic from Magic to agriculture to politics."

"Politics?" Nikolai returned the Analects back to the shelf. "What do you know about the Tribune elections?" he asked and Elya's heart lurched.

"The elections are coming shortly, I believe. Before even your wedding date." Terebov considered, removing his spectacles to wipe the lenses. "It was originally one of the First Emperor's means to guide Imperial policy. A way to define targets and control the Empire's expansion by conceding to interest groups and appointing a military leader . I'm not sure when it became an election, but it wasn't long after the First Emperor's abdication so there are plenty of rumours it was changed due to his wishes."

"And the rules of the election itself?" Nikolai asked with a frown.

"Why the sudden interest in the election Niki?" Elya interrupted, trying to sound casual, but the lump in her throat only became larger when she saw him avert his gaze slightly.

"Oh. An old friend has been trying to get my support and keeps nagging me." He coughed and said.

[He's hiding something. No, I shouldn't be suspicious. The Son of Heaven may have asked for Niki's opinion. As the latest appointed Advisor, it would be something he might be dragged into. And it's not like my reasons for involvement are clean either.]

"Actually I think the little princess checked out a few books on the subject recently." Terebov remarked, winking at Elya in support. He was obviously hinting she take some time to engage in 'discussions' with her fiancée.

"Really?" Nikolai exclaimed, a sneaky grin lighting up his features. Elya wanted to writhe at the intensity in his gaze, guilt sparkling in her heart, but she simply nodded. "Then you can teach me. It saves me a lot of trouble."

"Of course." She agreed weakly and followed after Terebov as they plunged into the most ancient part of the library to hunt for books. At least this part of her day was going to be fun.