Mechanics of Influence

From the smallest towns to the greatest city, every gathering of Imperials held a criminal district.

It was a simple fact of life. The greater the flow of funds and people in an area, the greater the chance of others trying to cheat them out of it. An ancient philosopher Elya couldn't currently remember had likened it to the great seas of carrion circling the innumerable battlefields of the Reclamation. While she wouldn't call the pickpocket whose arm she cracked a few minutes back a vulture, the slum lords banging on doors and screaming for rent brought about an urge to draw her concealed blade and send a few bursts of Aura at their necks. Unfortunately, the impatient Black Raven whispering in her mind forced her back on track and she could do little except release a fragment of her power to scare away the criminals.

A wave of screams and slamming doors accompanied her emanation of Aura, and the Raven hissed in displeasure. With now empty streets before her, Elya quickly reached her destination.

"Another brothel?" she murmured, eyes glued to the rickety sign of 'The Maiden's Blush'. Her initiation into the Hand's ranks allowed her to recognise the unique patterns which marked this building as the head of the local coven.

"I didn't think the Savant was this interested in brothels." [Or Neva. This is actually the central headquarters for five covens. It must be the focal point for the Savant's activities throughout Arkhangelsk.]

"Little is hidden within these walls, Dame Suzdal."

Elya scratched her cheek and bowed to the beautiful woman in a sheer gown coming down the stairs to greet her. "Madame Rose. I didn't expect to see you here."

"The Mistress asked me to see to some issues here in the North but now I will be assigned to you for the foreseeable future."

Rose ushered Elya into the building and they stepped through smoke filled hallways to reach a nondescript door deep within the rickety structure.

"I don't see how I would need your… skills." Elya cast a sideways glance at the woman. There was little love lost between them. To Elya she was a manipulative woman who used her charms and wit to corrupt those around her, while Rose regarded Elya as a poor pupil with far too much authority at her disposal. Rose chuckled at Elya's remark and waved her hand, the multiple bracelets clattering for a moment as she was shrouded in an inky cloud. Elya slid aside and observed Rose step out of the cloud in a leather jacket with a short sword at her hip and lute strung to her back, the very image of a troubadour. Her mature beauty was toned back in this new disguise and she looked comely with a dashing sparkle of amusement flickering deep within her eyes.

No one who'd seen her a few minutes before would consider her the same woman.

"I'm quite well known in the Capital. As fast with my blade as I am with my voice and will assist you as an errant squire."

"It's difficult to join the Knights of Chernigov as a squire."

"A personal squire. Handmaiden. Adventurer. It matters not Dame Suzdal. I just need an excuse to be beside you." Rose waved dismissively and gestured at the door. "But that's not important, the Mistress awaits."

Elya gave her a cool stare and strode through the door into the now familiar grassy plain that was the Savant's 'receiving room'. The passage through the gateway was as jarring as ever and Elya tightly gripped her blade until the sensation eased. Retching behind her brought a small smile to Elya's lips. [Looks like Rose doesn't handle these transitions very well.] Elya strode towards the tree and the table laid out for a small party exactly like the last time she was here. Everything was identical, even the number of leaves on the tree as far as she could tell. She didn't have Alexis' abilities in using Aura to enhance memory, but the Draconic Aura inside her stirred uneasily with powerful undercurrents.

Elya waited for Rose to recover and catch up to her before settling down and pouring herself a cup of tea. There wasn't much point in maintaining etiquette since the Black Raven was insistent their 'Master' would not be attending, not that Elya believed the Savant wouldn't be able to spy on them through some of his odd abilities. Nikolai had mentioned in passing that many of the Savant's abilities were based on surveillance, although he was silent as to the source of his knowledge on the mysterious leader of the Black Hand. The thought of Nikolai keeping secrets reminded her of his obtuse questioning of Terebov with regard to the Election, and it left a sour taste in her mouth.

Discontent, she glared at Rose and considered her pseudo mentor in the arts of the Black Hand. Rose appeared unaffected by her focus and returned the stare in stony silence. Faced with the blank expression, Elya could only voice her query. "What were you here for?"

"If the Mistress did not divulge my mission to you, then I see no reason to betray her confidence." Rose replied automatically, smiling at Elya's lack of composure. The woman would stress the need to maintain her silence and considered it a failure every time she spoke first. Elya wanted to interrogate Rose further regarding the Black Hand's activities in her home town, but the swirling presence of the Black Raven swelled in her mind.

[She may be made aware.] The Raven declared, slinking into the recesses of their minds after speaking. Rose blinked at the Raven's presence and shuddered, colour fading from under her make up.

"There are three key Houses for the Election which do business with the Hand here in Neva." She explained softly, eyes darting around to catch sight of the Raven.

"What business?" Elya glowered at the woman.

"Nothing so ominous, dear." Baroness Morales' clear voice carried through the air and she arrived with a swish of her skirt and snap of her fan.

"Mother." Elya hopped to her feet and helped her into a chair before pouring a cup of tea.

"Thank you, child." Eva beamed and patted Elya's hand before continuing. "It seems Rose has not been seeing to your education properly since you think so poorly of the Hand. While it is true, there are elements which dabble with the… darker aspects… of life, there are more than enough opportunities to be had in dealing with legal goods." She shot a dismissive glare at Rose, and the woman bowed slightly.

"I haven't had much time with the Lady to complete her education, but I will ensure that by the time we reach the Capital she will be well versed."

"Yes. Well, see that you do, Rose. Speaking of which, when do you reach the Capital?"

"We'll leave by the beginning of next month." Elya explained. "Aunt Natalia plans for us to be there at least three weeks ahead of the wedding." Her heart fluttered at the thought of her upcoming nuptials, whether from fear or anticipation, she wasn't sure.

"Excellent!" Eva declared. "We've already left Konstanz and after a quick stop at the ancestral Morales home, we should be in the Capital by the end of next week. However, first let us complete our previous topic. As I was saying earlier, the Black Hand's contacts throughout the continent and ability to transfer information faster than even the Mage Relays, means we are capable of obtaining the correct material at the right palce and time and reap the profits accordingly."

"Then why all the secrecy?" Elya was genuinely curious. It made sense, but if there was enough money to be had, the Hand's reputation and influence served little purpose.

Eva hesitated, fan snapping open and shut rapidly. "I'm not sure, dear. The Savant's goals are unclear and his actions make little sense to the rest of us."

"But he provides profits to his followers." Elya finished, and Eva nodded in acceptance. "Imperials die for money just as much as humans."

Eva chuckled and pointed her fan at Elya. "You've spent far too much time with Niki to have picked up his favourite sayings. How is he?"

Elya blushed a little and realised the Baroness was correct. Whenever Nikolai was frustrated with greedy Imperials, he would mutter the phrase, but the question brought her back to the matter at hand and a frown crept across her face.

"He's digging into the Election."

"That's strange." Eva hummed and snapped the fan open to cover her face until only her eyes were visible. "He's avoided interfering with the parliament unless the Son of Heaven orders him to and there's no reason for him to take an interest unless…" Her eyes sharpened and she set the tea cup down so quickly the tea within it almost spilled over. "Someone's called in a favour. The foolish boy gives them out like water and it's impossible to trace them down so we can't tell who he'll support."

"How does that affect us?"

"It means we can't rely on Nikolai's allies if he decides to take a stand and support one of our opponents."

"You don't think the favour was to support the Fourth Prince?"

"Not likely." Eva sighed. "There is little love lost between the Orlovs and Nikolai. They were one of the harshest critics of his actions during the war and while he doesn't talk about it I think Niki was either related to or responsible for the death of Lutzev Orlov and the Orlov's seem to be aware of it."

Elya drew a deep breath at the revelation. Lutzev Orlov was one of the most talented War Mages to come out of the War College in recent memory and would have been a shining star if it wasn't for the rapid ascendance of Nikolai. Both had racked up immense achievements and Lutzev with his greater family background would have been in charge of the assault on Nostrum's tower if it wasn't for Galicia and how Nikolai led the survivors from the cursed city. It was said that Lutzev had raged and challenged Nikolai to a duel which was refused by the entire Mage Council due to the exigencies of the war. Unfortunately, during a routine patrol he was ambushed by Nostrum's demons and slain. It was a great tragedy for the Empire, losing such a promising talent, but there were many tragedies during the war.

"I thought it was an ambush." Elya said.

"It was. But Niki was surprisingly quiet whenever the subject was broached and I didn't bother to ask him. Now it's an impediment." Eva clicked her tongue in displeasure and continued softly. "The Magically inclined Houses will side with him without a doubt."

"Of course." Elya grimaced. "He's become their presence in court and there's not much anyone can do to sway them, which also means House Tuchev will join him. As it is, the Fourth Prince has little support."

"True. By the last estimate it looks like the First Princess holds the largest share with almost seventy of the votes in hand. Then fifty with the Second Prince, thirty with the Third Princess, twenty-five with the Fourth Prince and the balance Houses haven't said anything clearly."

"None of the other Children of Heaven will propose a candidate?"

Eva shook her head. "Not that I've heard of."

Elya examined the situation and frowned. Of the 473 possible votes almost 300 were still available on the surface, but with Nikolai's influence that number could be reduced by another fifty which meant they needed almost 190 votes in the worst-case scenario of Nikolai supporting the First Princess.

"You can't sway Nikolai to support the Fourth Prince?" Elya asked after her calculations. She wished Alexis was here to help. She was surprisingly gifted in dealing with numbers.

Eva waved her fan dismissively. "Even if Orlov's problem didn't exist, if Nikolai has given his word he won't budge. You know how stubborn he is." Elya nodded. "It looks like the Hand and I will have to call in some favours as well." Eva finished. "We'll have to keep careful track through the Hand's agents."

"There's one possibility. Or three out of which one has the best chance of succeeding." Elya offered, hesitating to explain the nascent idea she'd developed during her studies. "There are three specific provisions which might be useful. First, in the event the Tribune dies before they can mobilisethe Army..."

"Assassinating a Tribune isn't possible even if all the Black Ravens act." Eva chuckled at the absurdity.

"Yes, but it's codified that in such an event the position is passed on to the runner up. The second provision is the Emperor's Right. If there isn't a distinct margin of at least five percent the Son of Heaven may appoint the next Tribune from any of the top three contenders."

"In which case Niki would hold an advantage. That old fox in the palace listens to no one except his Advisors."

"Which leaves us with the final option. Assent of the Grand Dukes and Duchesses. All the Grand Duchies vote for the same candidate, and that would end the Election and appoint them as Tribune."

"The Grand Dukes can do that?" Eva's normally cool expression cracked, the fan in her hand hanging limp at the side.

"It's a law which was only used once in the past, since the repercussions of going against the other Houses are significant. However, just before the Second Divine War, a few Houses were influenced by Senro to vote for a passive Tribune who was in favour of signing a ceasefire with the Theocracy so the Empire could focus on internal development. The interference of the Senroans infuriated the Great Houses, and they invoked the law. They swore in Blood Count who eventually invaded the Theocracy and pushed them back to their current borders."

"That is an intriguing possibility. Exemplary work, dear." Eva smiled proudly, and Elya sensed a faint flush rising in her cheeks at the praise. "We'll consider that as our last option and see how we can influence the Great Houses. In the meantime, let's discuss Rose's efforts here in Neva."

Rose approached the table and laid out several pages of scribbled notes and a few contracts before launching into her presentation. "House Sumi, Karev and Lostouk are fairly recent additions to the centres of power and have little stake in the military aspects of the Election since their holdings in the south border the Theocracy along the Urov mountains. However, they have enough influence over many of the nearby Houses due to their powerful finances. They're looking for trade contacts to import some exotic fruits from the Duchies and Arkhangelsk is the best location for a base…"

Elya lost herself in the conversation as they tallied the current state of the Election and she decided to approach her father to see where his opinion lay. If they were forced to rely on the Grand Dukes Assent, he would be a necessity.

[Maybe I can act sweet like Misha and beg for his assistance?]