Instruction (1)

"The problem with being in charge is the waiting." Nikolai declared proudly while he lay on a hammock in one of the Suzdal manor's many courtyards. Lounging in the crisp mountain air with his eyes covered by a damp washcloth was a new delight for Nikolai, and every chance he got, he could be found at his new retreat amongst the shade of ancient trees. He'd sent Seven into the town in search of a comfortable hammock which had raised eyebrows amongst some of the Suzdal cousins since it was considered an Illyri affectation, and their proximity to the Duchies made them frown upon anything of Illyri origin. How the spellwoven cloth even showed up in Neva was a mystery, but Nikolai wasn't bothered. Far stranger things could be found on the streets of a major city.

Days had passed since the disastrous ball and his date with Elya at the library. A date which turned into a lengthy discourse on history once Terebov's interest was piqued. While it wasn't the most romantic setting, Elya's sparkling yet troubled eyes were a moment he would treasure forever. She'd become indignant when the topic turned to the founding of the Knights of Chernigov, adamant that their creation was from purely altruistic intentions and not the disgruntlement of a few Imperial Ladies who were facing the seizure of their properties by greedy cousins. Their 'lively' discussion drew in most of the nearby librarians and they'd argued well into the evening until an exasperated Jarek came to drag him away with a teary-eyed Tink in tow.

"I believe Master Seven is saying you have plenty of work to do." Terebov slowly translated Seven's hand signals and interrupted his thoughts. "There are several letters which require your attention. Most notably from the Son of Heaven and the Ministry of Interior."

"I'm sure there's nothing important." Nikolai dismissed the librarian's words, snuggling deeper into the hammock with an entranced smile.

"While I believe it… odd to dismiss the Emperor's words so casually, I cannot verify the accuracy of your statement since I didn't read the letter." Seven waved a dagger suggestively from the side, and Terebov swallowed at the hidden threat. No one would be stupid enough to open an Imperial missive except the intended recipient.

"Don't scare him, Seven. He's with us now." Nikolai chided and frowned. Beams of light sparkled through the canopy behind the silent Hand and hurt his eyes.

"Yes Master Seven." Terebov nodded quickly, glasses sliding down his nose at the vigorous motion. "The family council deemed it fit for me to assist Master Morales instead of the Suzdals." Seven rolled his eyes, but Nikolai waved his arm lazily and spoke up.

"The Emperor signed the order as well. Not that father-in-law was pleased to let Terebov go."

"My deputy will be more than capable of handling my tasks." Terebov offered and coughed lightly, shivering a little as a soft breeze wound its way through the courtyard. [So much like Petrov. Although I won't have to be concerned as to the origin of his ailments.] The Will inside Nikolai stirred at the thought, growling at the faint traces of Divine power shackling the pale faced librarian. "I think the Grand Duke is more concerned by how much he's giving as dowry for this marriage. Personnel included."

Nikolai snickered. "Not like I asked for anything. Fates, I gave him an Essence Tool as compensation."

Seven's hands flickered, and they chuckled at his comments on the Duke's inability to deal with Natalia's bargaining. The old woman had become a bane to the Suzdal's accountants, taking House Morales' side in the dowry's settlement. Under the Grand Duke's increasing displeasure, Nikolai had asked her to reduce the demands, but Natalia would hear nothing of it. She was determined to prepare a dowry which would make even the Empress tremble in fear.

"Nonetheless. The Ministry of Interior's letter is worth considering. The Count is losing his patience with the 'gifts' you sent him."

"Not my problem." Nikolai said and closed his eyes.

"Normally I would agree, but the Demidov's seem unperturbed by your… hints."

Nikolai frowned. "It's rare for them to ignore a threat. Especially from me."

"I wouldn't know anything about that. However, their behaviour is a matter of concern. At least for the Count. My understanding of the situation is that House Demidov is determined to follow through with their initial position." Terebov flipped through the letter and read a few lines, his lips mouthing the words silently.

"Which is what?" Nikolai prompted when the librarian remained silent.

"What's what?" Terebov blinked.

"What's their position I mean."

"Oh. That that." Terebov cleared his throat and shrugged. "No one knows."

"How have they managed to keep their position hidden? Don't they support the fourth prince?"

[Not even the Demidov's would want to invade Senro.] Seven signed from the side.

"While master Seven makes an interesting point, the Count wrote that the Demidov's have left the choice to Duchess Larissa. Even their allies have been instructed to follow her lead during the voting." Terebov held up the relevant passage in the letter for Nikolai to read and continued. "Which obviously is the best way of keeping a secret, hiding it from everyone. The Duchess's well known unpredictability serves as the perfect cover for their plans."

"Not so unpredictable actually." Nikolai murmured and Terebov tilted his head to the side in confusion. [It's better to keep her involvement with the Enforcers a secret for now. Peeling away the facade of a socialite may be the leverage we need if it becomes necessary.] He shook his head to dismiss the comment and lay back in the hammock, snuggling into the depths of the comfortable fabric. "If the Demidov's are out of consideration, what about the Tuchev's?"

"The Grand Duke's reply was… unenthusiastic." Terebov replied, pulling a scroll out of the stack of documents. Only the Tuchev's who loved Magic and mystery, would use a scroll instead of paper to write a letter, going out of their way to appear as archaic as possible.

"He's ignoring the infused iron and a chance to integrate the Illyri into the Empire?" Nikolai couldn't hide his shock and snatched the scroll from the Librarian's hands. "I thought he was already on the Princess's side?"

Before Nikolai could read more than the flowery greetings in the letter, a burst of raucous shrieks interrupted his thoughts, a handful of silver haired children bursting around the corner of a building into the courtyard. Nikolai stared wide eyed as they stumbled to a halt when they realised the courtyard was occupied.

"Khan!" Jarek clawed his way to the front of the group, cheeks flushed in excitement. "I knew I'd find you here. I told Tink you'd be lazying in your new hammock, but he didn't believe me so I brought him here, but on the way here we met these other Suzdals and they were curious so when I explained about your stories they wanted to follow but I wasn't sure you were free but Tink said it's better to check so we all came together since you promised you'd continue your story today and well I'm sure a few more people won't matter…" The words trailed off slowly, the boy gasping for breath.

Nikolai gazed at the expectant stares of the children, his mind struggling to catch up with his apprentice's explosion of enthusiasm. "You came for a story?" He asked tentatively.

"'Ory." Nikolai looked down at little Satalia, gripped tightly in one child's arms. He hesitated, not sure how to reject the demand without causing a scene. [Disappointing my in-laws kids might not be the smartest thing to do.] He looked at his companions for support but was met with a smug grin from Seven and a blank shrug from Terebov. The librarian shrugged off far too many things it seemed.

[Story! Story! Story!] Seven gestured in delight. Smirking at Nikolai's souring expression. The Hand was eager to cause a scene and Nikolai was sure if he didn't accede, the sneak would go and bring some of the other Suzdal's to add fuel to the fire.

"I believe our tasks can wait. It was time for a break, anyway." Terebov smiled and gathered all the documents to one side. "And the Princess did mention what an able storyteller my Lord is. I must say I'm looking forward to it."

With a shake of his head, Nikolai stepped out of the hammock and approached the suddenly wary children. "So what story do you want to hear?" He blinked at the immediate onslaught of suggestions, trying to parse through the cacophony and settle on a tale. [What in the Fate's name is the 'Purple Rabbit's bad day?']