"Wake up, Master!!!"

Somewhere in space, an area devoid of stardust, asteroids, and planets, one could see a spherical ball floating aimlessly. The sphere was mostly transparent and if one looked closely, one could see a bluish wisp inside of the ball. And if someone looked close enough, one could discern that the sphere was actually an eyeball.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Emergency protocol enabled...

Finding coordinates...

Location detected...

Bypassing host's control...

Autopiloting enabled...

Estimated time of arrival: 30 years

Update Log:

The year 2099: Power charged to 10000%.

The year 2107: Change in laws detected. Storage space acquired.

The year 2114: New materials detected, suitable for the equipment upgrade.

Material collected. Changing course to find a location for upgrading the equipment.

The year 2120: Temperature suitable for molding new hardware.

Commencing hardware upgrade. Estimated time 1 year.

The year 2121: Hardware upgrade complete.

New equipment specifications:

Storage space: 10 million cubic meters

Scanning Range: 100 million square kilometer

Analyzing Abilities: X-ray, Infrared Rays, etc.

The year 2121: Correcting course. Estimated time of arrival is 3 years.



Scanning hosts mental energy, soul fluctuations:

Result: Stable

Scanning the surroundings:

Capturing images for future references.

Recording videos.

The year 2124: Reached the Elemental World. Scanning for a suitable host body. Host body found.

Commencing soul transfer.

Transmitting soul.






At this time in a remote corner of the Elemental World, in a village by the name Sea and Mountain Village, the villagers were gathered around a house which was situated in the center of the village.

Seven old men could be seen sitting under a tree smoking. A man in his early thirties could be seen pacing around the house. With a worried look on his face, Tianshang Yixing kept looking towards the door of the house. When suddenly the cry of a newborn is heard. Tianshang Yixing rushes towards the house when suddenly another cry of a newborn is heard. Hearing this cry, he almosts faint as an attendant rushes out.

"Master you should go inside," says the attendant.

As Yixing enters the house, he could see his wife Tianshang Ling laying on the bed, panting and looking exhausted. He looks around to find a midwife holding to babies in her as a smile blossom on his face.

"Congratulations masters, you are blessed with a beautiful girl and a handsome boy," said the midwife.

He rushes forward to hold them as a smile appears on Tianshang Ling's face.

"Let me see," she whispers softly.

Tianshang Yixing sits beside her and looks at her lovingly.

Both the babies could be seen sleeping peacefully with their hands curled up in a cute little fist.

The wife takes the baby boy and looks at him with a gaze full of tender love.

Tianshang Yixing holds his wife in hand, closes his eyes and whispers softly "Thank you Ling'er, rest now my dear."

Every villager upon hearing the news of a pair of twins being born rushes to celebrate in their respective houses as they know that the couple has to spend time together.

Though being called a village it was not primitive as one would expect. The houses had lights and conditioning systems. There was a transport station nearby for traveling to the closest city. It was a village because they had to hunt for themselves.

Whereas the cities had teams that went out to procure food. It was an amazing balance of technologies and wilderness.

The villagers and the couple failed to notice a thunderstorm raging outside due weather controlling sphere surrounding the village. It made the weather in village moderate as it could be. The seasons could be changed by controlling the sphere.

Hidden with the thunderstorm was a phenomenon that the whole Elemental World failed to notice was the convergence of Five Elements which with the lighting passed through weather sphere struck the central house in the village.




Soul transfer completes.

Syncing with the host body.

Sync complete.

Degrading features according to the mental level of the host.




At the same time somewhere high in the atmosphere was a mutilated creature flying so fast it seemed as of it was teleporting. It looked really battered and numerous wounds could be seen on its body, when suddenly...


A beam of light struck the creature and its body disintegrated.

Still higher up in the clouds could be seen two people wearing masks. They dressed in golden and white robes with dragons on it. But the dragon didn't look majestic at all instead, there was a sword piercing through its head. Although it was just an embroidery, it looked so real that one could almost see its pained expression. The creature whose body just disintegrated was also a dragon. The small remains of the dragon fell in the mountain range near the Sea and Mountain Village What they failed to notice was a wisp of whitish flame that was in the shape of a dragon surrounded by 5 colored light merge with the thunder and strike the central house in the Sea and Mountain Village.




Alert: Soul fluctuations detected. Mental energy surpasses the host by 10,000 times.

The dragon soul which was whitish in color contained its conscious. It was celebrated the fact that it encountered the good fortune of encountering such a celestial phenomenon. Its soul was preserved and even strengthened as it suddenly found itself in front of a huge eye. The eye was huge compared to the dragon soul which showed the difference in mental energy.

"What the hell is this thing? Where the hell I am?" wondered the dragon. Its soul was shivering as the eye stared at him.

A majestic female voice shook his soul and said,"Do you have something that you think can be exchanged for your life. If it is satisfactory you will only be sealed and if not you will be killed instantly."

Fearful of the voice the dragon looked. Gathering all his courage he asks," Senior if my gift satisfies you when will I be unsealed?"

The eye looked deeply towards the dragon the soul which shivered intensely and turned fearful.

"You will be unsealed when I deem it fit", came the reply.

Sighing with relief and regrets, the dragon gritted its teeth and said," Senior I will gift you the Dragon and Phoenix Fate Changing Scroll. This scroll was made by a benefactor of both our Dragon and Phoenix Clan. We used to live in harmony when we met our downfall. This the most precious item and memory that I have. It contains the legacy of the dragon and Phoenix race."

"Hmmm", came the reply as the scroll floating in front of the dragon vanished and a mighty pressure descended upon it. A pure energy binding surrounding the dragon as it was sealed by the eyeball.




Inside the eyeball, the virtual figure of Rachel could be seen with a scroll in her hands.

"Analyze," she said in a sweet voice. After the analysis was complete a thoughtful expression could be seen on her face.

"This technique has its good point, but the Phoenix part isn't suitable for the master. Except for the Phoenix Rebirth skill of course. But to train in that skill requires a high-level master isn't able to reach quickly. The body strengthening method of the dragon clan is suitable for the master and Phoenix clan method is mostly for females. Well, I'll transfer the memory of the Phoenix Clan Fate Changing Scroll to the Master's sister. Yes, that's great Master will be pleased with this." thought Rachel as she quickly came to a conclusion.




Commencing memory transfer.

Blood bond established.

Memory transfer complete.

Memory sealed.



Checking hosts physical and mental condition.

Check complete.

Result: Stable.

Modifying hosts eye with materials acquired to previous specifications.

Modification complete.

"Perfect. Everything's perfect for Master's new journey."

A virtual looking Rachel stood in front the newborn baby in the Sea and Mountain Village. The perfect looking couple had decided to name the girl Tianshang Fenghuang and the boy Tianshang Long.

Rachel stood there with an excited look on her face. Though in her eyes one could clearly see that she was sad as if unwilling to do something.

"I have everything the best way I could master. I hope you get stronger quickly, and I hope you miss me, master," she whispers softly.

She vanishes from the spot as she enters a command slowly.

Initializing data seal.

Log data sealed.

Pictures and videos sealed.

Storage space sealed.

Turning of A.I. Rachel in 30 secs.

Initializing basic A.I program.

Basic A.I. program initialized.

"You better take good care of Master!!" says Rachel fiercely to the basic A.I. hologram, which completely ignores her.

Remaining time:





"Wake up, Master!!!", whisper's Rachel.
