Grandma Ming!

It was the year 993 under the Timekeeper God of the Elemental World when lightning struck the Sea and Mountain Village. In a building that looked like a general store which had a board on which it was written, Information Exchange Centre. There was an old lady with a baby in her arms sitting behind the counter. She looked up as the lightning struck the central house of the village. Her eyes narrowed as she looked towards the central house. It seemed as if she could see through the walls of the building. After looking for a while she returns to look at the baby with a tender and loving look in her eyes as she kissed the child's forehead and whispers softly " You will have someone to play with in the future, Yue'er." She closed her eyes as a peaceful look returns to her face as if nothing has happened.




The central house of the village was big. In the house was a large hall, which was used as a meeting place for important discussion in the village. The rooms connected to the halls were used to serve to the various needs of the villagers. There were rooms to store the hunted meat, rooms for weapons, rooms for medical treatment, etc.

Though called a village the things in it were needed to be organized in a specific way. Most of the neighboring village followed the same pattern. This was ensured by the nearest ruling city. The only difference between the various cities and their villages was because of their geographical location and presence of a special tribe or special talents or both.

The villages were connected to cities by flying-rails as this was the cheapest and most of the time the safest way of travel. The larger the village the higher the frequency of the flying-rails.

The cities were interconnected through each other by teleportation portals and armored ships.




The Sea and Mountain Village because of its good location were ranked 3rd in the village ranking of the Li City. The good location the village aided the villager to get better quality food, which aided them to build better foundations for future cultivations. Though the villagers were not extremely strong in comparison to other villages, they were well balanced in all aspects of their stage.

The village had about 2000 residents, and the village head was a kind old man without any family. His family sacrificed themselves in a beast hoard in the past. He managed the village and treated the villagers as his own family. The men of the village were involved in hunting and crafting weapons. Some of them would train the younger generations. Most of the women were responsible for the household work, stitching clothes and involved with fine arts like teaching the young ones to read and write, music and play other instruments. But not all the women, the capable ones were part of the hunting team and teaching the young ones.

Being the head blacksmith of the villager, Tianshang Yixing enjoyed a good reputation in the village. Right now he was sitting with his wife holding her in her arms and looking at their children with a tender look in his eyes. Though he didn't understand it, he had an urge to undergo closed-door meditation to comprehend the elements. He was a cultivator at the peak of the Battle Warrior stage. His brows furrowed as he contemplated this urge. He looked at his wife and said in a low voice,

"Ling'er, I have a feeling that I can make a breakthrough to the Battle Commander Stage if I go into secluded meditation now."

He could see a look of surprise on his wife's face as she suddenly looked excited and said,"I have the same feeling as you dear, I feel that I can reach the peak Battle Warrior stage if I go into secluded meditation now."

Yixing had a strange look on his face as he pondered the reason for this and as he looked at his children. He found his son looking at him; his clear gray eyes made him feel strange as neither he nor his wife had gray eyes. He said to his wife,"I'll go talk to Grandma Ming about this."

Tianshang Ling nodded in agreement as she closed her eyes to rest. Tianshang Yixing once again looked towards his children with a loving look in his eyes as he left to talk to Grandma Ming.




Horacio Long woke up with a headache. He finds himself in an unfamiliar place as his eyes open. He tries to sit but couldn't. It felt like he had no strength in his body. He closes his eyes and said mentally,"Rachel what's going on?"

A mechanical male voice sounded in his mind," A.I. Rachel is out of commission. This is the spare A.I. Aaron at your service."

"What happened to Rachel?"

"Data unavailable, unable to reply."

Calming down Horacio Long takes a deep breath and asks," Where am I? Why can't I move?"

"The current location is the Mountain and Sea Village in the Blazing Sun Kingdom. Master, this is your new body. Your age is now 17 minutes as such the body's muscles are not developed for movement."

"Oh, okay."

Wait, what??

17 minutes old??? Horacio felt his world turn upside down as he asks,"You mean to say that my new body was recently given birth to??"

"Yes, Master."

What the f***???

"How did this happen?"

"Data unavailable, unable to reply."

Horacio feels frustrated after listening to reply. He asks again,"Where on the planet Earth is the Blazing Sun Kingdom?"

"Master, this is not the planet Earth. We are in the Elemental World."


Hmm... The Elemental World. What the f***!!! This is not Earth. Horacio once again felt his turn upside down.

"Are you sure about this??" he asks in an urgent tone once again.

"Yes, Master."

Taking a deep breath he tries to calm down. I have reincarnated. Oh my god. This is happening for real. He felt unsure about what was to happen from now on. He started to feel sleepy as a voice rang out in his head," Mental energy was adjusted according to the body's level, for caution. Mental energy depleted..."

He felt someone lifting him up and kissing him on the forehead as he fell asleep.




Inside of the Information Exchange Centre, Tianshang Yixing was sitting with a cup of tea in his hands. Opposite to him sat the old lady with a slight smile on her face. Yixing felt as if she already knew the reason he was here and was a little nervous. This old lady had come to the village a few months ago with a little girl in her arms. She had offered to be the village protector in case of an emergency in exchange for allowing her to live in the village and providing food. Her strength was immeasurable as all it took was one look from her to make the most capable warrior of the village unable to fight.

He was right, the old lady with her vision could see the Elemental Qi around Yixing revolving and increasing bit by bit with her vision. She could easily deduce that it had something to with the lightning that struck the central hall. It was a bit of good luck which happened rarely.

"Don't worry Yixing, go and meditate. Ask Ling'er to do so as well. I'll take care of the children. You are lucky parents to have such blessed children."

Although Yixing was a bit confused he felt immensely happy after hearing what Grandma Ming said to him. He bowed to her in gratitude.

"Grandma Ming, Ling'er is resting now. I'll bring the children here in a while."

She nodded with a smile as she returns to the reception the of the IEC (Information Exchange Centre).

Tension Lixing bowed to her once again as he made his way back to the central house.