Farewell and Chaotic Divine Body!

It's been three days since Tianshang Long absorbed those information. He had a new understanding of the world he was in and he felt overwhelmed. Right now though he had pushed aside all thoughts as his elder sister was going to embark on the Martial Path and she was going to leave home for training today.

Tianshang Fenghuang hugged her parents and with tears in her eyes. Though the children in this world matured earlier, one must not forget that Tianshang Fenghuang was only three years old.

Tianshang Ling was also crying as she was parting with her daughter.

Grandma Ming and Ming Yue were standing in a corner. Ming Yue had a calm disposition and she was smarter then other children her age. Ming Yue was expressionless as she observed all this and then she turned to look towards Tianshang Long. Seeing that all his attention was on his elder sister, she didn't feel happy.

Sensing her gaze, Tianshang Long turned to look at her. Seeing this Ming Yue turned away her head and pouted. This confused Tianshang Long as he did not understand why Ming Yue acted like this.

After hugging her parents Tianshang Fenghuang went to Tianshang Long and hugged him too.

This surprised Tianshang Long because as far as he remembered Tianshang Fenghuang had never made such displays of affection.

Tianshang Long felt happy and returned the hug and whispered in Tianshang Fenghuang's ears, "Sis, take care, I'll become strong enough to protect you by the time you return."

This surprised Tianshang Fenghuang and her eyes became wet. Pushing Tianshang Long off she rubbed his hair and said in her usual tone of playfulness,"Little Brother if anyone bullies you, tell me when I return, I'll take revenge for you."

Tianshang Long laughed and shook his head with a wry smile on his face. He then said seriously, "I'll be the one protecting you when you return, elder sis."

Hearing this Tianshang Yixing and Tianshang Ling were surprised as they didn't expect that their son had such great ambitions. Even though they were surprised they knew what a Sacred Body meant and it would be really hard for their son to catch up to his sister.

They put this thought at the back of their mind as it was time for farewell. Their daughter was leaving home and they would see her after 2 years. And they also knew that after that they would not get to see their daughter as often again. As a person with a Sacred Body would not be restricted by such a small village.

The group of three bid their farewells.

At this a softvoice rang out in Tianshang Long mind," There is a medical pill in your Com Link. It can save your life once. Let's hope what you promised your sister comes true."




After the farewell Tianshang Ling cried for a while before calming down. Tianshang Yixing helped her calm down and whispered to her in a soothing tones.

Seeing this Tianshang Long left them alone and went to his room. He sat on his bed and entered his mental energy sea. His mental energy form opened his eyes and what he saw blew away his mind. In front of him was a dragon which was tens of thousands meter long. The dragon had sparkly black scales and the aura it was emitting majestic and was surrounded by black smoke and golden red lightening. A domineering presence bore down on Tianshang Long as a majestic voice echoed around him,"I have been waiting for you."


The dragon disappeared and an elderly figure with became visible.

This turn of events rendered Tianshang Long speechless. The tired expression of the old man surprised him. What surprised him more was that the dragon that turned into the old man was waiting for him.

The figure was talk and had a majestic presence. He had Long white hair and a long white beard. He was wearing a black robe. The robe's border was embroidered with golden-red lightening.

The old man looked at Tianshang Long, with a gaze that seemed to see through him. Tianshang Long felt that all his secrets would be revealed. The old man retracted his sharp gaze. His expression turned kind as he sighed and said, "It's very difficult for you to protect your sister with your innate talent."

Hearing this, Tianshang Long's mood plummeted. Even so this did not do anything to his conviction of protecting his sister. Instead, he felt even more determined to do so. He looked curiously inspecting the Old Man and asked, "Who are you?"

Seeing this the old man was pleasantly surprised as he thought that this would discourage the young man in front of him.

He said, "You can call me Old Long. You may be wondering why I am in you mental energy sea."

Tianshang Long nodded as the old man continue, "You don't need to know that, as for staying in your mental energy sea I can repay you by helping you get stronger."

A strange expression appeared on Tianshang Long's face as nodded and then bowed with courtesy. He knew that the old man was not willing to tell him the reason and since he was willing to help him get stronger, he did not ask for it. Tianshang Long was not being naive, allowing an unknown existence's mental energy reside in his mental sea. Also he knew that since the Old Man could reside in his mental energy without him or Aaron sending anything, he was a powerful existence. He knew that he needed all the help that he could. After merging with all the information in the books, he knew about the Sacred Phoenix Body. His sister Sacred Body will definitely arouse jealousy and her journey through the Elemental World would be filled with dangers.

To protect her he would definitely have to get much stronger than her.

He looked at the old man and asked," What do I need to do to become the strongest?"

Hearing this, the old man had a nostalgic look on his face as he himself once strived to become the strongest. He knew that there was a chance for him to regain his body but that chance was very tiny. He hoped for the young man in front of him to get strong, strong enough to help him in future.

A chance of revival was the strand of hope that the old man hung on to and this is what made him decide to not hold back on teaching Tianshang Long.

Old Man Long had discussed this with Rachel and she approved of his plan.

Tianshang Long was standing there looking at the Old Man with an expectant look on his face.

"I'll pass onto you a technique for training a Divine Body. I found this technique in a forbidden zone. I could not train in this technique as this technique had to be trained when one is building their foundation. This technique well help you train your body. This is my first gift to you."

Hearing that the technique was a technique to train Divine Body, Tianshang Long was shocked. He looked at the Old Man with gratitude and bowed to him. He knew that the Old Man must have been gravely injured to be reduced to such a state. He decided to help to the Old Man in every way he can.

He did not say anything as he knew he was not strong enough.

He knew that before Awakening one had to train one's body. The process of Awakening puts a lot of stress on the mortal body and the longer someone withstand the pressure the greater their affinity with the Battle Qi and Elemental Energy.

What he did not know that he had greatly underestimated the difficulty in training a Divine Body.

The Old Man looked at Tianshang Long and said,"I'll be transferring the training manual to you, get ready."

He pointed a finger towards Tianshang Long's forehead. Tianshang Long felt a stream of information entering his head. This lasted for a few minutes.

The Old Man said in a serious tone, "This is the first part of the Choatic Divine Body. It contains the information on how to build a perfect foundation and also train the body to Copper Body level."

After transferring the technique the Old Man's figure became very illusionary as if about to fade away.

Seeing this, Tianshang Long was worried but the Old Man smiled and said, "The stronger you become the stronger I'll be, i am sealed in you mental energy sea and this is a single strand of mental energy."

Hearing this shocked Tianshang Long to the core, he could not imagine how much someone had to train to reach this level.

The Old Man's figure started to fade as a voice resounded in Tianshang Long ears, "This is my second gift to you, remember this was said to me by a person who is standing at the peak of the Elemental World,

Failure will remind you of your success,

Success will remind you of your pain,

Pain will remind you of your love,

And love will remind you that it was worth it.