Opening Up

Davis turned to look at Zestria and watched her fair complexion and her measuring gaze. Even her frail-looking fingers had shaken before when she spoke up, making him realize that he had unwittingly neglected her for her to be this wary.

How could a Domitian bearing the Fire Dragon's Blood actually feel this way? Was she intimidated because of the others? Absolutely not because she felt that she had not received his love as the others have.

"Shirley, did Zestria come to meet you these days?"

"No, she's cultivating her soul with the utmost importance, probably to prove that she's worthy of you to you."

"I see."

Davis exchanged soul transmission with Shirley and understood the gist of it. This damn fiery woman hadn't engaged in socializing with her sisters and so still felt not a part of them, all because she wanted to prove herself quickly.

"Zestria. Come here."
