
Tanya Frostblight's heart pounded a bit rapidly. She instantly realized that she was practically alone in this room and lowered her head, not daring to match gazes with him despite hearing his provocative statement.

"The other resting rooms must be occupied since the Emperor of Death approached this place. I was just about done with my session, so I'll take my leave."

She took a step forward and began to walk out, but then a firm voice echoed.


It caused her to stop in her tracks, making her tremble ever so lightly.

The purple-robed man in front of her walked past her before the door closed by itself, causing her rapidly beating heart to skip a beat.

She could hear him making himself comfortable on a sofa before she heard his chuckle.

"You, of all people, call me the Emperor of Death? What happened to Natalya's husband? Dragon Queen's subordinate? Where is your carefree attitude? I don't see a semblance of it, Tanya Frostblight."