Annexing Love (R-18)

Instantly, panic flashed across Tanya Frostblight's ocean-blue eyes. However, his warmth began sinking into her very soul, disallowing her to resist. His embrace caused her to stay put, even causing her to make way to his advances as she subconsciously moved her neck.

"Young… Emperor… no…"

Sanity threatened to leave, but her rosy lips moved. However, her resistance was feeble while hot breaths began to leave her mouth, feeling bliss but not knowing how to feel about this matter.

Davis was full of desire for Tanya at this moment. He didn't want to leave her when he saw that she was suffering so much, laying down her feelings to him yet unable to move forward to take it because she was worried about Natalya. His hands that held her waist began to roam around, slowly creeping up as it made to her lovely mounds.