Of The Future

"Members of the Dragon Alliance, Phoenix Alliance, Spirit Alliances, Human Alliances, and other alliances, I greet everyone on behalf of the Central Primesky Alliance. Many thanks for inviting us."

The Zyrus Family Patriarch, Yinakin Zyrus, greeted the people gathered with a bright smile on his face.


There was little response from the crowd.

Most knew that the Central Primesky Alliance's Leader was supposed to be the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan, so its Patriarch should be the foremost representative of it if they were to be any sincere, but since that foremost representative, Fenren Jadelight was near Saint Mo Tian, acting like a faithful bodyguard, no one managed to speak to Saint Mo Tian, and the Zyrus Family Patriarch got the reins to speak on behalf of them.

At the same time, the discussion didn't stop, moving across the board as the alliances talked about the aftermath of the Candidacy.