Sparks Crackles

With the Aurora Cloud Gate being brought into the topic, the Dragon and Phoenix Clans suddenly felt threatened, if not became incredibly cautious.

It was the only power they couldn't wrap their heads around, staying mysterious and docile yet proving themselves to be extremely strong enough to collapse a domain power by themselves.

What's more, only one of their Grand Elders, many Elders, and true disciples at the peak of Immortal King Stage seemed to have made a move to eradicate the Godwin Family. It was unknown what it would be like if their Ancestors, who had not shown up for millenniums, were to move outside.

At that time, some cautious ones had this feeling that even their own Ancestors would fail to properly defend against them. That was how mysterious the Aurora Cloud Gate was in their eyes.

However, they still didn't seem too scared, some even appearing excited as though welcoming the challenge.