Breakout (1)

(Author here! This first chapter isn't the best but trust me future chapter will be better! so please add this to your collection! Thank You!")

It was night time, Kurt and I were posted on mountain top observing the Red Dragon Military Compound for a mission and reporting back to the captain.

"Hey Dom what do you see?" Said my partner Kurt.

As I looked through my night vision binoculars, I relayed him what I saw

"Looking at the military compound I can see a checkpoint with 5 soldiers posted their. At the watch tower besides them I can see a sniper observing around." I then turned to to the left to look at the main military building.

"In the main building I can see 5 soldiers on top and from the windows I can see 6 soldiers. One on the third floor at the farthest window to the left, 2 soldiers on the second floor at the center building, and on the first is the last 2 soldiers are right next to each other talking, 3 windows to the right of the middle window. That's all I can see from this hill top."

"Alright, I'll this back to the captain where he then could tell the other squads," said Kurt as he took at a radio and relayed everything.

As the two of watched the soldiers in a distance waiting for further instructions I asked Kurt.

"So what other things about this mission can you tell me about?"

"I know as much as you do. From the mission detail that the captain told us, we are to breakout a VIP alongside other mercenary companies. And the pay is pretty good as well."

The contract's payment was $20,000. From what I can see the person we're breaking out is pretty important. As we kept on talking I saw a convoy stopping at the checkpoint and looked through my binoculars to get a count.

"Kurt relay to the Capt, there are 2 trucks filled with about 10 to 15 soldiers in each truck entering the compound." This mission doesn't seem to get any easier. I'm getting a bad feeling...

"2 trucks filled with 10 to 15 people?!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Isn't this suppose to be a simple breakout?"

"Yeah that's what I thought as well, but I don't that is case now" I replied back in worry.

Kurt took out the radio and called in

"Capt there are 2 trucks filled with 10 to 15 soldiers each entering from the western checkpoint. Who are we breaking out? For the Red Dragon to place so much man power in a single military compound, the VIP should be very important."

The Capt on the radio replied back.

"I don't know who we're breaking out either, but either way the pay is good and with the effort of all 5 mercenary companies working together, we should be able to work this out."

So the captain doesn't know who we're breaking out either. This breakout is gonna be interesting.

The person on the radio went on.

"Just wait for further orders and just keep watching for anything else."

"Got it Capt." Kurt affirmed.

After 10 minutes of observing we finally got a call in from the radio.

"Dom, Kurt you there" the Capt asked.

"Yeah we're here" Kurt confirmed.

"Our job is to support the Regalia Company extract the VIP. They're right now waiting for us west of the checkpoint. I'll send their coordinates to your navigator and meet you guys their."

The Regalia was another mercenary group like us if I remembered correctly. They have about 15 people why we have 6. But even though they have more people, our members are more experienced in the field compared to them. So we should do fine working together.

"Got it Capt, we'll meet you there." Kurt replied back and ended the call.

Kurt then looked towards me and said

"Lets pack up and leave, we can't keep those Regalians waiting."

I agreed and packed my night vision binoculars and picked and up my AR that was placed right next to me. We then headed to the coordinates where soon met up with the rest of the squad and the Regalians.

"Kurt, Dom, over here" a man called us over. The man was Dale, his age was the late 20's or early 30's but kept a young look. He was the captain of our mercenary group which is called the "Mantis".

The people in the team called him Capt before I joined the team and so I joined in only calling him Capt alongside everyone else.

As we walked over I could see 2 other members playing rock-paper-scissors to waste time.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot" they both said in sync.

"Rock!" The one on the left said.

"Scissors!" The one on the right said.

Seeing that he won the match, the one the right used his hand that had rock on it and hit the other's scissor hand and cheered.

"Haha, rock beat scissors I win you suck."

"Brian I don't suck! You're just lucky." the man replied with a frown

"Tom, I won 10 games in a row. Stop being a sore loser. Tom replied back.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

These guys weren't going to stop any time soon so Kurt and I proceeded to to walk towards the Capt.

"Hey Capt, where's the Gorilla?" Kurt greeted and asked.

The gorilla who Kurt was talking about was our last member, Shana. She was the last member and the only female on our team. She was a cool beauty and if you didn't know her well, you would've probably think she a innocent girl. But she's not, she had a terrible temper and does things to the extreme.

And let's not forget why she has the nickname of Gorilla in the first place. Her strength was like a gorilla, she bent a metal rod in front of everyone and scared the shit out of everyone, hence, earning the nickname of Gorilla.But even though her nickname was Gorilla, nobody called her that unless they wanted to lose their manhood.

"She out talking to the Regalians up ahead." Said Capt.

"Let's hope they don't get in the argument, with her temper and ungodly gorilla strength she would probably beat their leader senseless," laughed Kurt.


I was about to to join on fun until I felt a dark aura coming from behind me and froze Kurt, Capt, and I on the spot. This feeling could only mean one thing.

"So Kurt what did you say?" Shana said with cute feminine voice which only made me feel chills crawl down my spine and sweat.

"I said that you have a beautiful temper and amazing strength that could keep us safe! I didn't say anything else!" Kurt said trying to save really.

"Oh really?" Shana replied back in a smile.

"Really." Kurt said trying to be really sincere as he could be while looking at her in the eyes. But sadly that wasn't enough to save him as Shana then placed Kurt in a strangle hold.

"I can't breathe, let me go, you freaking gorilla." Kurt said breathlessly.

Him calling Shana a gorilla only made her tighten her hold.

Kurt then looked at me and begged

"Dom please help me!"

I wasn't going to help him unless I wanted to be in the same situation he was in. So I said nothing and just watched.

As Shana was strangling Kurt she asked me

"How's your day?"

I couldn't help but shiver when she asked me. Who the hell asks, "how's your day" while they're strangling someone?! It took me a moment before I replied back to her.

"Good how's yours?"

"It's fine," Shana said as she strengthen her strangle on curt. Jesus, someone please save Kurt before he dies due to loss of oxygen. His face is already purple, I don't think it'll take long before he gets to that point.

Luckily the captain told Shana to stop and she did before Kurt passed away.

"I think I met my great-great-great-grandfather." Said Kurt as we as in a daze and slowly regaining his breath.

"Oh, what he say?" I asked.

"He told me to not step into the light and fight the goril-" Kurt tried to stop himself before saying gorilla to save himself but that didn't work as Shana again started again strangling him. Kurt never learns from his past mistakes.

"Alright guys cut it out! Gather around, it's time to start the mission." Capt called out.

Everyone gathered around and waited to hear the plan.

"Alright this is the plan" A buff man who I believe is the captain of the Regalia started talking.

"The other 6 mercenary teams will attack the other 3 sides of the compound. Their job is to lessen the forces on our side so we have an easier time getting in by drawing them away to their side. Our job is to extract the VIP and get to the rendezvous point. That's the plan, all we now have to do it wait for the signal."

The plan sounded easy, get in and get out. Not deal with much resistance since most of the soldiers would be distracted. Yeah, sounds easy, but I still don't feel good.

I wondered what the signal was so I asked to the Regalian Captain.

"So what the sig-" I stopped talking as a loud sound could be heard in the distance.


I'm gonna assume that's the signal.