Breakout (2)

As we got closer to the military compound the sound of gunfire could be heard and black smoke could be seen rising to the sky. Commanding officers could be hears ordering the troops to reinforce the sides that are getting attacked.

Of course there were still soldiers posted on our side since it would be stupid to leave a side undefended in the first place They were vigilant for any incoming attacks as they should be. Usually it would be harder to attack troops that are already prepared for an attack but since a good amount of the soldiers that were there previously are now fighting the other mercenaries on the other sides of the compound.

In total there were fifteen soldiers left armed with AR's and were wearing their coordinated military uniform that would specify which nation they would belong to. In this case the soldiers had a red dragon their sleeves to indicate themselves as soldiers from the Red Dragon.

Once we got all behind with the soldiers in firing distance the captain of the Regalians said on the radio.

"Remember, our job is to free the VIP and then take him to the extraction point. The coordinates should've been sent to your navigator so in case any one gets separated you can meet us at the coordinates. Any questions?"

Seeing that on one replied the Regalian captain then looked towards one his subordinates and commanded him

"Toss the Flash."

Hearing the order, the man took the flash that was attached to his belt where he then pulled the pin on it and threw it at the Red Dragon Soldiers.

"Flash Out!" The man said as he then threw the flash towards the soldiers.


The moment the flash landed in front of the Red Dragon Soldiers, it exploded in front of their eyes causing them to become blind and stunning the soldiers

"Fire!" The Regalian Capt. ordered.

We all then came out behind the trees and started firing a hail of bullets upon the enemy.

one down, two down. seven down.

Since the Red Dragon Soldiers were all stunned and not in cover we were able to kill a good amount of them with ease. The rest of the Red Dragon Soldiers who were still alive were able to recover went behind cover to get away from our line of sight.

As I aimed through the sight of my gun and shot at the people that attempted to peak, Capt. called out to me on the radio.

"Dom, Kurt, Shana, I want you guys to move up and flank the enemies from the right side. The rest and I will cover you as you move forward."

I replied back alongside Kurt and Shana

"Got it Capt."

We then started moving up from the right of the soldiers without a hitch due to the team at the back giving suppressing at the soldiers ahead. We soon got up the barricades that were on the right of the soldiers. There were the last eight Red Dragon Soldiers hunkered down besides each other not willing to get up and shoot due to the high amount of gunfire coming at them.

Seeing that the Red Dragon Soldiers weren't aware of our presence, we were able to get a clear shot at them and shot them all down.

Seeing the rest of Red Dragon Soldiers all riddled in bullets we all knew that they were dead and so I called in to the Capt. through the radio.

"Capt, the threat has been dealt with. You all can move up now."

"Roger that."

Once everyone grouped up the Regalian Capt spoke,

"We're gonna split up here. I'm gonna take my team since were the biggest and attack the front entrance to attract the attention of the Red Dragon Soldiers while you guys will get in through the back door of the building."

After the Regalian Capt. spoke we all separated and moved toward the back of the military building. As we got closer the door the Regalian Capt talked about could be seen.

Once we reached the door we waited to hear shots coming from the front entrance of the building.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Soon after shots could be heard coming from the front of the building. It could be heard that the Regalian Mercenaries have started their diversion attack. Hearing the shots Capt said.

"Alright guys, remember that the mission is to get in, find the VIP, and get out. It's as simple as that. After we find the VIP we'll radio in and from then on we'll get out and move towards the extraction point."

It was easier said than done. I couldn't but help feel weird doing this mission and i'm pretty sure the others feel the same way as well. This mission has been going a little too smoothly for my liking. And not forget the reinforcements that came to the compound before we started the attack. I believe they all went to the northern wall to reinforce the troops there but I can't be to sure.

Once we entered the building I saw two separates sets of stairs on two opposites end of each other leading to the left and right sides of the building.

Capt looked at the two sets of stared then turned towards Kurt,Shana and I.

"You three will take the left side of the building and go up to the third floor and clear that floor while we will clear the 2nd floor. The Regalians will deal with the first floor after they deal with everyone outside. Be sure to clean everything up, so do don't leave any stragglers that'll hinder us later when we exit."

"Yes sir." We all replied back

I then turned to Kurt and Shana and motioned them with my hands and said

"Let's go guys."

They all nodded and then we all started moving up the stairs. They're three floors to this building with about 8 rooms on each floor. Assuming that some of the Red Dragon Soldiers that were on the 3rd floor went down to the first to deal with the Regalian. I'm gonna assume that there are less soldiers on the floor.

Once we reached the third floor I looked around the corner into the hallway and spoke out to Kurt and Shana of what I saw.

"They're two squads of two Red Dragon Soldiers patrolling the hallway, one squad is patrolling at the end of the hallway while the other is patrolling at the middle point of the hallway. And I can see two Red Dragon Soldiers guarding a door down the hall near the middle point of the hallway. I believe that the VIP will be held there."

"So how are we gonna deal with the soldiers then?"Shana asked.

"Easy, all we need to do is have you walk up there and break their necks with that gorilla strength of yours." Kurt said.

Right before Shana could choke Kurt to death and send him to the River Styx I stopped them.

"Stop you guys, we're on a timer. We need to get this over with this first. When we're done you guys can fight to the death how many times you want."

I looked around the corner again and formulated a plan. In total the're six Red Dragon Soldiers in the hallways. They don't seem aware of our presence so we easily have the jump on them. Two good flash flashes would stun all of them and give us enough time to take them all down. Yeah, that plan will do.

I have one flash on me so I turned to Shana and Kurt and asked them

"Do you guys have a flash?"

"I have one," said Shana.

"Same here as well," Kurt spoke out as well.

We can use the last flash for the room the VIP might be in.

"OK, Kurt, you will throw your flash at the end of the hall while I will throw my flash where the two guards are guarding the door. Your flash will stun the two guards at the end of the hall and at the same time it'll draw the attention of everyone else. Then my stun will go off flashing everyone else since my stun will be in front of everyone else eyes." I said explaining the plan

"Alright, got it." Kurt said in confirmation of the plan as he pulled out his flash. As I have my flash prepared, I watch Kurt get in front of me and threw his flash to the end of the hallway. Seconds later I then threw my flash towards the middle of the hallway.


The first flash went off blinding the the two Red Dragon Soldiers the the end of the hall and drawing the attention of everyone else.

"Ah me eyes!" The two Red Dragon Soldiers cried out in pain as they dropped their guns and covered their eyes with their hands. As they were covering their eyes, I was watching my flash then bounce in front of the last four soldiers drawing their attention and then blowing up.


The last flash went out blinding everyone in the hallway.

"Shoot them down!" I yell out.

Kurt, Shana, and I appeared around the corner lifted our guns and then shot at the dazed Red Dragon Soldiers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a few seconds of shooting all the Red Dragon Soldiers in the hallway they all finally died. We pushed forwards and held out backs to the wall right next to the door where the VIP I thought would be with Shana on the other side of the door.

I look at Shana in the eyes with a message of "Are you ready to throw the flash?" She nodded in response and pulled her flash out. I then took hold of the door handle and pulled it slightly open enough for the flash to be thrown in.

After I pulled the door enough for the flash, Shana then pulled the pin off the flash and tossed it in.


Moments later the flash went off and we rushed in. I went in first and looked towards the right while I knew that Kurt would look down center and Shana would look to the left. On the right were two Red Dragon Soldiers in a daze with them covering their eyes. The flash did a good job. I then took two shot aiming at their heads and killing them.

As I shot my gun I could hear other shot coming right behind and turned around. As I turned around I saw three other Red Dragon Soldiers dropping to the ground.

"Left side clear!" I shouted out. Shouting out if your side was clear was a team protocol as you never know if someone was hidden in the room and you didn't know about it. So it was best to clear the room at thoroughly as possible.

"Center clear" Kurt shouted out

"Right side clear" Shana soon shouted after Kurt.

Hearing that everything was clear we all then looked towards the bed that on my side of the room. The bed had drapes coming from above, so we couldn't see what was behind it. I lifted my gun with Kurt and Shana following my actions and aimed at the bed while I walked towards it.

Once I got close to the bed and held one side of drapes ready to pull it. I looked towards Shana and Kurt. They both nodded. I then pulled the drape away and what I saw was a girl with her hands tied together with rope and her leg was tied together with rope as well. She had a back blindfold covering her eyes and tape covering her face as well.

She had good figure with blond hair but admiring her right now is not something I should be doing right now. I then called out to Kurt

"Kurt tell Capt that we've found the VIP as I unbind her and Shana you'll watch out for anyone coming."

"Got it," Kurt said.

"OK," Shana said.

I Took out my knife and start working on getting her free. After I cut the rope on the girl she started moving. It seems that shes waking up and so I hurried up and took the blindfold and tape off.

After I took the tape and blindfold off, I could see that she was awake since her eyes were open and asked her.

"Are you ok?"

I was expecting a yes or no question but what I got was something I was not prepared for.

"This whole mission is a trap! This mission is to destroy all the mercenaries that took part in this mission! We need to get out now!"