Escape (1)

"This whole mission is a trap to destroy all the mercenaries that took part in this mission! We need to get out now!"

I knew this mission was too easy. Everything was going our way. There were no hiccups either. Plus the extra troops haven't been spotted yet I still had to know more so I asked her

"Tell me more of this trap and who are you in the first place?"

She then looked at me with her and said.

"My name is Lina Lunaviere. I heard one of the Red Dragon Commanders saying that the whole entire mission was a trap. The Red Dragon wants to expand their power and by doing this was to lessen the amount of manpower the other cities can utilize. And by doing that is to purchase all the mercenaries they can and then eliminate the rest."

The Red Dragon we're known to be expansionist, but to use a mercenary contract as trap to eliminate a good amount of the mercenaries so no one else can hire them was just evil. But at the same time it was really smart. Mercenaries exist for the money, as long there is money, they'll do it. So if everything she said was true then we should get out here immediately. Even if she was lying, we can't take the chance.

I then took out my radio and attempted to call in, but right before I could, the Regalian Captain announced

"This mission is a trap, I repeat this mission is a trap. As of right now Red Dragon Soldiers have surrounded us from the outside of the compound and closing on us like a net. We need to get out now!"

The Regalian Captain confirmed what Lina was saying. Everyone heard what was on the radio so there was no need to repeat what I just heard. Capt's team should've heard it as well and should be expecting us outside the building I then turned to look at Shana and Kurt.

"Kurt, Shana lets go, we're leaving," I commanded them.

"We're right behind," Kurt said.

I then turned to look at Lina and told her,

"Follow me and you won't get hurt."

She rolled her eyes in response and didn't say anything else. I'm gonna assume her silence is a yes and started walking towards the door. As I opened the door and was about to walk out, I felt a tremor throughout the building.

"What's happening?" I asked both Shana and Kurt.

The both of them shrugged. The tremor was getting closer to our position. We had to leave now but without knowing the cause of the tremor i didn't want to take the risk of leaving the room. Soon later a footsteps could be heard and right after Red Dragon Soldiers came into hallway!

"Shit, Red Dragon Soldiers are swarming the halls. We can't leave the this room now!" I yelled out. Staying here any longer like sitting ducks will only get us killed. If we were to leave the room right now, we would get shot immediately by the troops already in the hallway. We need another way out. I look around room and saw a barred up window. We can leave through the windows.

"Shana you got the thermite right?" I asked Shana in haste.

"Yes I do," Shana replied back in confirmation

"Good, thermite the barred up windows while Kurt and hold back the soldiers."

"What am supposed to do?" Lina asked. I wasn't going to arm a stranger with a gun so i told her

"Sit there and look pretty."

"But I can help."

"I don't care if you can help or not. I don't trust you enough to give a gun. So shut up and sit."

I wasn't going to argue with the girl any longer and so I looked towards Kurt with a message to follow me. Kurt and I worked with each other for a long time so he knew what I was saying. I peaked through the door and saw the Red Dragon Soldiers walking slowly towards the door from both sides.

"I'll deal with the left side, you'll deal with the right side," I said to Kurt

"Got it," Kurt replied back

"Alright, on my go well appear out the door at the same time. Three, two, one go!"

After I said go, Kurt and I jumped through the door and started firing on the Red Dragon Soldiers. The Red Dragon Soldiers weren't prepared for preemptive attack and so we were able to take down multiple soldiers.

After taking some soldiers, I don't know how many. While I went behind a knocked down table for cover, Kurt was using the door as cover. Shot could be heard in the hallway while Kurt and I shot the Red Dragon Soldiers in the hallways. I don't know how long has passed but it feels like an eternity. The table shows signs of breaking and for every Red Dragon solider I've killed, another one immediately replaces it. Ammo was getting scarce as well.

The Red Dragon Soldiers were slowly pushing up. We needed to leave soon or we're not going to leave at all. I shouted out to Shana.

"Shana how long do we have to wait!"

"Just a little bit more!" she shouted back

"Give me seconds or minutes!" I guessed that we have another two minutes before the Red Dragon Soldiers will get to the room with Kurt and I hindering them.

"Less than a minute!" We have more than enough time if we only need to wait less than a minute for the Shana to get rid of the bars with thermite.

I then get back to firing at the soldiers. I lifted up from the cover and aimed at the soldier on the left of me and shot a few bullets into his chest. He wasn't going to live after that. As I was going to take another shot the other Red Dragon Soldiers started firing at me. The only thing I could do was get back into cover.

"I'm done!" Shana shouted in delight.

Hearing her, I told Kurt.

"Kurt you get to the window first, I'll be right behind you."

"You better be behind me." Kurt said.

"I will, now go!" I said as I lifted from my cover and started firing randomly causing the Red Dragon Soldiers to get behind cover. Seeing that Kurt got into the room I started walking backwards in front of the door so I don't get shot from behind as I kept shooting. Once I spent all the ammo in my clip I went into the room and closed the door.

"Hurry up!" Kurt yelled at me outside the window on the fire escape stairs. I hurried in response and climbed through the window just right before the Red Dragon Soldiers opened the door right across the window. Seeing that the Red Dragon Soldiers opened the door, Kurt shot at them, taking a few amount of Red Dragon Soldiers.

We all then started running down the stairs and once we finally got to ground level, I saw the rest of the team waiting.

"What took you guys so long?" Capt asked in concern.

"Our floor got flooded with troops. You didn't notice them?" I asked back.

"No I didn't," Capt replied back in confusion.

I would be confused as well. For such a high amount of soldiers to pass right by Capt's team, If that's not odd, I don't know what is. They we're probably hidden in some sort of compartment, or was it teleportation? I've heard that the lost technology can enable such a thing but for the Red Dragon to have access to such technology doesn't sound plausible.

Thinking about it won't do anything so I just stopped thinking about it and awaited for Capt to speak.

The Capt looked at us and noticed Lina and asked

"Is that the VIP?"

"Yes, her name is Lina Lunaviere. She told me that the mission was a whole entire trap but she told us too late."

"Yeah sadly, since this mission was a trap then there's no reason to go to the rendezvous. The Regalians already left so we're the only ones left. Lets leave right now through the checkpoint we entered from and escape from there.

Capt said no more and started running towards the checkpoint we came in from and we all followed. Once we passed got the checkpoint and got into the forest we started moving faster. Ten minutes later a squad of Red Dragon Soldiers was seen walking slowly towards us.

We all got behind tree to prevent ourselves from being caught.

"How are we going to deal with Capt?" Tom said in a hushed voice but loud enough to understand.

"There are five soldiers, we have advantage in numbers. We can kill all of them as long as each of us aim at one of them." Capt replied back.

Moments later all of us chose a soldier to fire at and awaited the order to fire.


In response to the Capt's order we all went out of cover and shot our chosen targets, killing them all simultaneously.

"Surrounding patrols should've heard us, Lets hurry our pace and escape this mess." Capt said and started running.

We all followed suit and started running alongside him.