Escape (2)

As we ran through the forest, there was no one to stop us. As I thought we could escape this trap with ease a humming sound could be heard in the distance. Everyone stopped in their tracks so they could hear what the noise was. After a few seconds the sound got louder but a lot.

"Oh shit that's a chopper! We need to hurry now." Kurt yelled out the moment he saw the chopper enter his sights. I couldn't identify what model the chopper was but it looked highly advance.

"That's the Pegasus!" Lina said in surprise as if the Pegasus wasn't suppose to be in the hands of the Red Dragons in the first place.

"Tell me what you know of this Pegasus." The Capt asked wanting to the specifications of the Pegasus.

"The Pegasus is a chopper made with lost technology. It could fly at the highest speed of 250 miles per hour. It's equipped with two gatling guns that could shoot up to 12,000 bullets of high caliber rounds a minute and is also equipped with heat sensors. We will never get away if that thing gets locked onto us!" Lina answered in concern.

Hearing her speak out all the information on the Pegasus is rather suspicious but we have no other information to compare it to and we don't have the time to interrogate her. Once everything is over we can ask her more about her origin.

"If everything you said is true than we should split up into groups of two to lessen the chances of getting caught and meet up at Treasure City. Dom I'm going to ask you to take care of Lina since out of all us, you are the most resourceful and if your stuck you can find a way out easily." Capt said.

Great, I was stuck with a liability. Lets hope she doesn't hold me down. Of course I didn't speak out my thought and just agreed to Capt. I then looked at Lina and said

"You're gonna come with me so remember to listen to me. I don't want to die at a young age."

"Trust me, I don't wanna die anytime soon either, I still have many things to accomplish and people to protect." Lina replied back with a determined tone.

It seems that this girl isn't as bad as I thought she was and she has a story but it's none of my business. As we all prepared to split up into different directions Kurt patted me on the shoulder and said

"Be careful Dom, don't die ok."

Kurt was never good with words but I know what he was trying to say and I was thankful for it.

"Yeah you too," I replied back to Kurt.

After saying my farewells to Kurt I started saying my farewells to the rest of the team. I then called Lina to go and separated from the team and headed north.

As we ran through the forest Lina asked out to me

"So what's the plan?"

"As of right now we are running in the northern direction. As long as we keep on running in this direction, we'll reach Natsu City. I have a friend there, so she can help us out with restocking our supplies. After restocking we would then go west towards Treasure City where we would meet up with everyone else."

I explained her the plan I thought of. The trip should take us almost 2 days if everything goes smoothly. The longest it might take would be a week. Right before we separated from the group I checked the supplies I had. I had four bottles of water, three days of rations, five magazines of ammo, and the device the old man gave to me before he left.

We should have enough for the trip, but if we don't we could resupply at Natsu City as I planned.

After running for about another ten minutes we ran in to another patrol. I signaled to Lina with my hands telling her stop and hid behind a tree for cover. I looked over to her and said.

"There's a patrol up ahead. Get in to cover."

She listened and got behind a tree next to me. I then peeked around the tree and looked at the Red Dragon Soldiers.

They were in a tight formation observing their surroundings for any movement. From what I can see, there were three Red Dragon Soldiers. It was a small group of soldiers, I can deal with them with ease as long as I can get a jump on them and was quick enough to eliminate all of them in quick successions.

Even though I believed that I could deal with all three Red Dragon Soldiers I still didn't want to take any risk so I went up to Lina to hand over my pistol and said

"Take this, if I can't kill this last guy in time, I want you to shoot him."

"You trust me enough to give me a gun? Aren't you worried that I would shoot you in the back or something?" Lina replied back slightly confused why I'm giving her my pistol.

"You could've betrayed me already if you shouted loud enough to catch the soldiers but you didn't. That shows that you aren't working for the Red Dragons. Plus, we need to work with each other to escape this shit hole. I hope I didn't place my trust in the wrong person."

She smiled and replied back while taking the gun in my hand

"Don't worry, you placed your trust in the right person. I still need to get back to my family and help them."

Family huh, I never had a chance to know what a real family was. Even though the old man saved me when I was young, he never actually took care of me like any parent would. All he did was train me to become the mercenary I am today. And before he left he gave me an device and told me to only use it when I'm in a life or death situation.

I've never been in such a situation yet so I never had a chance to use. As I prepared to kill the Red Dragon Soldiers I took another look at the soldiers behind the tree. There was no change except for the fact that they were closer than last time. I look at Lina with a message through my eyes saying

"Are you ready?"

She nodded in reply to my message. After she nodded I then stepped away from my cover and shot at them. They we're surprised from appearance which allowed me to to shoot at them freely with no counter shot from them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I shot about eight bullets and was able to kill all of them. I watched them drop to the ground lifelessly. The human bodies are sadly fragile, all it took was one good shot to an important organ like the heart or brain and it'll kill them immediately or if not, they'll die by blood loss.

If I remember correctly as well there were soldiers that are called enhancer in top level cities. They were called enhancers since they took some sort of medicine or experiment that enhanced their body which would increase their combat effectiveness. So compared to normal soldiers, it's like comparing a tiger to a sheep.

Enhancers were described to be as super soldiers, some even say they could fight an entire army by themselves. But luckily, Enhancers are rare and are barely to never used in combat.

They were mainly used for the last lines of defense or as a bodyguard to a city leader or high ranking general. If they were to ever be used in combat, the battle itself would have to be very important enough to send one.

As I was checking our surroundings Lina walked to my side and handed back the gun to me

"Seem like you didn't need my help at all, here you can take this back."

"No keep on it it, you never know if we might get into another situation like that again." I replied back to her as I pushed the gun away the her hand that held the gun. Even though I don't trust her fully, I still trust her to an extent where she could hold a firearm without worry to fire at my back.

She had so many chances to shoot me and took the initiative to hand me back my gun. She was showing good will and I answered back with my own.

As I was about to tell her to keep on going a shot could be heard near me. I looked to the direction to the shot came from and saw a soldier holding a flare gun. Shit he notified every damn soldiers in the vicinity and there's a good chance the Pegasus noticed it too. I immediately shot at the soldier in the head and yelled at Lina
