Another wolf night

The moment he fell asleep, he woke up as the wolf. 'What!? Again?', he thought.

Looking around it seemed as if he was still at the same time, the morning sky was still grey, slowly getting brighter. He slowly got up his body seemed a bit less weak but his stomach rumbled, and he felt very hungry all of a sudden. He thought of getting some food, but he did not know how. That was when he noticed that he had the same amazing sense of smell he had just got in the real world. 'Could that be related? Nah, I must be overthinking', he thought. But first he went back to the pond nearby to drink some more water. Then he sniffed the air and followed the direction of the closest smell that seemed to be an animal. After walking for a while the smell got stronger, he started to sneak closer. But then, he stepped on a branch, the noise startled the animal. What looked like a rabbit jumped out of a bush and ran away. He tried to run after it, but he stumbled still not used to this body of his. He got back up, but he was quickly out of breath and the rabbit was long gone.

Our little Wolf sat down to think, but stomach rumbled again, his hunger even worse now. Giving up chasing after animals, he smelled the air again. Faintly he could smell a slightly sweet smell, 'maybe whortleberry?' Following this new smell he arrived at a clearing, it was filled with lingonberry and worthleberry shrubs. No longer able to hold back, he ran over stuff himself all he could.

After being done, he walked out of the clearing. The sun was up in the sky by now, he went over to a stone that was lying in the sun. He climbed it and enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the heat from the stone below. Warm and fed, he now was finally able to think clearly. This being the second night being a wolf he could assume that most likely the same would happen again, next night. Being a wolf and all, he could not live of berries, could he? But he had a big cheat, had he not? He could just lookup how he should hunt as a wolf on the Web tomorrow. Rana grinned in the little wolfs grind and felt very content of himself, luckily he could not see his face because this kind of lecherous lurker grin looked very strange on the little wolfs face.

Feeling warmed up and better, he decided to explore a bit around. He could maybe collect data and make a map of the area on his computer tomorrow. So he started to roam around, mentally noting different notorious points, like some more impressive trees like the oak he woke up under, the pond, the berry clearing. After a while he felt tired, and walked back to the majestic old oak, he first woke up under. Somehow between those roots he felt especially safe, as if it was watching over this little wolf body of his. It was about midday, the sun still high in the sky, but after his adventure today he did not have any difficulties falling asleep.