He awoke back in his human body. A bit uncomfortable still completely dressed up. He picked up is phone in a daze, Saturday, he lay back down lazily. Two hours later he stood up, went to kitchen and made some tea. After relaxing for a while he took out his laptop.
After checking his messages, he started his research on hunting as a wolf. Most information was about hunting of packs. That made Rana think, why was he alone? Where did the pack go? He was still a pretty young thing over in the dream world, where did his mother go? He had mentally noted that he should look into that next night. Rana continued to look into the hunting habits, seems like he should be using his other sense more. Maybe find some weakened preys. Worst case scenario he still had the berries.
After reading on wolf habits for a while, he opened a map editor and started mapping from his memories. Finishing up, he noticed that it started to look like he was in some kind of closed environment he had to check that out in more detail too. Then he spent some time roaming through cute wolf pictures.
Seeing that it was getting late, he cleaned himself up and got ready to go out. He decided he would go for a walk in the park. Slowly waking over he tried to somehow get used to all the smells that overwhelmed him. The pungent smell of the dirty streets and sewers, the smell of petroleum and car emissions, of the dust blown up by the traffic, the heavy perfumes of the old lady passing by…
Arriving in the park he felt relieved, he could smell the earth, trees and plants all around him. Enjoying the midday sun he walked around and sat on a bench. He watched the peaceful scenery, in front of him, a bunch of kids were playing on the lawn between the trees. Surprisingly he could understand them pretty well. On his left he could hear some kind of moaning from afar. He looked over. In the shadows of a some bushes a young couple was fooling around. He quickly looked away a bit embarrassed.
All of a sudden, the peace seemed to be chattered by a high-pitched scream, that was muffled down almost instantly. He turned around his head into the direction the sound came from but his sight was blocked by a group of trees. He ran over as fast as he could. Arriving behind the trees he did not see anything out of the ordinary. Taking a sniff, he knew that there had just been a man and a woman, he could also smell a strong fear. Slowly looking around he inadvertently focused on his hearing too. On his left he could hear some heavy steeps and breathing. He ran on, into that direction, and saw a man from a far slowly walking up to a van. Over his shoulder lay a young woman. Rana ran as fast as he could, shouting to stop the man. But he was too slow the man had already driven off with the woman.
Out of breath Rana walked to the nearest street, and called the Police. He patiently explained what had happened, but the operator did not take him seriously. In the end Rana hung up. He walked home, but could not get what had just happened out of his head. Once home he did not go up to his flat but picked his bicycle up. He cycled back to place he had seen the van, he had noticed a weird smell left behind by it earlier and it was still slightly in the air. Tracking the smell he slowly, rode on. After an hour and a couple of turns the smell started to get stronger. Rana stopped and looked around. About 300m down the road was a run down repair shop, the back of the van looking out of the entrance.
Rana got off his bicycle, and sneaked up on the place. He could hear someone on the phone talking something about money on the phone. He walked on until he was next to the van, he then took a peak into the building. There was no one around but the man that he was able to recognize by his smell, who was still talking on the phone. He was standing there with the back towards the entrance. Rana looked around for some kind of weapon that he could use but could not find anything. So he slowly sneaked up on the man like, the way he often saw it in video games. Arriving behind the guy he tried to get him into a neck lock. At this point he failed majestically. What ensued was a short brutal fight. The man hit Rana in the stomach with his elbow, making Rana fall to his knees, the man turned around still confused. Rana used this moment to punch the guy into the balls from below. Now it was the man's turn to go to his knees. Rana having recovered a bit, spit out a bit of blood and kicked the guys face as strong as he could. The man was instantly knocked out, but Rana could feel pain running up his leg.
Rana searched the man and found a wallet and conveniently some cable ties, that he immediately used to tie the man's legs and arms. Then Rana sniffed the air, he looked up to a door at the back of the room and limed over. Behind the door, in a storage room he found the young woman. She had been stripped of her clothes and tied up in an uncomfortable position, her underpants stuffed into her mouth. "Bloody pervert" Rana murmured. The woman looked at him with confused eyes. All of a sudden Rana felt that something was wrong. He went up to the woman and pulled the underpants out of her mouth. "Who are you?" the woman asked him immediately, "Where is Johnny? Did he send you over, Are you part of the game?". Rana froze into place, 'By the bloody gods, what is going on?'
Not seeing any reactions, the woman started to beg in lecherous way with a note of arousal "Please don't hurt me, me uncle. I will do anything for you, I beg you." Rana got out of his stupor:
—Johnny did not send me, don't tell me this is not a kidnapping…
—Fuck, no it isn't… What did you do to Johnny? Well doesn't matter now, over there on the shelf is a pair of pincers. Could you please free me?
—Uhm… Sure…
Rana picked up the pincers and freed the woman. After clearing up the misunderstanding, Rana left the building. 'Fuck, what is wrong with this society' he thought, picking up his bicycle. He then drove home.