Easy prey

Rana rode home, depressed, his leg still hurting. He thought he would save someone from kidnapping but ended ruining a couples special date. Arriving home he dragged himself up the stairs. He had planned to go clubbing all night, but he was just too depressed. If people knew, he thought, he would become a laughingstock. He ended up procrastinating on discord's Webnovel server until he fell asleep on top of his laptop.

And he was a wolf again. This was starting to get hard, since it felt like he did not get any real sleep and living two lives non-stop. But he was also happy being able to leave that stupid world of human beings. He slowly got up, and decided to train the coordination of this new body. Jumping in all directions, crashing into trees, just stumbling and falling over, it would have been quite a show to watch as an outsider. After some time, it seemed that he had got pretty used to the body now, but it was aching all over now. Happy with his progress Rana went to pond and drank some water. Then he started to walk around, to find a prey, but this time he tried to find some that smelled hurt or weak.

After a while, he finally found a smell that seemed to be an old animal. Tracking that smell he came up to a clearing, there in the middle of it sat, a hare that was clearly not the youngest any more. The hare had already noticed Rana but it did not run away. It just looked at him, his eyes seeming to say that his time had come and that he was accepting his death. Rana slowly went over, hesitating he looked it straight in the eyes. His human mind told him that this was wrong, but then the hunger won. The little wolf moved decisively and snapped the hares neck.

Ripping the body apart and eating his fill, Rana felt his body slightly growing stronger as a sliver of some mysterious energy flowed into him. After a short rest, Rana decided to continue exploring the place he was in. He of course remembered that he noticed something strange while mapping it. Rana went north until he arrived to the bottom a cliff. Then he started following the edge of the cliff west. After half a day of walking, taking many nooks and crooks, Memorising as many details as he could, Rana arrived back at the place he started. As he had guested, he was in some kind of enclosed environment. Since the cliff was not a straight circle, he had not been able to immediately notice it. He had also been able to confirm that there was not the whiff of a scent of another wolf, so the little wolf must have fallen off the cliff before he had taken over its body. In the end, he had to put the search of companions off for now.

What was way more important now, was finding a way out of here. Going around the enclosing cliff, he had noticed that the cliff was not a high straight falling wall everywhere. In some places it was lower and in some it had many irregularities that could be used as steps. He had especially noted one spot in the north-eastern part, it was not the lowest part but it seemed as it would not be impossible for him to get up by jumping and climbing around.

After this long walk, he went back to where he had killed the hare, as he had hidden some leftovers there, then he went back to his oak to rest, this poor body of his.