Strange Creature

Our little wolf woke up as the sun was coming up. As he opened his eyes, an amazing view was revealed to him, he could watch over the whole valley he had stayed in these past days. The lush green of the trees in the valley and the red of the twilight intermixing. As he looked around, away from the valley, he noticed that he was actually in some kind of weird grassland. Here and there for reasons unknown to him, the earth looked like it had just sunken in. This contrast of soft slopes and small hills, filled with high growing grasses and the valleys that seemed to have randomly popped up looked extremely strange.

Rana noted that he had to be careful where he walked, who knew if a new crevice could just form if he stepped in the wrong place. After enjoying the strange view for a while, he started heading away from the valley, he started to walk up north, as he walked thru the high grass he picked up the scent of an animal that he did not know yet. He carefully followed it, after walking for a short while he noticed huge round footprints that were almost as big as himself. 'Dangerous!', thought, but he decided to follow the footprints anyway to take a look at what it was

After walking for half a day of walking, interrupted only by a few short hunts of a hare who's sent he had picked up on the way to fill his empty stomach, he finally arrived on top of a slope. From there he was able to finally see what he had followed. It was lazily lying in the sun resting, looking like a huge brown hill. It was something similar to an elephant or a mammoth in the general shape but it was totally different, it did not have the huge wing like ears, it also did not have a trunk nor did it have tusks. Instead, it had a long fluffy tail, and a head shaped more like that of a cam but instead of two horns on the sides it had a big long horn growing on out of the front. It also was very hairy. It seemed to have noticed him watching it as it turned around its head looking back at him. After a moment it just went back lazing around. Completely ignoring the wolf.

Rana had never heard of such a creature ever existing on earth, so he was pretty sure this was not on earth. This beast just looked to strange in his eyes. Having relieved his curiosity, he went on north. As he went on the landscape started to change, the land was no longer full of holes like swiss cheese. It became flatter he could see a huge Forest growing from afar. Rana decided to stay in the grassland for now, he had noticed that it was full of life. With lots of pray there for him to hunt. Also, with his light fur it would be easier to hide in the high grasses than in the dark forest. Roaming around, exploring and hunting the rest of the day he did not come across other creatures that were too strange. At the end of the day, he came across a herd of animals very similar to horses. They looked pretty much like horses from earth just that their faces were completely flat and that they had long flexible tails. Even thought their face looked extremely ugly, they smell extremely tasty to our little wolfs nose. He felt like he had to eat one of these.

He started to follow the heard from afar watching out for a weak animal. There were a few old ones and also a few young ones that might be easy to catch. As night slowly fell, he sneaked towards the herd. But he was quickly noticed and they started to run. But a young one was too confused and was not able to follow and got left behind as the others ran. In its confusion it started to run into another direction. The animal was very fast way faster than Rana, but he followed behind, tracking it. Rana caught up a few times when it started resting but it managed to escape. After the long run it started to tire and Rana was finaly able to catch up.

As he caught up to the animal that was a bit bigger than himself he jumped at its throat. It tried to shake him off as he bit into the flesh but Rana held on even thought he almost got heard badly. Tasty Blood started to flow down into his mouth and along his pelt. And the young horse finally, stopped struggling. Rana ripped the throat apart finally killing it. He then ate it, the meat was extremely tender and very tasty. As he ate, he felt energy flowing into him again, by far not as much as from the strange chicken but still. It felt refreshing and his body felt as if it had become slightly lighter. Rana was amble to eat the whole thing only leaving its bones and skin.

After finishing up he found a nice place to rest and fell asleep watching the stars and wondering where this strange world was.