Rana rose at the time the roasters would have crowed in a village. He made himself nice and lofty breakfast with everything that was need, as he felt he would need a lot of energy and calmness after finishing the food he made himself some tea. To him making tea was something very meditative and as the gentle smell of the tea-leaves spread around in the kitchen his mind felt calm and relaxed.
He slowly drank letting his mind drift away from how this day would be one of these worst days one had, only once or twice a year at most. After finishing, he took his most stylish coat, he had actually picked out all of his best stuff. As he left his flat, people looking at him would probably think that he was a model, maybe a designer, actually he was quite the handsome man, it was just that he usually slacked of on his appearance and it would not be very apparent. Rana wanted to do this with style.
Even thought he had taken his time, he was on his way early. The tramway being still completely empty, after getting out, he went to the office building he worked in. He looked at it reluctantly, he had a lot a few memories here. Nothing very significant, but he had been working here for a few years now.
Felling a bit nostalgic, he gave himself an inner nudge. He walked in but instead of taking the lift to the floor on which he had his office, he took it straight to the top. This was where the Managers and Big Bosses of the company he worked for had their offices.
The elevator doors opened and he stepped out. The place seemed to be completely empty but for the receptionist. Everyone joked that this beauty, that she was living here. Their bosses had actually hired her as a trophy secretary, to please the eye. They actually did not know that she was the one that made the whole place work a clockwork, as such they did not show her more value than her beauty, nonetheless they had hired her for a salary that was no less than that of a top manager, that was why she had never complained.
Those employees like Rana, who could see past the beautiful front, knew that she was the real boss around here. As he walked up to the front desk, she looked at him with calm eyes not showing the faintest of trace of what she might be thinking. "Good Morning, Mister Gerison, what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here today?"
Rana did not know if it was his imagination, but he felt as if there was a slightly ironic undertone in her voice, at the same time he could feel a huge pressure coming down onto him. Rana answered unfazed "Good morning, I am here to see Mister Geraltson, is he already in?"
"No, he hasn't come in yet. You can go over to his office, he should come in any minute. I will tell him that you are here." She quickly answered and went back to what she had been doing, completely ignoring his presence.
So Rana walked to the office of the chief of his Department and also off the owners of the company. On the way he looked at the Pictures hanging on the walls. It was a funny mix of Paintings and Photographs from all kind of epochs. There was even a piece of Papyrus hanging there in a corner. Last time he passed here, he had felt extremely intimidated but now he was just happily strolling along.
As he arrived in the office, he went in at sat down in one those of the big leather seats, bosses always had in their offices enjoying the view of the city. It was quite nice to look at there were almost no high buildings but most of it was old red brick buildings with dark blue roofs. As one looked further out one could distinguish some fields and forests far away. He then turned is head to look around the office. Taking note of smells had become an instinct for Rana. It seemed as if his boss was quite fond of having affairs in his office. As his gaze moved around, his sense of smell could tell him things that had happened around here. 'Interesting' Rana thought.
Rana got bored so went to the big oaken Bookshelf and started going browsing through the collection. Most of the books were old tomes that should have been sitting in a museum. As he went on, a particular Book Title caught his eye, it had written in thin faded but still with slightly golden shimmering Letters 「Theorie and discussion of Energy cultivation of the body and mind from around the world」. Rana took the manuscript out of the shelf, it a nice book covered in a thick leather surprisingly light way lighter than it looked. Sitting back down into the settle he opened the book and started reading it. The book was written similarly to a research publication, it seemed like it introduced the principles of the practise of energy circulation from around the world discussing their advantages and disadvantage. He didn't get far when he heard that someone was coming and lay the book aside.
He was mentally getting ready on how to tell his boss that he would be quitting his work. But then a malicious idea flashed through his mind. Why should he quit? He should try to get some advantages and start his revenge instead. What did he have to lose he was going to quit any ways?
So Rana made up his mind and changed his plans last minute. He made himself comfortable in settle and sitting loftily in it as if this was his office. As Mister Geraltson came into the room, he had anger written all over his face. As he saw Rana sitting there like royalty in his office, he started to look more like a raging bull. "Please sit!" Rana said, in an imperial tone of voice.
The ragging bull seemed to start fuming, "I am not going to let you tell me what do in my office." the man responded with a voice that was way too strong and loud.
"Well I will go straight to the point then. You will have to fire me today."
His boss seemed to be about to explode, "First you absent, for a whole week and then you dare come here, into my office and tell me that I will have to fire you? Are you kidding? I fired you before, you even came to work today!"
"Well" Rana responded with the calmest voice in the world, "I don't think you can afford to lose an employee like me. First of you will take months before finding somebody to replace me, and even if you replaced me you do not know how long it will take for the one to replace me to work himself in without my help. How much money do you think your company will lose because of that?" Rana paused for a moment her to let it settle in a bit,
"Secondly, I would sue you for unlawful bouncing, and I am quite confident to win. And lastly but not least, I do not think that your wife would want to find out about all your cheating".
Hearing this his boss forcefully calmed himself down, this was very hard looking and the mocking smile Rana had put on.
Seeing that his boss was not responding, he continued on "Also you are going to triple my salary and I will only have to work half the time and allowed to work from my home or wherever I see as deemed fit. Oh and please send me the digital scan of that manuscript." He pointed at the book he had just put aside.
Then, as he left the room, as if he was a general who had won a fierce battle, he added "Oh and you better fire Becky Frieddottir instead, that daughter of an ugly goat is selling out company secrets. She has probably started covering her tracks but if you dig a bit deeper than usual you are going to find proof."
Mister Geraltson chuckle when Rana had left the room, "What a cunning young man" he smiled, he actually quite liked it when young men had this kind of forceful attitude. And he knew that Rana was right, but he felt like he had taken a huge loss, this would be hard to explain to the other co-owners. They could survive severing Rana off, it would be a huge hit to the company though. Also, the lawsuit would be very bad press for them. All that was actually enough reason not to fire Rana, and give him a slight raise since he demanded it. But not this much, Rana working less would not be a problem because what they needed him for could also be done in half the work time, he would just get less extra tasks. But tripling his salary was the hard part to swallow. The threat about his cheating had set the nail, also the information about selling secrete was like the cherry on the cake, if it was true this information was worth a lot to them. Of course this would not have worked without Rana showing this much confidence. He called the front desk and told them to settle everything, he even decided to give him a bonus.
Luckily on the way out he did not meet the hateful Becky as he would have ripped her apart, the way he had done it with the weird horse at night as a wolf. He walked out of the work building as if he owned it and felt great. He decided to go take a walk to the restaurant he had been last time with his colleague to celebrate his large victory. As he was eating slowly the godly egg fried rice, he thought about how to carry on his revenge now that Becky would lose her job, and he had more time on his hands.