A good afternoon

After finishing up his most tasty egg fried rice, he felt fully content. He paid up and left the small shop.

As he stepped out, his phone Rang in his good mood he just picked the call up without thinking twice. On the other side he heard a soft sweet voice that he recognised immediately, "So you know how to pick up your phone. Do you remember me?" the voice teased him.

Rana laughed, "Of course I remember you how could I forget, the beauty who tricked me into giving her my phone number", he said to tease her back. She laughed too, "How could I not? Seeing such a good-looking man… I had just had to give it a try."

"So what gives me the honour to be called by this beautiful lady today?", Rana teased on, even though they barely knew each other, this short round of teasing made them both feel like they were quite close.

"Oh, I just though you might be interested in spending a day with me next weekend?", even though she had felt very comfortable talking and was a straight forward person, asking him to meet up seemed to unfaze her slightly. Rana sensed the slight change in her voice and felt his heart beat rise slightly. Laughing a bit nervously he said, "Hahaha, how did you guess? I am very free next week-end. What would you like to do?"

Rana could hear a voice bloom as she asked if he had a motorbike, he sadly did not have one. So she told him she would take him for a ride on Saturday and asked him to meet her in front of the Coffee shop on Oak Allee. After a few more pleasantries, they ended the call.

If Rana was considered to be in an extremely good mood before, now one could only describe him as a blooming flower of happiness. As he walked down the street he his bright smile was the personification of a ray of light in the darkness and everyone who crossed his path could not do anything but smile back, wondering who was this good-looking young man with such a strong and pleasant aura.

Rana strolled along the streets and arrived at the River, there he sat down and looked at the blue sky and kids playing by the water, chasing dragonflies. He enjoyed the serene view and the calmness, he spaced out.

He then picked out his phone and called Hana. Hana was one of his fellow students from university, she was actually a genius when it came to hacking. Thinking about Hana made him go back a few years, they had meet on the way to university both late for their lecture. They had immediately clicked, and she had quickly become his little university sister. Rana smirked as he though about all the stuff they had pulled of back in the days.

Rana had helped her out a few times, and she still owed him a few favours. If he wanted revenge, he would need more information about her. Hana picked up the phone:

— Hey, it's been so long since you last called, have you forgotten this little sister of yours?

— Ha ha of course not, how could I forget about my cute little Hana…

— He he you only call me cute when you want something from me, tell me what you need.

— Can you call me back?

Rana hung up, and waited for her to call him back, actually when he asked her to call back, what he meant was to set up an encrypted secure call. His phone rang and he picked up.

— Is it safe?

— Who do you think I am?

— Okay, Okay, please be merciful.

— So what is it that you want.

— I need you to get me everything you can on a Becky Frieddottir, she is a colleague of mine at work.

— That is an unusual request of you, what is it have you fallen for her?

— Fall for that skunk, never!

Rana started explaining what had happened to him a few days ago, they both had deep trust in each other and would not keep any secrets. "Don't worry Brother, I am going to make her life a living hell." Hana said in a voice full of killing intent.

Rana heard her keyboard clicking on the other side, about ten minutes later:

— Here you go, I have sent you everything there is on her, also I sent you access codes for her mobile phone and laptop.

— Thanks you are the best.

— Oh and I put a tracking software on her phone, so you will always know where she is. What are you going to do to her?

— I am not sure yet.

— Why don't you let me take care of it?

She knew Rana and that he had a soft heart and would end up showing too much mercy. Also, she did not want him to be tainted by this dark path he was about to take. After talking back and forth. Rana finally gave in:

— Okay, little sis I will let you take care of it. But I want to see how she suffers.

— No, problem I will make a nice report.

As she chuckled, cold sweet ran down his back. This cute little sister of his could not be underestimated, and he knew that she was absolutely cruel when it came to taking down her opponents.

Rana set his thoughts of revenge aside. The revenge was best left in Hana's hands. He actually felt very relieved about not doing it personally, he was not the type of person who was good at this sort of thing.

Rana got up, and walked home, what was he supposed to do now that he had all this extra free time and money. As he passed by a store window he suddenly stopped, it was an old dusty looking Real estate agency, he could not really believe anybody serious would go in there. But an ad they had put up had caught his eye. It was a huge villa locate right in the middle of one of the biggest parks in the city. This kind of house was what he had always dreamt off. Rana started to dream about starting a community there, living with his friends, this would just be absolutely perfect.

He tried to go into the shop but it seemed to be closed, but he had noticed a phone number on the ad. Rana immediately took out his phone to inquire about the property even though he knew that it must be impossible for him to afford it. An old man responded on the phone, he seemed surprised that someone called about the property. He told Rana that he would be there in a short time.

When the geezer had finally arrived, he opened the store and invited him in. He made them some tea and started taking.

The property, had been up for sale for a very long time, actually it was the last property the agency was taking car of. When the original owner of the place, a descended of an old branch of the Royal house, had passed away he had left a note in his will that the house would only someone with a bit of divine blood would be able to take over the house because of the curse that lay on it. Of course no one had believed it at first, but each potential buyer had either passed away shortly after moving in or moved out after a few days fearing for their lives. Nobody knew what exactly had happened since no one living had ever talked about what they had experienced.

After sometime, the interest in the property had died down. Rana was kind of freaked out, but he asked for the price anyway. It was surprisingly low even then he would be barely able to afford it even with his recent increase in salary.

Rana thanked the old man, and said he would think about it. The old man sighed as he felt like he would die before he was able to sell the property. Both feeling a bit down said their goodbyes and left.

It was starting to get dark out. Rana walked home the rest of the way. Home he cooked himself a quick dinner, then tired from this long day, he lied down. He fell asleep quickly, thinking about what awaited him in the other world.