So I have decided to end the first part here, and I am not sure if there is going to be a second one. If there is, I am may rewrite a new novel with a similar concept from the start.
There are three reasons for this:
1. Writing this has been very improvised, as such the progress is slow and there is no real plot behind what is going on, it is just pretty random.
2. Even though I like the concept of two parallel lives, it is very hard to write to parallel plots that really fit well. The whole concept needs a way more experienced writer to be pulled off.
3. I feel like, won't be able to continue this novel in an interesting way right now.
Anyone who wants to use the basic Idea, write a sequel or presequel or use any of the text of this novel is welcome to do so as long as they mention me and my novel and do not try to misrepresent me or my work, or defamate me, the author, and publish under the same conditions following the CC-by-sa 4.0 licence. (If you make money of it be nice and donate some of it to me :p)
I hope that you understand and can accept this decision,
And I thank all those who have showed support these past few weeks and thank all those who have followed the story.
I am still happy to get feedback on your thoughts of what I wrote, so I can write a better story next time. Hope to see some of you read my next project.
*The Author.*