A big wolf was sitting on top of a huge rock enjoying the sunlight. His long white fur with strange red patterns spread across that looked as if they were dancing as the wind blew through it. He was looking down at a group of small wolfs playing there, he was very fond of watching this young children of his play around from up here. It made him feel at peace. His beautiful bitch jumped up gracefully onto the rock next to him. Her pelt was pure white and her eyes were of a crystal blue colour that fascinated him each time he looked at her. His wolf heart was moved as he saw her walking over and lied down next to him.
Rana thought back at the past two years in the dream-world. After waking up under the big oak tree, he had talked and listened to the oak tree. He had learned quite a few things about the world he was in from it. This world was way bigger than the earth, and it also had humans living on them, but the higher average intelligence of beings had made it hard for human beings to thrive. They lived manly from hunting and had settled in big dwellings to protect each other. The tree also told him about many other strange beings he should be wary of. He also warned him to stay far from humans as they had learned some of the secrets of magic from the dragons.
The old tree, had also taught him some of the lore of the spirits and healing, that it was very proficient in. This had given Rana the ability to stay in each world as longer than before, also being able to rest his mind while getting some real sleep. So Rana would stay, sometimes a few days, sometimes a week or even longer in one or the other world.
In exchange Rana had told the old tree stories from the other world that were unknown to the old oak. These unknown stories were very much to its liking.
After a while the tree told him that it was time for him to leave, staying longer would be dangerous even with his protection since the lands spirit was corrupting to any living being that was not a plant form. The old oak told him that his fate lay in the north-west. As he told him his good-byes, it gave an order to make way for the young wolf. And the forest split open revealing a way that went straight north-west.
There he had found the sea and the mountains, hundreds of beautiful sceneries. Hunting the food he needed, staying in caves when the weather was too bad. He slowly went on north-west. There he had first laid sight onto a human dwelling. It was a middled sized city on top of a hill, surrounded by a wooden rampart. Smoke rose from its chimneys high into the sky. Rana was of course curious about it, but he remembered what the old tree had told him.
It was also around this time that Rana had made a breakthrough when it came to cultivation in the wolf world. He had finally been able to adapt what he had read about it in the other world to the body of a wolf. This had also a miraculous effect onto Rana in the other world. This wolf body somehow seemed to be highly compatible with cultivating. He seemed to have a perfect balance of red energy, that had an absolute heat attribute and of white energy that had an absolute cold attribute, both balanced each other out. Thanks to that he made huge leaps on the path of cultivation as a wolf. The benefits of this highly affected his soul and somehow some of the cultivation energy seeped over into Rana of the other world, making it possible for him to go against fate and train his human body that did not have any talent for cultivation.
So Rana retreated into the mountains and trained there for a while, and then went on north-west. His speed had greatly increased and moving around in the mountains had become quite easy.
As he went on, the climate cooled down and winter came. On one snowy day he had smelled a strange smell. It was familiar and unfamiliar likewise. He followed the scent and found tracks of a wolf in the snow. He got extremely curious and followed them. And it was then that under the red sunset reflecting on the snow he had first seen her.
Rana lost his poor wolf heart at that moment, seeing her walk elegantly in what looked like a red sea. He stood on top of a hill there for a while like a frozen statue. He then rose his head and howled out the love in his heart. The bitch had turned around and looked back at him. She stood there frozen too, at first scared, but then she had felt the love in his howl. This had moved her heart, and she looked at him curiously.
She then let him walk over to her, she seemed to try to ask him something, but he did not understand the wolf language. But through her body movements he guessed that she invited him to follow.
The next days they spent time together hunting, and slowly he learned the language of the wolfs. As time passed they became closer and closer to each other. And then breading season came and they mated. The following weeks he started going onto hunts on his own, feeding this wolf love of his. After a few months as the snow was melting and revealing a scenery of green hills, she had given birth to a total of 12 beautiful small pups. These were some of the happiest days of his life as a wolf.
So he lay there watching them play, looking over these small apples of his eyes playing made him feel happy and fulfilled.